School of Evolutionary Astrology

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GUIDELINES for Volunteer Threads - Real People and Real Experiences

Started by Linda, Nov 23, 2014, 01:32 AM

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We will start the new thread for our first Volunteer, "Jen,"

early December 2014 when Mercury will start separating

from its last quarter square to Neptune. This timing will

allow a clearer mental focus.  In the meantime, please

introduce yourself as a contributor to this group, and

share your ideas.  Everyone is welcome to join in!



Hi Linda, Cat and everyone else,

This is all a very novel idea!

I'd like to make a comment before things begin.

The evolutionary stage of a person is a critical factor in accurate EA delineation. And it's not necessarily easy to determine this. However it's always a vital part of the EA process.

It needs at a minimum some familiarity with a person's behavior, but usually close observation of the person's actions and personal interaction with them. Of course sometimes a person's stage is blatantly obvious with just a "glance or two" in their direction and from a distance at that. But often it is much more difficult to accurately pinpoint than this. And of course it can be difficult to see one's own precise stage for oneself.
If I understand it rightly the volunteers are going to tell us their evolutionary stage. I just wonder if they will be able to do this accurately?

Will we need to clarify this at the very beginning sometimes?

blessings Upasika


Hello Upasika and welcome!


Thank you for your comment regarding the critical importance of determining the Evolutionary Stage.  To determine the evolutionary stage, the volunteers were asked to read:

Essence of EA

However, we all know how difficult it can be to accurately pinpoint it.

There have been many threads here on the message board exploring ways to determine Evolutionary Stage:

Evolutionary Stages

The Four Evolutionary Stages and their Three Sub-Stages

Idea for Practice Thread

Ashley Follow-Up

Ellen's EA State Practice Thread

In my own practice of EA, after describing the Evolutionary Stages, I simply ask the client, "What Evolutionary Stage do you think you are in?"  Astonishingly, I always receive an answer!  Sometimes it surprises me how quickly people answer this question, and how certain they can be of their stage.

Years ago, here on the message board, the penny suddenly dropped for me, when I realized something critical, and then shared this key statement:  

"In the past, I tried to gauge the evolutionary condition of my "personality," and found that it could be categorized under ALL THREE of the states outlined!  I had to dig deeper and deeper, peel more and more layers off, in order to reveal the evolutionary condition of the Soul.  I found that the deepest underlying desire has always been to know God/Goddess and that desire permeates the whole life.  Once this realization of my evolutionary condition became established there took place an anchoring in trust and faith. To determine the evolutionary state of the Soul, we look at the nature of the Soul, and not the personality which is just an expression of the Soul."

All volunteers gave an estimate (or guesstimate) of their Evolutionary Stage, as follows:

Jen:  "Spiritual stage - I find it difficult to define which level as I resonate with parts of all of the spiritual states. I have been going through rapid changes within my consciousness these past years and feel as though I am shifting rapidly to 'catch up to' or align with where I truly am on a soul level."

Volunteer 2: "I don't know but would say 3rd stage individuated, beginning."

Volunteer 3: "3rd Individuated."

Volunteer 4:  "I do not know enough to discern but feel I lean toward later Individuated, early Spiritual "¦ I need more research time."

Volunteer 5:  "Not sure - but I identify with Individuated C. But I feel that I have fluctuated through all of the descriptions at different times in my life."

Volunteer 6:  "I would guess first subdivision in the Spiritual state or transitioning from 3rd stage Individuated to 1st stage Spiritual. My clarity and peace came when I stopped being at war with what is and with those who believe their thoughts. Whereas I used to feel completely isolated and angry with the
system, to quote Byron Katie « No one has ever been angry at another human being-we're only angry at our story of them »  When I changed my work a couple of years ago I asked God/Goddess to help me find a way to contribute to the good of all and whilst my job is [withheld] . . .  which really help people in their lives. The anger and rebellion has gone and I feel a compassion for myself and others that feels like 1st stage Spiritual."

Volunteer 7:  Questionnaire not yet returned.

We will need to clarify Evolutionary Stage at the beginning of each thread.  Any ideas how this can be done, Upasika and anyone else?  Is there a set of questions that EA astrologers ask their clients?  





I always ask the client if there is a specific question that they have; a set of circumstances that they would like to know about. This can clearly reveal the expression of their Mars (conscious desires), and sometimes their Soul desire as well. The 2 biggies are love (intimate and family relationships), and money (finances, job, career, etc) which are not quite as defining, because obviously, regardless of what EA stage we are moving through, we all have these needs. Then, I always ask if they were raised in a specific religious or spiritual teaching, and where they are with it now; do they have a practice, how do they categorize their belief system, and so on.  Both of these  questions begin to expose the EA "zone" that they fall into. As the client begins to  relates their life experiences, as the consultation progresses, more of the what is below the surface begins to emerge. I agree with you that many of us exhibit a hybrid stage.  Our Soul longs for home, but we still have some unresolved desires, skipped steps, etc. We are all "moving targets". FWIW, I recognize that the degree of innate creativity expressed as art, music, writing, etc., in a person's life points toward progression through the Individuated stage. In general, because of the very nature of our work, I find that rarely, if ever, I attract someone still rooted in Consensus stage. Those that are reveal a sense of growing dissatisfaction and the recognition that "there must be something more." Certainly each person who comes to us is as different as they are similar.

I do agree that having the individual place themselves in the spectrum can be less than accurate, but it does reveal who they want to be.

Just my 2 cents...

Blessing and peace,



Hi All,

One thing to consider when a person says that they can identify with different parts of the four natural evolutionary states is the fact that all charts have an 11th House, the planet Uranus, the sign of Aquarius somewhere, all have a Neptune, 12th House, and the sign Pisces somewhere. Thus even if a Soul is entrenched in the Saturn, Cap, 10th House consensus evolutionary state they will identify, in some way, with the archetypes that are attempting to evolve them beyond that. This of course also applies to someone, say, in the 1st stage individuated in that they will identify with these ongoing evolutionary archetypes that are attempting to lead them forwards.

This can also be understood relative the the various planetary phases that exist within a birth between any two planets. The Last Quarter and Balsamic Phases are also archetypes who intent is to help the Soul evolve beyond where it currently is. Thus, any two planets in such phases will correlate to those archetypes that exist with the CURRENT STATE OF EVOLUTIONARY CONSCIOUSNESS FOR ANY GIVEN SOUL.

Yet, in all charts, all Souls, there is a BOTTOM LINE evolutionary state they are are in, and where they come from. And that, is indeed, the most important thing to understand in EA, and, thus, helping those that come to us for help.

God Bless, Rad



Thank you, Daniel and Rad, for sharing ways to determine Evolutionary Stage.

Your comments will assist our Volunteers (and the many others), who are reading this thread.

Volunteers:  Please feel free to join in (but remember to use your pseudonym).

Thank you,



Hello All,
I am Eos recently met as Volunteer #4... Appropriately so.
I have read through the links and have discerned myself to be in first stage spirituated based on the incredibly
Accurate description in the posting by Rad, I believe, titled the four evolutionary stages and their three sub-stages.
I am truly at the point described where my strongest desire is to reach out to help but where I become locked into inaction and procrastination loosely excused as perfectionism. It is only self doubt.
I appreciate the information and opportunity to learn along with you all.
Sending Love,


Welcome Volunteer No. 4 - "Eos" !   :D


Thank you, Eos, for sharing how you were able to determine your Evolutionary Stage, by reading the following article posted by Rad:  

The Four Evolutionary Stages and their Three Sub-Stages

You have shared that you can relate to the following:

First sub-division of the Spiritual State

a) In the first subdivision in the Spiritual State, the Soul progressively becomes aware of just how 'small' it is, because of the increasing universal dimensions that are occurring within its consciousness. This is vastly different than being the center of one's own universe, as reflected in the consensus state for example. Of itself, this has a naturally humbling effect on the Soul, and thus the current subjective ego, Moon, that it has created. It is exactly this naturally humbling archetype that progressively allows the center of gravity to shift within the Soul's consciousness from the subjective ego to the Soul itself, and ultimately to a conscious union with the Source Of All Things.

As a result, the Soul desires to progressively commit itself to the desire to reunite with the Source. As this occurs, the Soul will progressively commit itself to devotional types of spiritual practice in this subdivision. Within this, the Soul desires to commit itself to various forms of work that all correlate to being of service to the larger whole, of service to others in some way.

Many will naturally want to orient to various forms of the healing arts or to start "˜centers' in which the healing arts in some way are the focus. The core issue here is that the Soul desires to do a work on behalf of the Source Of All Things, and to use the work as a vehicle through which The Source can be inwardly experienced because of the nature of the work. In the East this is called Karma Yoga.

In this first subdivision, the Soul becomes progressively aware of all that it needs to improve upon within itself. A heightened state of awareness occurs that makes the Soul aware of all its imperfections and, as a result, the Soul can now become highly self-critical. Even though this is natural, it also creates a potential danger or trap to the Soul in that this heightened state of critical self-awareness can cause the Soul to not feel "˜good enough' or "˜ready' to do the task, or work, that it is being inwardly directed to do.

This then sets in motion all kinds of excuse making, always manifesting as perfectly rational arguments, of why the Soul will not do what it should do when it should do it. The way out of this trap is to realize that the path to "˜perfection' occurs by taking one step at a time.

As evolution progresses through this first subdivision, the Soul will increasingly have direct perception of the 'single eye', or the third eye, which is inherent to consciousness. As a result, this perception allows the Soul to merge with that single eye in such a way that various types and states of cosmic consciousness will occur, which will lead into the second subdivision within the spiritual state.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When we get around to your thread, we will re-cap and re-quote you re Evolutionary Stage.

Thanks so much Eos!  



[1]  Could you please add a SUB-HEADING to your posts (like the example below) that will make it helpful to know at a glance what we are discussing.

Quote from: Linda on Nov 25, 2014, 04:53 AM
Hello Upasika and welcome!


Thank you for your comment regarding the critical importance of determining the Evolutionary Stage.  To determine the evolutionary stage, the volunteers were asked to read . . .


Hi All- getting oriented at the moment to the chart - am I correct to assume this person does not have a pseudonym or birth data available? Also short bio? If I am missing something please advise; I love everyone,s enthusiasm - thank you- :o


Hello Imsara,

At this stage, this is just the "Prep Thread" - initial prep for the upcoming volunteer threads.

Along with sharing our ideas and suggestions, we're discussing (generally) how to determine Evolutionary Stage right now.  One volunteer - "Eos" - has chimed in, and I believe another volunteer will be sharing her thoughts on Evolutionary Stage too, in this thread.

All volunteers will be using a pseudonym, and all have charts - but these will be posted later down the line.

Each volunteer will begin a new thread.

Our first volunteer thread - "Jen" - will commence early December 2014.

Warm Regards,



Hi Imsara,

QuoteHi All- getting oriented at the moment to the chart - am I correct to assume this person does not have a pseudonym or birth data available? Also short bio? If I am missing something please advise; I love everyone,s enthusiasm - thank you

The chart that has been posted is a chart for this project, not one of the volunteers. Hopefully each of the volunteer charts, along with all the other info you mention, will be in a separate thread of its own.

I hope this helps clear things up.



Hello all,


I would like to introduce myself. I am "Jen" volunteer 1 :)  I am very much looking forward to this experience.

I have spent some time reading through the links and still feel unsure as to what evolutionary sub-stage I am in of the spiritual stages. I would like to say that I am 1st stage spiritual although I resonate with the 3rd stage spiritual. Maybe this is because of the strong Neptune influence in my chart. I have used the guidelines to give an indication below.

I feel that I am "able to simultaneously experience its specific individuality as reflected in the ego, while at the same time experiencing, being centered in, the Soul" but sometimes I act out of line with my souls better understanding and then experience guilt as a result. I use this as a guideline to act differently the next time such a situation arises. I understand that the "path to "˜perfection' occurs by taking one step at a time."

I believe that I have prior life memories but they are understood slightly differently to normal memories. They are more like stories and experiences that I have lived in this life that I have a deep emotional connection to which I will have an inner knowing that these are prior life stories. Others will come through dreams that I know are of prior lives.  

I feel that my "Soul is inwardly attuned to the Source Of All Things in such a way that it perceives itself as but a singular manifestation of the Source. Simultaneously, the Soul perceives all others, all of Creation, as manifestations of that Source."

I am not devoted to any practices of a spiritual nature. I feel that I have incarnated to experience the physical reality on earth so I am not purposefully attempting to merge with what I know I have come from and what I essentially am and will return to. But I am Inwardly attuned to source and devoted to whatever I feel guided to do in this life.

I appreciate any input that could help clarify.

Thank you so much!


Welcome Jen!


You were chosen to be our first volunteer.  Your thread will begin early December.  We are all looking forward to working with you!

In the meantime, Upasika brought up the critical question of evolutionary stage.  Reading a few articles and then picking the stage that you relate with is one way you can determine Evolutionary Stage in this on-line exercise.  Not sure how reliable that is going to be though.  

3rd stage Spiritual souls are Jesus, Buddha, Saint Teresa, etc. ~ and it's unlikely that any of us are in that
stage.  Having an abundant Neptune archetype could mean you identify with spirituality in general, however your quote indicates, to me, that you are in 1st stage Spiritual, because "guilt" correlates to the Virgo archetype, and the 1st stage Spiritual is Virgo-like.

Jen's quote: I feel that I am "able to simultaneously experience its specific individuality as reflected in the ego, while at the same time experiencing, being centered in, the Soul" but sometimes I act out of line with my souls better understanding and then experience guilt as a result. I use this as a guideline to act differently the next time such a situation arises. I understand that the "path to "˜perfection' occurs by taking one step at a time."

Further group discussion will help you pinpoint the exact stage.





Just clarifying that we are "warming up" with this prep thread.

We are just introducing ourselves, sharing our ideas, suggestions,

concerns, setting ground rules and guidelines, etc. before the real

project begins early in December with our first volunteer thread

for Jen.  If you have any questions, please post now.  ???