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Started by Rad, Apr 01, 2016, 11:20 AM

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Here is something that JWG wrote about Venus retrograde. If you have any questions about this please ask them of me. God Bless, Rad                                     

                                            A Note on Venus Retrograde

From a terrestrial view, the planet Venus goes into apparent retrograde motion every 542 days or so. Thus, it is retrograde the least amount of time of any planet in our solar system. Venus retrograde in a natal chart has very specific archetypal correlations that condition how we inwardly and outwardly relate to ourselves and other people.

Consistent with the archetype of retrogradation in general, Venus retrograde correlates with a necessary rebellion or individuation of its function relative to our orientation to relationships. Thus, the Venus retrograde person will inherently rebel against the cultural conditioning of how we are expected to define ourselves in general, the meaning of life specifically, and how we are expected to be in our relationships: gender-specific roles, how children are meant to be raised, the purpose of relationship, and so on.

When Venus is retrograde at birth the individual consequently internalizes the Venus function. This means that such an individual is orientated to establishing an inner relationship with themselves as a primary focus in life. Consequently, there is a perpetual inner questioning of who they are, and what they need in order to actualize a life consistent with their individuality. By internalizing the Venus function, the individual is essentially defined through the Taurus side of Venus, versus the Libra side of Venus. There is a primary focus on selfsustainment, self-reliance, self-empowerment, and a desire and need to actualize individual values that correlate to the individual's sense of the meaning and purpose of his or her life. As a result, such people inwardly hear and respond to a very "different drummer." They create a very different inner vibration or magnetism that serves to attract others who are similarly vibrating or resonating, individuals who rebel against the "normal" way of living life according to the consensus of society in general, and the "normal" forms of relationship specifically.

Because of this deep internalization of the Venus function, the Venus retrograde person relates to others in a very different way. He or she is a deeply self-introspective individual that psychologists would classify as an introverted type. Being introverted, the Venus in retrograde person thus creates an aura or atmosphere around them in which there is a "buffer" that does not allow others to penetrate into their inner reality. As a result, the Venus retrograde person appears to be enigmatic or difficult to understand. This buffer creates a condition in which other people typically project onto the Venus retrograde person the realities that they represent, versus understanding their actual reality. Because this happens so often, it has the continuing The Nature and Function of Venus effect of keeping the Venus retrograde person deeply withdrawn from the environment. This reaction to others' projections is a form of the survival instinct as embodied in the Taurus side of Venus.

In my work as a counseling astrologer, I have counseled over 15,000 clients to date, and I have observed that many Venus retrograde people naturally attract partners who have a strong Uranian emphasis in their natures, even if they do not have Venus retrograde themselves. Even in the consensus evolutionary state, which again correlates with generally seventy percent of the world population, the Venus retrograde person has either managed to uniquely define their relationship in some way so as to reflect the principle of individuation, or they have created a relationship dynamic in which they have deeply and silently withdrawn while "going through the motions" of the relationship itself.

This deep inner withdrawal, when it occurs, serves the individuating function of Venus retrograde, for it creates a psychological condition of deep inner reflection, examination, and questioning that can and will be applied as some future point in such an individual's evolution. Furthermore, around twenty percent or so of the Venus retrograde individuals that I have counseled have had no relationships of an intimate nature whatsoever.

As a preexisting pattern, the Venus retrograde person has already learned, or is focused on learning, the polarity point or sign of the natal Venus in the birth chart. This is important to understand because the archetypal themes of Venus in the different signs or houses will be oriented to quite differently when Venus is retrograde. It is also important to understand that Venus retrograde individuals desire to continually grow or evolve within themselves. They are never comfortable with reaching a degree of comfort in their lives, and stopping their growth because of that comfort. As a result, when they are in a relationship, they desire a partner who also demands and needs to evolve and grow from within themselves. In addition, because the Venus retrograde person internalizes the Venus function (the Taurus side of Venus), they also desire a partner who is self-empowered, selfsustaining, and self-reliant.

These qualities will be quite necessary in the partner if there is to be a successful relationship, since the Venus retrograde person typically is quite silent and withdrawn in relationships, and relates to their partner, or others generally, only as necessary. Thus, they need a partner who is self-secure, so that when these periods of silence occur the partner does not project onto them something that has nothing to do with them.

Karmically and evolutionarily speaking, the Venus retrograde person reflects a situation in which they are necessarily repeating or reliving past life relationship dynamics in the current life. The specific nature of those dynamics are reflected in the following indicators:

.. The house and sign that retrograde Venus is in.
.. The nature of the aspects that Venus is making to other planets.
.. The nature of the planets that Venus is forming aspects to.
.. The nature of the houses that these aspected planets are in.
.. The nature of the houses that the signs Libra and Taurus occupy.

Venus retrograde also means that these people are karmically and evolutionarily determined to re-meet key people that they have known in other lifetimes in which something has not been finished or resolved. The intention is for final resolution of these circumstances in order for a new evolutionary cycle to begin. If you are a counseling astrologer, this point is necessary to understand because many people who have Venus retrograde can be quite frustrated because they seem to be in an ever-repeating loop of relationship dynamics with no way out. By helping such people understand the larger picture of why this is occurring, and that there will be a release from this requirement at some point, they can begin to come to terms with these karmic and evolutionary conditions in their lives.

At this point, I would like to provide a description of the general archetypal themes of Venus in its natal sign, which will correlate to the preexisting pattern of inner/outer relatedness. I will also address its polarity sign, which will allow these pre-existing patterns to evolve into a new way of inwardly relating to oneself. This, in turn, will change the types of people we attract into our lives. Please understand that these are general descriptions of Venus in specific signs that are not conditioned by any other factor such as aspects, the house that Venus is in natally, one of the four natural evolutionary conditions, or the specific evolutionary/karmic axis in the birth chart as symbolized the Pluto, its polarity point, or the South and North Nodes with their respective planetary rulers. These are all factors which must be considered for any complete and accurate analysis.


   This is wonderful.

   In my experience, people have trouble understanding the difference between their moon (egocentric structure) and their inner Venus (relationship to themselves.)

   The clarification and explanation can be tremendously healing, especially since the sign on the 2nd house cusp relates to how we (sometimes subconsciously) assure our very survival!

   Please keep the thread going - it will help a lot of us.



So we continue on. We will discuss what the Nodal Axis of Venus correlates too, and then we will be using an example Soul as an example to understand the real life application of all the dynamics and archetypes that have been presented until now.

The South Node of Venus, by house, sign, and aspects to it correlate to all the dynamics and archetypes that have been presented thus far as they apply to the past of the Soul that have been brought forwards into the current life. All of those dynamics and archetypes are that which the Soul has already created. Thus, they are what the Soul already knows relative to those dynamics and archetypes. As such all of them apply to the current life that the Soul has created in it's ongoing evolutionary Journey. That apply to the current life Venus.

The current life Venus by house, sign, and aspects correlate to the ongoing evolution of the Soul coming into the current life: a evolution from the past. The current life Venus thus is defined by it's South Node as well as all the archetypes and dynamics that correlate with the sign and house that it is in, and all the aspects that it forms to other planets and the Nodes of those planets.

The N.North Node of Venus correlates to the ongoing evolutionary journey of the Soul relative to all the archetypes and dynamics that the sign and house of the N.Node of Venus is in, plus the aspects that it is forming to other planets and their Nodes. The natal Venus is affected by this North Node as an inner sense of being 'pulled' forwards in combination with the archetypes of the natal Venus itself.

This is of course how evolution occurs. What we call the moment, or the current life, is a function of the past interfacing with the future in ANY MOMENT IN TIME. That moment in time is the current life Venus that is being conditioned and defined by not only it's own house, sign, and aspects, but it's North and South Nodes.

So we will now use an example of a real life person to begin to understand all of this: all of what has been presented before.

This will be the life of Amelia Earhart.

Attached is her natal chart in which you can see the natal Venus, and it's Nodal Axis. Read carefully this short biography, and then click on the link to an extended biography. If you really want to learn this stuff this is how it's done: correlation and observation.

So read these things and make your own observation and correlations relative to all the dynamics and archetypes that we have been presented. Within this focus on what her inner relationship to herself was, and, most importantly, WHY.

As you begin to learn how to do this kind of EA you will also be able to apply it to yourself, and any other that you wish too.

Here is that short biography:

American aviator pioneer and author, an historic adventurer in her 16-year-career. Called "Lady Lindy", she received the distinguished Flying Cross and her jaunty, daredevil courageous ways captured the public's imagination. She was the first woman to obtain an aviator's license, the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic, from Newfoundland to Ireland in 1932 and the first woman to fly across the U.S. and back by Autogiro. She set many speed and distance records including reaching 14,000 ft. altitude before her around-the-world flight in 1937 when she mysteriously disappeared over the Pacific, with no trace of her plane ever being found after she lost radio contact.

Earhart was a nurse, author, social worker and fashion designer. She spent her first 13 years living with strict maternal grandparents. The family included an alcoholic father, a repressed mother and a younger sister. Earhart was a natural leader in childhood games and activities, and she was known to keep her own counsel. She finished high school in Chicago where her dad finally abandoned his family. Her parents divorced in 1924. With the help of her mom's family, she entered a Philadelphia finishing school, but soon dropped out to begin a ten-year search for a path of her own. She had volunteered to be a war nurse in Toronto, and in preparation, spent a year as a pre-med student at Columbia. From the time she made her first flight with a barnstormer in 1920, she was captivated. She dropped out of Columbia to work in California where she could take lessons and pawned everything she owned to buy an airplane.

In California she joined her reunited parents until she moved to Massachusetts at 29, where she began work at Denison House, a settlement house providing support for poor families: There, she taught children and organized community activities.

Next to flying, she had a great passion for books, and was an avid reader, feminist and wrote poetry. She organized a women's pilot association, taught at Purdue, championed social work, air safety and equality for women, and was in demand as a speaker. She wrote several books and many articles. She is the author of two books, "The Fun of it," published in 1932 and "Last Flight," based on some of her flight dispatches and passages, published in 1937 after her disappearance.

In 1931, Earhart married George Palmer Putnam, her publisher, a promoter, writer and former newspaperman, who guided the publicity surrounding her.

On 7/02/1937, she set out with co-pilot Fred Noonan on an around-the-world flight attempting to circumnavigate the globe along the Equator in a state-of-the-art Lockheed Electra. She and Noonan were on their way from New Guinea to a scheduled stopover on a tiny Pacific atoll of Howland Island. The last radio contact was at 8:55 A.M. local time on 7/02/1937. Theories have abounded since then regarding her disappearance, including one that she was a spy whose plane was shot down. Nothing as yet has been firmly substantiated.

An article in The London Sunday Times 7/15/2001 reported that a satellite photo of tiny Nokumaroro Island in the Pacific shows rusting metal in a coral reef offshore where fishermen are said to have found the wreckage of an airplane.

Here is the link to the extended biography:

So try to make your own observations and correlations relative to the natal Venus and it's Nodal Axis in her chart. Feel free to ask any questions of me you may have. We will be working with her chart in order to develop every more deeply and understanding of EA as it applies to these archetypes as we move along.

Amelia was in the 3rd Stage of Individuated evolution.

God Bless, Rad

To view the chart simply click on the 'jpg' and it will fill your screen



We will continue on with our thread as soon as possible. It remains a very busy time in EA with many projects needing tending too. We should be able to continue on in about a week's time. For those who are serious please reflect on Amelia's natal Venus and it's Nodal Axis. This is where we will be picking this up from next. If you have any observations/ questions please feel free to ask, and I will tend to that as quickly as I can.

God Bless, Rad



Ok, so we will begin our journey together in understanding Venus and it's Nodal Axis as it applies to the life/ birthchart of Amelia Earhart.

We will do this slowly, one step at a time, so that if you have any questions along the way you can ask them as they occur. This will hopefully keep us all clear as we move along.

So, first, we will discuss the fact that her S.Node of Venus is in Virgo in the 5th House, and it is conjunct her natal Mars and Jupiter. With those planets on her S.Node these correlate to dynamics within her Soul that have been actualized prior to the current life. As such they correlate to pre-existing dynamics within her inner relationship to herself that will continue to define and condition her consciousness coming into the current life. With the S.Node of Venus being in Virgo in the natural Leo house, conjunct these two planets, her inner relationship to herself will also involve how she relates to others as result, how she listens to others, how others listen to her, how they correlate to her natural survival abilities and the inherent resources her Soul has to affect it's own survival, how those survival capacities correlate to the inherent resources she has to affect her own survival, how this then contributes to what she values, and how those values correlate to a deep inner sense of the real meaning for her life. In turn all of these will then correlate to what she naturally wants to give to others, and how that giving manifests. Within this how how want to give to her, and what he way of receiving what others wants to give manifests.  

The first point to remember in EA is that the house that any given symbol is in is the baseline upon which all all else is referred too. Thus, with her S.Node of Venus being in the natural Leo house, the 5th House, her Soul's inner relationship to itself manifests as an intense, it's a natural fixed house, desire to creatively actualize itself to it's fullest capacity. As such her Soul will inwardly relate to itself like an artist approaches a canvas with the brush in hand, ready to begin that new painting.

And that painting requires a total freedom that is rooted in a kind of necessary narcissism, 5th House, so that the freedom created through that narcissism allows the brush strokes of it's ongoing life, it's painting, to take place. Thus, the Soul's inner relationship to itself is one of self empowerment. The Soul will inwardly feel, inwardly relate, to a deep inner sense that is has something special to do, something special to accomplish.

Combining this with the archetype of Virgo, naturally ruled by Mercury, this will then manifest as ideas and thoughts as to what is special for her to do: of how and what resources she has had in past lives coming into the current life that allow this inner sense of a special destiny to take shape in brush strokes of her life.

We will pick this up again in two days time. So if you have any questions about the above ask them now before we move along. And, of course, you can examine your own life, your own birth chart, by focusing on your own S.Node of Venus is the ways that we are examining through the life of Earhart.

God Bless, Rad  



So with her natal Mars and Jupiter conjunct her S.Node of Venus in Virgo in the 5th House this will also correlate to the archetypal dynamics within her Soul's consciousness of how it has related to itself by way of how those archetypes have contributed to her Souls sense of meaning, of what it valued, of what it needed in order to actualize it's inner sense of having a special destiny to fully actualize: what the prior life brush strokes have been upon the canvas of her recent lifetimes.

With Mars and Jupiter in Virgo in the natural Leo house this had manifested as an almost absolute need for freedom and independence in order to act upon the desires that would lead to the full actualization of herself. Thus, she would naturally need and value freedom and independence in her relationships with others. She would not accept any confining conditions defined by others needs. Her Soul has the deep inner need and spirit of adventure, of acting upon any instinct and desire that would allow her to discover something about herself. Combined with Jupiter this correlates with and intense restlessness that would need almost constant motion in acting upon all the desires she would manifest by way of fulfilling those desires.

In combination these have correlated with an intense desire and need for knowledge and information about the nature of what life is, and is not. Her Soul valued and needed knowledge of just about anything in a generalized sense. Thus, the reading of books, seeking out one type of adventure after another, of exploring different lands and cultures, and the philosophical considerations of the very meaning of life itself. This would manifest in the way she would naturally want to talk with others, of what the very nature of what she would naturally want to talk about. Thus, the nature of her conversations. With Jupiter on her S.Node of Venus this correlated to a deep, intuitive, thinker whose primary orientation within herself was upon the right brain: the intuitive. This intuitive capacity would thus be applied to the deductive right brain in which problem solving in whatever venue of life she was focused upon at whatever time would take place.

Her Soul would have desired to be of service to others, to help others in a variety of ways. In essence, by actualizing herself in the fullest possible ways she knew, and desired, that in so doing this would help others in a variety of ways because of the very nature of the lives she desired to live. She had a very deep and intuitive ability to listen to others in what they needed, and to help others problem solve whatever it is that they needed in their own lives. Her pioneering inner focus thus manifesting at helping others solve problems and issues in their own lives in different, unique, and new ways. She naturally could help others THINK IN NEW WAYS.

Those new ways would then of course, given her evolutionary condition of being in the 3rd level of the individuated evolutionary state, would also attract to her criticisms from others who were bound up in the consensus ways of doing anything. Yet because of her degree of evolution she would intuitively know, philosophically understand, why that sort of thing was happening. As a result, she would simply carry on anyway.

Above all else in these symbols she would value honesty, and a natural kind of humility because her Soul knew that, inwardly felt, that she was but one brush stroke from the Master Painter Of All Things. She had her own, private, inner relationship to that Master Painter in which she intuitively knew her Soul was being used by that Painter as a vehicle to help and inspire others to break free the conditions of their own lives in some way.

We will pick up in a few days time. If you have any questions at this point just ask.

God Bless, Rad



Some time ago now we used to do chart of famous people using the EA paradigm. One of those charts was Amelia Earhart. Those charts are exhaustive understandings of their Soul dynamics starting with the underlying EA paradigm for all charts that allows for a core understanding of the evolutionary journey of a Soul.

For those who are serious in understanding Earhart's core evolutionary journey, which is the basis of WHY her Venus and it's Nodes are in the houses, sign, and making the aspects that they do, I would highly recommend you read through the chart analysis of her in that thread. Please click here to do so: .

When you click this link you will first see the chart and bio of Earhart. Keep scrolling down and you will see the different folks who made the effort to do a correct EA analysis of her evolutionary journey.

We will pick this up again in a few days time.

God Bless, Rad



We will pick this up again on May 23rd.

God Bless, Rad



So we will now continue on. Her S.Node of Venus which is conjunct her natal Mars and Jupiter in the 5th House are all squared by Pluto, Moon, Venus, Neptune, Ceres, and the N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus in the 2nd House. All of these correlate to her inner relationship to herself that has manifested, prior to the current life as Amelia, as her Soul's desire and need to be as absolutely self sufficient, and self sustaining, as it would be possible to be. To become as self sufficient and self sustaining as possible her Soul developed an inner relationship with itself in which it desired to discover and actualize every possible inner resource within itself to do so. Those resources started with her intense intellectual and mental capacities to learn about whatever it is that she wanted to learn about in such a way as to make what she was learning her own. By making it her own thus manifested as all kinds of learned abilities and capacities that occurred over many, many lifetimes. Coming into the life as Earhart all those learned abilities and capacities would, because of the dominance of all the Gemini planets in the 2nd House that are squaring her S.Node of Venus conjunct her Mars and Jupiter, with 'inherent resources' that her Soul was born with to affect her own self reliance, self sustainment, and self empowerment.

Those inherent resources would of course be valued by her, and constitute the core of her sense of meaning for living. This sense of meaning for living life itself would also be inwardly defined, actualized, with her Soul, it's inner relationship to itself, through the dynamics of wanting, desiring, to give to others, to empower others, to help others in various ways. In this way she had, in prior lives coming into the current life, learned to relate to others. She could naturally listen to and hear the underlying realities of others, and what they needed because of. Her Soul's inner relationship to itself was defined by an intense need to be of service and help to others in the ways that those others actually needed.

At the same time her Soul needed, again, total freedom to act upon her own desires that correlated with the inner ongoing sense of self discovery: self actualization. Thus, juggling the inner balls of wanting to help and serve others in various ways while as the same time creating conditions in which she would or could feel entrapped in those ways: this is the squares from all the Gemini planets to her S.Node of Venus conjunct her Mars and Jupiter. Thus cyclically creating crisis's in action, and crisis's in consciousness: the first and last quarter squares.

Thus, she would cyclically want to change those conditions by thinking of new/ other ways to help people, and acting upon her own inner need for adventures of various kinds. Prior the to the current life her Soul had already become a 'dare devil' relative to such adventures in which she would always push against the limits of whatever the activity defined by the nature of the adventure was. She had already created early life endings prior to the life of being Earhart because of this: traumatic endings. The symbols for this are the N.Node of Mars and the N.Node of Uranus being conjunct not only her Moon/Pluto/Ceres/Venus/Neptune but those also being square her S.Node of Venus conjunct the Mars and Jupiter. Thus, with these N.Nodes of Mars/Uranus being conjunct and to her natal Gemini planets,  and square the S.Node of Venus conjuncting the Mars/ Jupiter, this is one of the ongoing evolutionary lessons or teachings that her Soul's inner relationship to itself has brought forwards into the life as Earhart. Within the core karmic / evolutionary lesson/ intention is to come to an inner realization as to WHY she has needed to push the limits in these ways, remembering the the archetype of limitations is Scorpio, Pluto, and the 8th House.

We will pick up in a few days time. If you have any questions at this point please ask.

God Bless, Rad


thanks to all the moderators for this wonderful opportunity.

   regarding Ms. Earhart's chart: Could I please start with the ruler of her 2nd house? (Being Venus in the second house, in Gemini.) It seems that her natural voice would be one of self-survival and self-acceptance, to the extent that she would naturally inspire the instinct and will to survive, relate, and be resourceful, to others. This would be the electro-magnetism that she projects, and she would attract others of similar vibration, encouraging their inner sense of security and self-sufficiency (and not co-dependence on others).

   With Venus also ruling her first house, it seems as if her sense of independence is an instinctual desire to further and heighten her knowledge of and relationship to self to claim self respect and confidence during this lifetime. She must realize, on a soul level, that to evolve her soul is to truly assure her survival, in the big picture, and I think it's possible that she called upon her animal instincts (not her instruments) during the last moments of her life.

   It seems to me that what is most crucial to her survival, sanity, and sense of self-meaning is the realization that she has to stand on her own two feet and take care of herself. It also seems that she is finding the fortitude and strength to tackle the dreams of her heart during this lifetime (Mars conjunct Jupiter in the house of self-actualization). It's something that she must endeavor on a soul level, and it takes a peculiar courage that may not be evident in very many people.

   With Venus in Gemini, in the 2nd house, she would be learning new ways of relating to herself, perhaps venturing out of her comfort zone, during this lifetime, to explore all manner of new information, study and career pursuits that, have here-to-fore been relegated to males.

   She would incline herself to listen to and study all manner of methodology and technique that would allow her to seek her highest dreams of freeing herself from old information and old tapes (of how a 'good girl' should act) in an insatiable search for more, new information of an non-verbal, intuitive sense (Sagittarius polarity point in 8th house). It seems she is searching for an internal compass, and with her N.N. in Aquarius in the 10th house, her life has become metaphor with a light-house to those who dare to break the mold, and attempt their dreams in order to free-up and evolve their very soul.

   Venus in Gemini would cause her inner dialogue to be very important and would, of course, attract others who are searching for a deeper relationship with themselves in order to better understand those around them. This natural curiosity concerning relationships would further her 'natural selection' in partners and, I believe, enhance her inner immunity - and strength to survive (while at the same time encouraging others to venture out and explore relationship outside of their comfort zone - and also above the tangible realms of the earth.)

    One of the examples that I've always used for Venus in Gemini is that of a little blind child in a backyard, and the neighbor child climbing over the fence and saying 'hi!'. This signature seems to instigate self-awareness in the individual and the passion to explore the world with the encouragement that true friendship and lasting bonds bring. Her life and passion for it would be infectious, and she would remain a touch-stone and symbol of personal liberation even after being liberated from her physical body.



Hi Marty,

Thanks for making the effort to contribute to this thread. All that you shared is quite accurate.

God Bless, Rad



We will continue on. One of the archetypes that the 2nd House, Taurus, and the inner side of Venus correlates too relative to survival issues is the instinct in all forms of life is sexuality: the instinct to procreate. In humans this manifests as not only the instinct to procreate the species but also the inner orientation to the sexual instinct within themselves: how each relates to themselves, their inner relationship, to their own unique sexual nature.

That inner orientation thus correlates with their sexual needs and desires, and what meaning sexuality has for each. The meaning that each human gives to their sexual nature and needs in turn correlates to their sexual values. In combination this then becomes the determinants of sexual selection/ attraction of other humans who will reflect and share the same inner orientation that each human has. This inner orientation that each human has that then determines this natural selection process also correlates to the nature of the pheromones that each human emits. The nature, scent, of such pheromones thus becomes the basis of attraction or repulsion to other humans. The pheromones in combination with the Soul structure of each Soul thus constitutes the elector-magnetism that each human manifests that in total correlates with this natural sexual selection process between humans.

So looking into Amelia's chart we can see the dominant 2nd House that she has with all those planets in Gemini including Venus conjunct Neptune. Both of these are inconjunct her Saturn/ Uranus in Scorpio in the 7th House, Venus ruled naturally, and of course their planetary ruler is Pluto which comes right back to her natal Pluto in the 2nd house.  The North Nodes of Mars and Uranus are conjunct all these planets as well. Mercury is the natural planetary ruler for these Gemini planets, and it is also the ruler of her S.Node of Venus in Virgo in the 5th house. Her natal Mercury is in Leo in her 4th House, conjunct her Sun and the Lunar South Node.

With Mercury being in her 4th House conjunct the Lunar South Node this means that her Soul has, given her evolutionary condition, 3rd stage individuated, has desired to actualize and integrate in inner male and female archetypes into an androgynous whole. This is reinforced by the fact that her Soul structure is in Gemini: duality. With her Pluto also conjunct her Moon, the egocentric structure the Soul creates for itself in each life, also in Gemini this desire to actualize and balance her inner male and female into an androgynous whole could not be more clear since they also square her S.Node of Venus in the 5th, creative self actualization but also her natal Mars and Jupiter: the truth of who her Soul is in general that includes her sexual nature.

Remembering that the 2nd House, Taurus, and the inner side of Venus correlate to the archetype of self reliance, self sustainment, and learning how to take care of our own needs this manifests sexually as the need for masturbation in the human life form. So for Amelia we can see, relative to her inner relationship to herself, that at it's core is the need for masturbation as a vehicle to know herself, relate to herself, love herself, and to release the intense cyclic build up of her emotional and intellectual nature. It was a vehicle for her to access, experience, and actualize her inner male and female into an androgynous whole.

With all those planets in Gemini she would also be watching or observing herself during the act of masturbation as this then correlates to learning, knowledge, about herself: the act of observing or watching herself while masturbating. She would of course have thought a lot, been curious about, sexual dynamics in general. Given her desire of all kinds of knowledge in order to expand her consciousness in general, this would also have included thinking about or learning about all kinds of ways of how sexuality has been expressed by humans in other countries, other races, around the world.

Given her evolutionary state the inconjuncts from the Saturn/Uranus conjunction in Scorpio in her 7th to her Neptune/ Venus conjunction, the ruler of her Pluto, she would have naturally rebelled, valued, against the traditional / patriarchal norms and expectations of whatever society her Soul was born into for a very long time in her evolutionary history: whether her Soul was born male or female. As Amelia she would thus value sexual independence manifesting as a rejection of the traditional ways of how women and  men were expected to be confined within the roles as defined by the patriarchal consensus of the country of birth: America.

This is why she became a champion of, in her own way, women's rights and trying to encourage women to actualize themselves: their sense of self worth, purpose, and to be treated equally by the dominant male society. She valued this for it constituted for a core sense of meaning for her entire life.

We will pick this up in a few days time. If you have any questions please ask now.

God Bless, Rad



We will pick this up tomorrow: June 7th.

God Bless, Rad



So we will continue on. Given her evolutionary condition with her Venus/Neptune conjunction to that Saturn/Uranus in Scorpio in her 7th, ruled naturally by her 2nd house Pluto conjunct the Moon in Gemini, and remembering too those are conjunct her N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus, the natural rebellion she had towards the traditional, patriarchal, ways for men and women to be in relationships would also have manifested sexually as her wanting to be on top of the man during intercourse. Being on top was to be in control. This is restated with her Lunar North Node being in the 10th house, in Aquarius, ruled by that Uranus in Scorpio conjunct Saturn.

These symbols in conjunction with her Moon/Pluto also squaring her S.Node of Venus conjunct the natal Mars and Jupiter also correlate to the types of men she would naturally attract. These men sexually would be highly excitable to the point of having their nerves, Gemini, Mercury, Uranus, being so stimulated that it would typically cause them to orgasm very, very quickly. This would not only be a source of frustration for Amelia, but of course, for the men themselves. Because of the high degree of mental energy within Amelia's consciousness, always thinking or considering something, some new direction, plan, and so on, her emotional/ sexual needs would also require a longer, more sustained, sexual exchange with a man in order to go beyond that mental state within her. The sustainment she needed would correlate to sustained intensity wherein that sustained intensity would, for a while, break down all that mental energy. Then she could feel/ experience a temporary state of emotional relaxation: her N.Node of Venus being in Cancer ruled by that Moon/Pluto conjunction which in turn is ruled by that Mercury in Leo in the 4th conjunct her Lunar S.Node, and the Sun.

So to be on top was also to be able to control the motion involved during intercourse wherein she would try to keep the man going before orgasms as long as she could.

Within these symbols we can also understand that the type of men she needed, and would attract, would also be men who had a very strong inner sense of their own femininity. That inner femininity within these types of men also meant they had strong needs to access their own emotions. Thus to be orientated towards the type of women that Amelia was: to be in control, independent, and on top. The inconjunct from that Saturn/Uranus to her natal Venus/Neptune, etc, could cause these men to create a kind of crisis for themselves relative to having quick orgasms. Amelia would thus try to calm or sooth them during the act of intercourse with her words.

I am attaching the birth chart of George Putnam, whom became her husband, so that you can see exactly how she naturally attracted him, and him to her, because of their natures equaling needs. Examine closely the South Nodes of Venus and Mars in both their charts, and the links to one another through synastry. And, yes, Putnam's Moon was in Taurus: the need to be with a self empowered, self reliant, partner because of his own evolutionary needs. He said to her something like "you are the star, and I am but the stardust in your wake'.

Yet, in the end, this would always lead back to the fact that her first, and primary, lover was herself. And even though she would have an intense sexual curiosity with all those planets she would also have been very basic about her sexual expression/ needs: meat and potatoes, so to speak. She of course in these symbols needed cleanliness, and physical fitness within her male partners.

Because of her evolutionary state, and her ongoing evolutionary journey, we can also see in these symbols  that her Soul would have been naturally bi-sexual. This of course manifested in all the various ways that she naturally championed women's self empowerment, and independence. Thus, she naturally valued strong and independent women in general. She could naturally relate to the oppressed women by trying to help them discover and actualize their own natural ways of trying to break free from the shackles that bound them.

Her inner relationship to herself was also about the knowing of the fact that she had become famous, and icon, within the patriarchal world: her S.Node of Venus conjunct Mars, Jupiter in the 5th House and squaring her natal Pluto, Moon, Venus/conjunct Neptune in the 2nd House, and the ruler of the S.Node of Venus being in Leo conjunct the Sun and Lunar South Node. In a few days time we will pick this up. If you have any questions please ask them of me now.

God Bless, Rad



So let's pick up where we left off. It should be clear at this point that Amelia's orientation to relationships in general was one of equality between men and women. This is demonstrated by her natural evolutionary condition, 3rd stage individuated, as well as this being symbolized by her S.Node of Venus being in Virgo in the 5th conjunct her Jupiter and Mars, and these then squaring her Moon, Pluto, N.Node of Mars and Uranus, her natal Venus conjunct Neptune all in the 2nd house, and that Venus/Neptune inconjunct her Saturn/Uranus conjunction in /Scorpio in the 7th. Uranus is the natural ruler as well of her North Lunar Node being in Aquarius in the 10th.

As she told her husband George both would be the breadwinners in their marriage, and that she would not hold him to any patriarchal rule or law of being faithful to her, or her to him. That they were equals in their partnership. She also rebelled at her legal name being changed to his last name: she maintained her maiden name through her whole life. At that point in time this was a "˜radical' thing to do.

With all those symbols in mind we can see that her Soul was essentially inwardly defined by Natural Laws. Thus, men and women were inherently equal. This was her truth. Thus, she used the fact of her progressive fame, becoming a cultural icon, to try to balance the imbalance between men and women created by patriarchal cultures, and their religions. She did this by championing many, many causes for women.

She inwardly understood in an emotional yet objective, detached, way that by being an icon that she was to use that fact of her life as a vehicle to help others in their lives, and to also promote a variety of causes that could help move society itself forwards. At the same time with these symbols in mind she was also naturally humble, and shy. This natural shyness and humbleness simply added to her image as perceived by many in that it created credibility for that which she felt drawn to do.

With her N.Node of Venus being in Cancer in her 2nd and ruled by her Moon/Pluto/N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus we can also see the symbols of a women being the first do to many things, things that men "˜normally' would do in order to help balance the gender scales, to empower women to break free from the patriarchal shackles that bind them, but that, in the end, to how these symbols also correlate the ongoing evolutionary lessons of accepting the consequences for not being fully prepared to survive in the context of the various adventures that her Soul has been drawn to do: an ongoing lesson brought forth from previous lives.

In her desire to fly around the world there were various things and procedures that she did not either fully prepare for and/ or undermined relative to the overarching goal to fly around the world. It is this fact that then lead the breakdown in the "˜communication' between her and naval ships who were there to assist her in locating Howland Island to land upon. And that then lead to her death.

Yet, because of her death, her "˜legend', the icon of Amelia Earhart, grew even larger after her death. This is one of the meanings of her N.Nodes of Mars and Uranus being conjunct her Moon/ Pluto in Gemini in her 2nd House: the name of the ego her Soul created in the life of Amelia Earhart becoming larger after the physical life itself. This is also symbolized by her N.Node of Venus being trine her natal Saturn and Uranus in Scorpio in the 7th, with, again, that Uranus being the ruler of her Lunar North Node in Aquarius in her 10th House.

This is a true paradox of Uranus in her Soul's context: by not being fully prepared to survive by way of short cuts taken for the trip, by not fully understanding how the communication between the various radios worked, and other things along these lines such as navigational issues, she lost her life. Yet, at the same time, loosing her life in this way caused her Soul to become ever more "˜famous'. And in that "˜fame' the very symbol of her life, the champion of equality between the genders, the empowerment of women, became ever stronger as her name continue to live on and inspire so many relative to what her life was meant to be. In essence her Soul desired to actualize it's fullest abilities and capacities, even before this life, and, in so doing, desired that the recognition and "˜fame' that would occur BECAUSE OF THIS, could be used by others to inspire them to fully fulfill and actualize their own fullest abilities and capacities as well. The very essence of her Soul's inner relationship to itself was in fact defined by these desires.

It is interesting to see the symbols in her chart for being lost at sea. These very simply are her Chiron in Scorpio squaring her Lunar Axis which are conjunct the S and N Nodes of Neptune in Aquarius. She became lost through a lack of correct planning linked with navigation and direction that is symbolized by her N.Node in Aquarius in the 10th conjunct the S.Node of Neptune. This is then reinforced by the natal Uranus being in Scorpio conjunct Saturn, and these then inconjunct her natal Neptune/Venus conjunction in Gemini. As a result this created a crisis wherein the radio transmission, radio transmissions correlating with Gemini,  the 3rd House, Mercury, Aquarius and Uranus, were on the wrong frequency to be heard by the ships below. Within this is this fact: her natal Lucifer in conjunct her natal Mercury which are both conjunct her N.Node of Neptune. The transiting S. Node of Mercury was exactly conjunct her Lunar South Node, and her natal S.Node of Mercury.  Additionally, the transiting S.Node of the Moon was exact to the minute of her natal Pluto, and the transiting Lucifer was conjuncting her S.Node of Mercury by two degrees.

And for those who understand geodetic equivalents Howland Island correlates with 4 degrees of Libra. Amelia's South Node of Mars natally is at 11 Libra, and the transiting S.Node of Mars when her plane went down was at 8 degrees of Libra.  

If you have any questions please ask.

God Bless, Rad