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Venus cycles, Venus Mars relationship

Started by Daniel, Oct 26, 2014, 02:15 PM

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Hi all,

Venus is conj Mars 3 times next year...Feb in Aries, Aug in Leo, and Nov in Virgo.  How long is a "venus cycle"? Are there 3 separate cycles?   I know that the Venus Mars phasal relationship is about how we complete ourselves in relationship. How does all this work?  TIA.

Prayers for peace,



Hi Daniel,

We will answer your question soon.




Hi Daniel,

The Venus-Mars Cycle

Few astrologers have researched the Venus-Mars cycle.

Venus and Mars cycle around the Earth in 3:4 time.

Venus and Mars successive conjunctions seem to occur unpredictably, yet there is a pattern. Each conjunction is part of a series of conjunctions. Every 32 years Venus and Mars meet up again very close to the same degree and sign. In any 32 year period, there will be 25 Venus-Mars conjunctions, each with its own series.

*** Venus Conj Mars - 7 Apr 2013 - 10 deg Aries D (conjunction of Venus-Mars)

*** Venus Opp Mars - 11 May 2014 - 9.31 deg Aries D; 9.31 deg Libra R (mutual reception;  5th Uranus/Pluto square 22 April, and the Cardinal Grand Cross)

*** Venus Conj Mars - 22 Feb 2015 - 1.42 deg Aries D ("return" to next conjunction)

Venus Conj Mars - 1 Sep 2015 - 15 deg Leo D

Venus Conj Mars - 3 Nov 2015 - 24 deg Virgo D

There will be 3 Venus-Mars conjunctions in 2015, each with its own series, and each returning close to the same degree and sign in 32 year's time.




Hi Daniel and Linda,


Thanks for the info, I wasn´t aware of these cycles. What is interesting, to me at least, is the fact that the Aries conjunction in February will also have the Moon and Uranus and the S.Node of the Moon all within orb of a conjunction. Look at the Souls that will be born with that energy signature!


As usual with EA what we try to look into is the evolutionary intention of any given circumstance. Looking at one´s chart we look at the transiting Venus to natal Mars to determine when and what we will complete (balsamic conjunction) and then initiate (new phase conjunction) within our own personal cycles relative to how we satisfy our needs within relationships. The new phase conjunction can for example, correlate with a time frame in which we initiate a new relationship with someone or something, a relationship which has a strong degree of passion and physical expression.

The cycle of Venus also correlates to the relationship towards our own self, which just like everything else, also evolves. It correlates to our needs as they themselves evolve, then we project those needs onto others in order to satisfy them within relationships of various kinds.

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Thank you both Linda and SW,

First, as an aside, I am expecting the birth of my first grandchild the February timeframe.  I will be able to give first hand data as to what that planetary signature looks like. :)

Linda, the 32 year cycle is very interesting.  Are you saying that within those 32 years, in each cycle, the pattern is always unique? How does this relate to the Venus Star Point pattern as well? Also, what did you mean by "'return' to next conjunction?"

Blessings and gratitude,



Quote from: Daniel on Oct 27, 2014, 01:37 PM
Linda, the 32 year cycle is very interesting.  Are you saying that within those 32 years, in each cycle, the pattern is always unique?

Patterns will emerge only after examining hundreds of years of conjunctions.

QuoteHow does this relate to the Venus Star Point pattern as well?

In a 32 year period, 5 Venus-Mars conjunctions will be Retrograde, and 20 will be Direct. The 5 retrogrades of Venus in 8 years appear as a 5 pointed star or rosette pattern.

QuoteAlso, what did you mean by "'return' to next conjunction?"

Venus and Mars return to meet up again at the conjunction, after completing a cycle of development together. 

Resources for further study:

Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle by Robert P. Blaschke - August 9, 2010 - The Mountain Astrologer:

"Cycles of Becoming" by Alexander Ruperti

"The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars" by Michele Finey

"An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases" by Dane Rudhyar



Hi Daniel, Skywalker, and all:

Here's an amazing fact about our planetary system.

According to "A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System" by John Martineau.....

the Venus-Mars orbital pattern and the Uranus-Pluto orbital pattern are virtually identical.

The connection in mythology is that Venus was spawned by Uranus.

This suggests that these 2 cycles are great catalysts for change.

No other planetary pairs share the same pattern, except for these pairs.

In the context of the current transits of Uranus square Pluto, the Venus-Mars cycle, the transiting Nodes and their rulers being Venus and Mars, this indicates not only a period of revolutionary change but also deep "personal" change in our relationships and essential needs.

The connection of these 2 sets of planetary pairs could also mean that relationships will always be subject to change, a necessity, furthering transformation and evolution.

Geometry in the solar system

Michael Schneider - Constructing The Universe





This all makes sense to me. Doesn't change occur inside, not outside.  The evolution occurs when our relationship to our self changes.  The transpersonal planets provide the impetus for the change, but it when we consciously assimilate those "fated" circumstances that appear in our outer world, that the change actually happens. It "occurs" in the collective, but we must work with it in the personal. I use this dualistic model of inner and outer worlds knowing that one is the mirror of the other, i.e a unity. We always have the free will as to how we are going to respond. We continue in our conditioned habit until we are saturated with the experience, and have no other option but to choose a different course of action. Eventually we get it, and change our relationship with our self (Venus), which then become different conscious choices (Mars). As I see it that is the "reflection" between the two "mirrored" orbital patterns, personal and transpersonal, which are also reflected as our inner and outer worlds.

Thank you for your brilliant insight!



Hi Daniel,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  

VENUS AND MARS, being inner planets, operate more consciously than URANUS AND PLUTO, outer planets, which function mostly unconsciously.

To keep the discussion going, here are a few quotes from Rad and Deva:

The current position, the natal position, of Mars correlates to how to move forwards in this life in order to evolve beyond where the Soul left off with the existing desires from past lifetimes. It is essential to remember that all desires emanate from the Soul. And that the root of such desires to evolve, the ongoing evolutionary journey of the Soul, is of course all symbolized by the natal position of Pluto, and its polarity point. Mars, as an archetype, is the lower octave of Pluto that instinctually acts out, acts upon, those desires emanating from the Soul itself. (Rad)

The individuated unconscious, Uranus, also correlates to the evolutionary intentions of the Soul in the current life manifesting through this individuated unconscious. Those intentions correlate, so to speak, to a "˜master blueprint' for the entire life. This master blueprint that correlates to the Soul's evolutionary intentions for the entire life manifests as "˜thought forms' that percolate into the conscious awareness of the current life ego at key evolutionary stages of the Soul's development in the current life. In combination this then creates an interfacing of all the long term memories of the Soul's past that serve to bind the Soul to its past in any given moment of the current life, and the thought forms that manifest from the Soul by way of the current life ego that serve to actualize the evolutionary intentions for the current life. Thus, for a Soul to act upon, actualize, those thought forms that correlate to the Soul's evolutionary intentions for the current life is to "˜liberate' from the past that binds the Soul to its past: freedom from the known. (Rad)

Astrologically speaking, Aquarius is the archetype that correlates with projections (from our own unconscious). These projections can be based on past traumas (ie this reminds me of my ex-partner, old friend, parents, etc.) which are then cast onto the other person. These projections can also be based on the person's own unconscious inner dynamics/structure that are then cast onto others. In other words, the person projects what is inside themselves onto others. Aquarius correlates to the individuated unconscious and also to the dynamic of trauma. (Deva)

Astrologically speaking, expectations are linked with the archetype of Libra. Libra correlates with the nature of our expectations within relationships and our ability (or inability) to reach a balanced state of giving and receiving within relationships. Libra correlates with extremities, and the need to reach a state of balance relative to such extremities. (Deva)

I will also add that Libra correlates to "conditional" love (while Pisces correlates to "unconditional" love).




Thank you Linda,

I have ordered John Martineau's book so as to specifically better understand the relationship between the two orbital cycles you mentioned.

Prayers for peace,



Hello all,

This article was posted by Linda more than 5 years ago but I'm just coming to it now and it got my attention:

Aberrations in the Venus-Mars Cycle by Robert P. Blaschke - August 9, 2010 - The Mountain Astrologer:

After reading this I've become pretty inspired to learn more about what others have continued in this work. Does anyone have more research on these bigger cycles between Venus/Mars?

I'll keep looking to see if this is a conversation that continued in another thread...

Bowing across the space,