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Practice Thread

Started by Deva, Jan 23, 2017, 09:49 AM

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Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node Venus in the 8th house

Relative to Pluto conjunct SN in 6th house Libra, the ruler Venus in the 8th house individuals have typical psychological and analytical approach towards their life/environment/inner relationship with themselves, and relationships with others which reflect their inner relationships. They ask why of any of their experiences, or how things/people are, because souls desires to know the bottom line of every experiences, how things/people/this world function, so they can come up with solutions to any crisis, and adjustment to transform and improve any situation, this ability is essential to their security. South Node's ruler is Venus in the 8th house, they have been focused on soul's metamorphosis and transformation, in the past, because of the inner feeling of lack (6h house), they have projected needs (Libra) in relationships, they felt they need something (either skills/power/resources"¦) outside themselves, to further transform, in the past, they have formed intimate relationships to people or knowledge that represent what they need, and experienced empowerment from these relationships, but at certain stage of their growth, they became dependent on security/power generated from relationships, thus fixed in relationships when relationships naturally came to end, the resistance of change thus create crisis, could manifest as betrayal/abandonment/violation from others, or even death from others, in other words, the rug was pulled out from under, these incident would create intense emotional reaction and psychology of powerlessness within Venus 8th house individuals, they would go to deeply analysis and understand the why of these experiences. In the resisting/relive condition, they might find themselves still trapped in pattern of power struggle/crisis after crisis in intimate relationships, they may realize all partners they are attracted to, have similar underline nature, even from outside they are very different (Libra), after trying all kinds of relationships, and end up with similar crisis pattern, it's a process of exhausting their own projection, separating desires, they will finally come to conclusion, that change needs to come from within, inner relationship with themselves. Positively expressed, these individuals are natural psychologist and counselor, they can listen objectively yet deeply penetrate through surface of other's inner reality, they can tap into other's unconscious desire that create problematic circumstances, so they are able to provide guidance from that source to help others to transform/transmute. When they are being service providing healing for others in this way, they will also attract people, during their interaction, expose/mirror their own hidden dynamics or limitations, they may suddenly understand why of their own certain experiences from helping others. In this way, in relationships, both sides are objectively reflecting each other's inner relationships/dynamics, both sides need to find power within themselves to transmute any limitation, thus break the pattern of counselor/counselee, victim/rescuer, manipulate/being manipulated, power/powerless, the imbalance foundation of relationships, both sides are equally empowered to find security/resources within themselves, commit deeply yet emotionally self-sufficient, they can actualize the most potential of soul growth in these kind of relationships, they will also learn the lesson of ending, letting go in a peaceful way. They need to understand the essence of repeat relationship patterns, why they feel powerful, and why powerless, why they feel betrayed/violated, and why of intense emotional reaction, so they are aware what kind of needs they projected into relationships caused certain crisis, the understanding of all the whys, provide inner security, because they are in control of their experiences, and that leads to sense of inner power will not be taken away from others, then stable psychological states (embrace Venus polarity point 2nd house). The other expression of this signature is they will typically have unfinished karmic relationship from past life, they will meet these karmic partners, relive certain dynamics from past relationships, positively, they will understand karma's function, and make necessary adjustment, resolve these karmic relationships and move forward.


Because of the way these individuals relate to themselves, they are natural psychologist, they automatically scan themselves, others, environment, they can get right into the point, what other's lack (need), what's the underline problem, and how to improve/transmute. 8th house is Scorpio archetype, it's about choice, choose to act out separating desires or desires to go back to source. Because these souls have unconscious memories of being betrayed, powerless, manipulated, violated"¦ also memories of miss using power, it's a choice of how to interpret and react to these emotions. In the first case, if they internalized experiences of being abused, may create psychology of self-doubt that there must be something wrong with me, especially according to mainstream value, and comparison to how other people form relationships or other people's value/standards, and the need to atone for their flaws/mistakes, to meet other's standards, this kind of inner relationship with self, keep them trapped in state of victimization and repeating losing power pattern. If they react the unfair experiences with 8th house rage, they might go to the other extreme, psychologically manipulate others from their weak point, control under disguise of "service", or form relationships to powerful and resourceful people, compulsively pursue power, to ensure that they will never be vulnerable again, in this case, they will go through cycles of power struggle, power/powerless, and still nothing can fill inner void. In positive way, they may experience powerful transformation through relationships, and exam objectively the essence of these experiences, their needs/desires, develop ability of self-healing. They may also have talent of managing resources, become very successful business men, and share resources (SN Libra, Venus in 8th house) to empower others through work function.

Individuated State:

In this state, individuals may have formed relationships, or trying to fulfill certain desires which considered taboo by mainstream, in the process of soul's individuation, they may be persecuted/judged/betrayed because of these taboo, these traumas may lead to lost or even death in the past, thus they may have attraction/repulsion towards their own desires within intimate relationships. With Pluto/SN conjunct in 6th house Libra, ruler in 8th house can also mean develop discrimination of who to form relationship, who to trust, who to share secret with, in other words, to understand the other person's motivation, objective reality, desires and so on. They will also meet karmic partner from past lives, sort of "correct" these karmic relationships, they will typically attracted to partners, they have mutual desire to break free anything mainstream, to individualize through intimate relationships, also share either traumas together or similar dynamics, positively expressed, they can share resources to help each other transmute any limitation, 2 souls merge with each other and transform through the relationship, they may also explore together into taboos, sex rituals and so on, because 8th house Scorpio archetype need direct experiences/proof, then these powerful experiences can be internalized, they can use this self-empower experiences, skills, mystical power to help others to transmute their limitation, and individuation. Express negatively, they can misuse power, experience extreme darkness/distortion from relationships, exchange roles of perpetrator/victim, trapped in karmic cycle, until they are willing to exhaust old dynamics that limit their growth.

Spiritual State:

In this state, souls form an intimate relationship with cosmos, source itself, they are willing to dig deeper into darkness, to understand totality of existence, they will approach psychology from Soul's point of view, and depth, they also understand karma from natural law point of view, for example, they can be teachers/healers help others to work with karma, or they may use sexual power in a positive way, teach/help others to merge and transform in relationships, such as tantric technic. In this state, they also look at birth/death from larger perspective, birth/death itself is separate and go back to source, because the connection with source, there is really nothing lost, nothing dying, only regeneration, with Pluto/SN in 6th house Libra, they may also being service as assistant, help other souls going through death process, they can be shamanic healers guiding other soul's going back to source, they can teach others in victimization to find power within, dissolve man-made guilt, work on natural guilt in a way aligned with natural law. If negatively expressed, they may feel lacking, never prepared for their right work, being service, they may be spiritual masochism, believe they need to suffer in process of spiritualization.

Thanks Deva and everyone!




Hi Wei,

Excellent application of EA! What you have written accurately reflects the core evolutionary intentions of Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, and Venus in the 8th house. Yes, knowledge of the occult or and/or "taboo" areas can lead to personal metamorphosis. You make a good point that the Soul must re-empower itself in order to affect positive change rather than expecting this to come through a relationship. Great job!




Hi All,

The next step in the practice thread is to add the sign to the planetary ruler of the South Node. In our example chart the planetary ruler of the South Node is Venus in the 8th house. The sign conditions the expression of the house. Venus is in Sagittarius in the 8th house. How does the sign of Sagittarius condition the expression of Venus in the 8th house? Sagittarius correlates with alignment with both personal truth and Natural Law, and elimination of delusive beliefs. Natural Law is based upon actual knowledge rather then belief. The core point within this is that as we align with Natural Laws delusive beliefs are purged from the Soul. There is a need for freedom and independence in order to discover personal truth. In the context of Venus in the 8th house, alignment with Natural Laws, discovery of personal truth, and elimination of delusive beliefs is a vehicle for growth beyond pre-existing limitations to occur. Additionally, development of psychological knowledge and self-empowerment is linked with timeless, natural principles. There is a desire, need, to know the "˜why' of anything including the psychological dynamics of itself, and of others.

Typically, the Soul will create intense internal and external confrontations in order to expose any areas of dishonesty and manipulation within relationships. For example, the individual may tell the partner, and others in general, what they want to hear to fulfill ulterior motives and agendas of all sorts. In other words, the individual can appear very sincere and helpful, yet it only to sustain co-dependent relationships and have his or her own needs meet. Of course, the partner could also placate in this very same way. In this situation, both partners will deny the actual dynamics, or reality, of the relationship. This may manifest as avoidance of each other, or excessive external activity within the relationship.

In addition, the belief system may be used to rationalize negative patterns that are inhibiting further growth (Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house). In the worst cases, this can manifest as a Soul who believes their own lies to the extent that the lie becomes the truth, compulsive or pathological lying. Another important dynamic is one of interpretation. Specifically, experiences of rejection and abandonment within relationships must be interpreted relative to understanding the why, the root cause, for the experience. If the individual focuses on "bigger picture," or what can be gained through difficult experiences, it becomes a mean for further evolution as well. 

In a positive expression, the Soul will purge limited and delusive beliefs in such a way that an expansion within consciousness occurs. The Jupiter/9th house/Sagittarius archetype correlates with expansion. For example, beliefs that are rooted in victimization, sadomasochism, and superiority/inferiority will be jettisoned as the individual embraces Natural Laws that are based on actual knowledge verses delusive beliefs. In this situation, the Soul will self-empower through these principles, and encourage others to do the same. The "bottom line" of relationships formed will be based upon personal honesty, co-equality, and mutual self-empowerment (Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house).

Consensus State: In the Consensus State, this will manifest as discovery of personal truth and expansion relative to the belief system within the mainstream. The development of psychological knowledge is based upon the beliefs within the mainstream. Growth and expansion takes place as the Soul progresses within the social strata. For instance, a credential in higher education is a vehicle through which advancement within society occurs. In so doing, the necessary psychological knowledge of how the system works is gained. In this evolutionary state, the Soul will interpret others based upon the prevailing mainstream belief system, and socially accepted psychological notions. In a positive expression, the Soul will use the knowledge of how society is structured and a credential in a mainstream field to help others advance. Conversely, the individual may use the social power that they have gained in a manipulative and dishonest manner. For instance, a position in public service may be used for self-advancement (Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house).

Individuated State: In the individuated State, this will manifest as discovery of personal truth independent from the beliefs within the mainstream. Liberation from the beliefs within the mainstream becomes a vehicle through which alignment with Natural Laws and elimination of delusive beliefs takes place. The Soul will require freedom and independence to define its truth outside the influence of the mainstream. In so doing, expansion beyond limitations of the past occurs (Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house).
In a positive expression, the dynamic of compensation within relationships will be purged from the Soul. The individual will be honest about their need to individuate within relationships, and attract others of like mind. As such, mutual self-empowerment can take place as both partners embrace liberation. In a negative expression, the Soul will reject the need for individuation, and recycle the relationship dynamics of the past previously described. In so doing, a situation of non-growth occurs.   

Spiritual State: In this Spiritual State, this will manifest as truth as defined through Natural Laws as reflected in the manifested Creation. The Soul will expand through cultivating a relationship with the Source. Actual knowledge which is based upon Universal, Timeless principles will replace delusive beliefs. Psychological development is founded in these same principles. In essence, fusion with Nature and the Natural Laws therein may become a means for spiritualization to take place (Pluto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house). In this way, limitations of the past are purged. In a positive expression, the Soul will become a natural teacher relative to the knowledge of Timeless, Universal laws, and encourage others to spiritualize through direct experience of God/dess. In a negative expression, the individual will recycle delusive beliefs in the context of the patriarchal notions of Source and spirituality.

Please write out in your own words an analysis adding the sign of Sagittarius to the planetary ruler of the South Node, Venus in 8th house. My suggestion is to review the section Pluto in Sagittarius/9th house in the Pluto vol.1 book.





Hi Deva and everyone, I am still working on the next part of the practice thread and will post something in the next couple of days.  Thanks for your patience. :)


Hi Deva,

Venus as planetary ruler in 8th in Sagittarius:

The way Sagittarius conditions this Venus is by making the soul very psychologically aligned to find the bottom line truth of relationships patterns, the why of this and that. In doing so, the soul creates a belief system that serves as a platform from which the soul explains the reality of relating/relationships/ the value system association and so on.
Venus in the 8th can be very fixated while Sagittarius demands freedom and flexibility. The soul can become very fixated about the nature of its beliefs around relationships/what it values and needs.

Venus will correlate to that which we identify we need in order to survive (Taurus), which will then be projected onto others (Libra), which will determine  what we value and what/who we love/get attracted/attract to ourselves.
Sagittarius will condition this by making the search for knowledge/truth a key need, value that must be sought after.

The soul is searching for personal and universal truth around the nature of its values around relationships (Pluto/SN in libra), so it can eliminate delusive beliefs.
Sagittarius also conditions this Venus by making this soul value the search for knowledge.
Depending on how evolved the soul is there'll be varying degrees of emotional dishonesty linked to delusive ideas around the truth governing sexuality/power/powerlessness  (8th), relationships (Libra) that will show up within the 6th house realm.
If the truth the soul is being guided by is religious oriented and quite fanatic (Sagittarius) then the potential for emotional dishonesty is quite high where the soul will hide its ulterior agenda when engaging with others. Having a profound knowledge of the other's inner world, it will use this to disempower the others while appearing to be doing something else.
The soul could become the teacher or counselor type to the partner creating imbalances bases on co-dependancies that will lead to crises that will induce self-adjustment or resistance to it.
Venus in Sagittarius will love its own freedom to explore relationships but it may be possessive towards the partner (8th house) which will produce a state of imbalance. The soul can come up with an entire system (Sagittarius) to justify this behavior to others where the need for freedom becomes one sided in favor to the soul or the soul can deny/hide this truth to others.
Either way, all this leads to the same result.

There's an internal restlessness that dominates the relationship realm whereby the soul needs to be really honest with self and others about its needs.
If the soul fails to do this, it can end up feeling alienated from self and others (Sagittarius) which could lead to projecting this onto others (Libra) creating confrontations (8th) and crises (6th).


Here the soul will aligned with the belief system within mainstream. The consensus platform will be used to determine what the soul believes it needs, values, and so on. It will form relationships from this perspective and will be very protective (8th) of its belief system (Sagittarius).  The soul can be deluded into man made/religious laws when it comes to how it relates to self and others and it will perform a job function within this space. The search for truth becomes confined within the consensus parameters.
The soul can satisfy its love for research and knowledge by studying and acquiring a degree/s within a consensus established field. It can become a teacher of such a field instructing others into them.
The soul can either use this to help others by initiating them into a particular field of knowledge/religious body (positive expression) or it can use it to get ahead in the society (negative expression).
With Sagittarius conditioning that Venus it feels that the soul will truly need to believe in what it's doing/studying/researching in order to be fulfilled.
This can be lead to fanaticism where the soul will perceive any other point of view as a threat to its security ensuing in confrontations (8th house) or to dull doing if the soul is just doing it in order to get ahead (P/SN in the 6th). Either scenario leads to confrontations (8th house) with others (Libra). This will produce crises to enforce self-analysis/self/adjustment (P/NN in the 6th).


In this stage the soul will be searching for personal truth outside of the mainstream. It will start aligning with more alternative ways in which to do this.
That which the soul values will start shifting towards the avant gard areas of society which will condition the belief system the soul operates under which will determine who it attracts and gets attracted to (Venus/8th).
A lot of the emotional patterns described during the consensus stage can still be quite present. The stage where they take place changes. The soul may be more inclined to search for personal truth determining its values in other cultures, in other disciplines, far horizons so to speak that fit its own individuality.
The alienation (Sagittarius) can be strongly felt during this stage as the soul departures more and more from a society it doesn't feel it fits in any longer.
The soul can be drawn to studying alternative bodies of knowledge like Astrology for instance. This will start coloring the way the soul relates with self and others and the job function/service it chooses to perform. A belief system conditions every decision we make in life.
The need to explore its own personal truth will be heighten and the soul will not prefer partners that limit this freedom.

As it starts progressing through the individuated stages the soul starts purging out consensus beliefs and truly stands in its own truth. If this is expressed positively, the soul then will encourage and help others do the same (P/NN/6th/Libra). Any criticism the soul attracts, will be used constructively to improve and adjust.

If this is expressed negatively, the soul will become extremely critical of consensus, which in turn brings a lot of criticism from others, which leads to 8th house confrontations and 6th house crises...
The soul can also become quite closed-minded about its alternative belief system resisting anything that's different and threatens it.


At this stage the soul starts aligning more and more with natural/universal/timeless laws that become the rudder that guides what the soul values and loves.
The soul will be purging out any emotional dishonesty and man made delusive beliefs from its value system, from the way it relates to self and others and so on.
During the first stage spiritual, the Pluto/NN conjunction in the 6th/libra can very intensely magnify all of these psychological patterns the soul needs to throw off leading to crises within relationships in order to fully finish this up.
The soul will be very orientated to nature and to a constant seeking out, searching for the holy grail that can lead to scattering... what the soul is searching is within and the concept of perfection needs to be revisioned as well to match nature's one.
The soul will be inclined to perform a job function that serves (6th) others (Libra).
The soul will start using its deep psychological knowledge to help others instead of serving its own agenda (8th).
The delusion of the guru/teacher/Healer can become an ego trap during this stage as well, whereby the soul becomes too attached to this identity and uses it to attempt to control reality and others instead of just being of service.


Hi Barbara,

Great job! What you have written accurately reflects the core evolutionary intentions of the planetary ruler of the South Node, Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house. From my understanding, a dynamic that will create a recycling of the limitations of the past (PLuto in Libra in the 6th house conjunct the South Node) is the need to "convince and convert" others. This is due to the emotional security that is linked with the Soul's pre existing belief system. Remember that an essential correlation of the Sagittarius/9th house/Jupiter archetype is to Natural Law which is based upon actual knowledge rather than delusive belief. In the context of Venus in the 8th house, this would then manifest as a progressive desire to directly experience the truth of anything, the Soul will require proof. You make a good point that the intuitive development (Venus in Sagittarius) will help the Soul expand beyond it's limited beliefs (Venus in the 8th house) and define personal truth from within.




Thank you for that insight Deva!! Yes, I ftend to forget  those two key aspects of the Sagittarius archetype..:)!!!!


Pluto/South Node in Libra 6th, Venus in Saggitarius/8th

A Soul with this astrological signature will experience an evolutionary imperative to discover and align, through personal experience, their own values and truth with actual Truth as reflected in Natural Law.  This will include the purging of delusive beliefs, the deepening of psychological realizations, self-empowerment and removal of self-imposed limitations.  As consciousness continues to expand, intuitive realizations will take the Soul ever deeper in the search for Truth.

This need to recognize and purge delusive beliefs will be a deeply held value throughout the life.  As time progresses this process will be necessary to the mental, emotional and spiritual health of the individual.  With full cooperation through genuine self-effort, the Soul can proceed along its evolutionary path as it assimilates and applies these new realizations.   This in turn will affect personal values, the relationship Soul has to itself, external relationships of all types, and life in general.  The Soul will be naturally restless as a reflection of the need to continually make larger and larger connections to those Universal Laws, seen and unseen, which permeate our Creation.

In relationships, honesty and truthfulness will be part of a sincere effort to cooperate with the evolutionary intention.   There are many ways dishonesty can infiltrate relationships, and this type of behavior will be linked to the need to maintain the security of the status quo.   Avoidance of meaningful discussion and intimate interaction, keeping busy with one thing and another can be signs that all is not well and one or both partners don't want to face the truth.  Since discussion of meaningful subjects and ideas will be part of a healthy exchange between partners,  busy avoidance behavior could result in one partner looking elsewhere in order to satisfy unmet needs.   Another form of avoidance behavior is not really listening to the partner while pretending to do so, and telling them what they want to hear.   As a reflection of the Sag archetype, there will  be an openness to meeting and interacting with all kinds of people, interest in things where something new can be experienced, travel, etc.  In intimate relationships, it will be important that both partners take part in new experiences or at least there is an understanding and trust where each partner can do their own thing without experiencing recrimination from the other.   Any suffocating stagnation within a relationship can result in confrontation and the exposure of various forms of dishonesty.  Painful experiences are an opportunity to explore the underlying reasons why this has happened.  By turning the searchlight inward and focusing on their own behavior, painful experiences such as betrayal and abandonment can be understood in a new light.  Rationalizations can support negative beliefs and lies can masquerade as the truth until evolutionary forces in the form of internal or external confrontations occur.  If the Soul makes a sincere effort to cooperate with the evolutionary intentions, sado-masochistic life patterns as the result of patriarchal-type beliefs can be purged, and personal alignment with Natural Law will allow for more healthy, co-equal relationships based on honesty, trust and the mutual encouragement of self-empowerment.


In the consensus state, the above-mentioned evolutionary path will take place within the consensus belief systems and social construct of the country, family, etc. of birth.  Psychological knowledge of how people relate to each other and systems within the mainstream will be gained as they establish work function or career, social status and lifestyle.  Any expansion and deepening of personal truth and values will be in alignment with the prevailing common belief system.   Positively expressed, with a natural, easy-going personality and an ability to feel comfortable with people at all social levels, they could adapt that psychological knowledge to draw attention to, and help underserved communities become self-empowered and more fully integrated into the mainstream.  Teaching practical skills to people is an example of how this could be done.  On the other hand, negatively expressed, underhanded and deceitful manipulation could be used to advance within society in an attempt to gain power and status for themselves, even getting to know powerful others along the way in order to use them for their own ends.   Even when intentions are genuine, care must be taken to listen to the needs and opinions of others as opposed to trying to convince everyone that their ideas and opinions are the only right ones.  Interacting with people as co-equals, listening and being listened to, will help purge limited, wrong or delusive beliefs, and help them grow beyond personal limitations.  In whatever work function or career they choose, a continuing expansion and deepening of their personal truth will be helped through genuine desire and active cooperation with others as equal partners.  Some people with this astrological signature will wander from place to place and job to job in order to make money just to get by.  Ideally, right work will be in service of some kind, but also be varied and interesting.  Boredom and a feeling of being trapped in a job or career could also result in moving from job to job in an attempt to bring some sense of adventure into the worklife.


Liberation from consensus society, its beliefs and ways of doing things will be key to discovering and aligning their personal value system and truth with Natural Law and principles.  Fully embracing this liberating impulse will help purge personal limitations, delusive beliefs and contribute to self-empowerment.   In addition, this process will help empower the individual through the expansion and deepening of psychological knowledge.  Depending upon the evolutionary condition within the individuated state, this could mean a partial separation from mainstream beliefs all the way to an outright rejection of anything that represents the consensus.  In some cases, for reasons of emotional security, there will be a dogged refusal to embrace personal liberation, all while rationalizing to themselves why they are maintaining the status quo.   In cases like this, there will be an internal disconnect from the life-lie they are living.  In general, the freedom to discover who they naturally are will be of utmost importance.  Typically there will be a rejection of anything or anyone who attempts to subjugate them or restrict their freedom.  Since there is a sense of ease with people in all elements of society, including people who are considered weird by the mainstream, they can find meaningful work or a career as a go-between or social educator in helping others find right work.  The recognition that everyone has equal value in a society whose core beliefs are patriarchal or run counter to Natural Law can inspire the search for ways to help people find power within themselves.  In the context of personal relationships, there will be an attraction to people of like mind.  This also applies to intimate relationships where an openess to experimental or taboo sexuality can deepen and expand personal knowledge.   Ideally both partners will mutually encourage the freedom to self-empower in any way they feel necessary, as long as honesty and trust are in play.  Positively expressed, old ways of relating will be purged and a more open attitude towards one another will be adopted.   Partnerships where perfunctory ways of relating have become the norm will probably not last very long. 


Finding and aligning personal truth with timeless, universal principles will be accomplished by actively engaging in a relationship with God/Goddess.  The actual experience of God/Goddess within will purge delusive beliefs and limitations of all kinds.  Old spiritul attitudes and values that do not reflect actual reality must go.  Some in the spiritual state will choose to embrace and interact with Nature in the way of Shamanism - Nature as teacher.  In embracing a natural way of living, they will be reflecting more closely the Truth of who they really are.  As their Consiousness deepens and expands, this Soul will simultaneously radiate an auric field of power and humility that naturally attracts others who are also seeking their own Truth.  The freedom to follow an intuitionally-guided lifepath will continue to be necessary, and relationships with partners who encourage that freedom will also be necessary.  Positively expressed, they, in turn will encourage the partner's freedom to explore and discover their own Truth.  Old patterns of relating where the needs of one is more important than the needs of the other must be purged.  Co-equality, honesty and truth will contribute to the healthy soul-growth of those involved.  The penetrating inner searchlight of Truth must excavate and discard any remnants of persistent delusive beliefs, behaviors and resulting limitations.  As described in the other evolutionary states, honesty, openess and trust are the healthiest and best ways of relating as reflections of those timeless, universal principles.   DDD



Excellent application of EA! Yes, how the Soul uses, or applies, the knowledge of psychology and ability to counsel others is a critical evolutionary lesson symbolized by this natal signature. As you mentioned, these capacities can be used in a honest way to benefit others in some way, or in a dishonest way for self-serving and manipulative purposes. The need to become self-honest is also symbolized by Venus in Sagittarius. Great job!





Hi Everyone,

Pluto in Libra conjunct the South Node in the 6th house ruler Venus in Sag in the 8th:

The Archetype of Venus in Sag in the 8th is going to be one where the Soul is desiring to align themselves with a system of understanding and or a body of knowledge that allows them to decipher the truth of their own psychological dynamics as well as the psychological dynamics of others, a system of understanding that answers the Why. They will desire  deeply to understand the truth of themselves and others and ultimately form a fuller more expanded holistic understanding of truth through this orientation to life.  The Sag archetype naturally desires to understand itself from some cosmological point of view and in a sag sort of way will desire to remake that over and over again in ever expanding concentric circles of understanding. One where the Soul will desire to tare down the old limiting  psychological dynamics and ways of relating to others  that are preventing evolutionary Soul growth. With Venus in the 8th house in Sag the Soul will desire to remove all sources of unnatural guilt, guilt born from man made beliefs, systems of understanding or religions that are not based in Natural Laws and are limiting the Soul.

Within the desire of Sag to convince and convert I also feel there is another dynamic here to this that has to do with the Natural enthusiasm inherent to Sag. Sag wants to share its truth share its understanding with others not always coming from a need or desire to  convince and convert  but more so because the Soul here deeply Values Truth, Venus in Sag in the 8th. This to me also feels like a necessary dynamic of Sag to share its personal truth with others because through the desire to share personal truth and understanding is how the Soul learns to keep expanding upon its  truth through  comparing that with others personal truths and understanding. In fact this is how the Soul learns to jettison systems of understanding or beliefs that aren't based in Natural Law through conflicting or  opposing  beliefs or systems of understanding. In this way the Soul comes to an ever fuller and holistic understanding of Ultimate Truth based in Universal Natural Laws. Of course the key here is to accept others view points or truths as their own and for the Soul to not feel threatened by others truth and I feel this naturally happens the more  the Soul opens up to and aligns with Natural Laws.

Here is where I see some strong potential issues for the why of the reliving of dynamics of Pluto conjunct the South node in Libra in the 6th ruler Venus in the 8th in Sag. The Soul  with Venus in Sag in the 8th Values truth and understanding above all things, this will be their orientation coming into this life as well as where absolute security lies and ultimately  where the Soul is learning deep lessons. I feel we have talked a lot about attaching to beliefs of a delusive nature and then the need to convince and convert due to the  Souls security being caught up in those delusive beliefs but what if a Soul is just deeply attached to the Truth in general and what ever new truth it finds itself within  and just can't help but want to share that truth with others. Or conversely comes to deeply understand some new truth about someone the Soul is in intimate relationships with family, friends, lovers and just wants to share what they see or come to understand. What if the Soul is at a level of opening up to  Natural Laws and starting the process of aligning with a Fusion with those Natural Laws and can't help but deeply desire to share this with others to apply it to themselves and others, this in some way must be the intention here of the Soul with Venus in Sag in the 8th? The Soul is desiring to merge with others has a deep need to metamorphoses limitations with others through also merging with Natural Law this is where all the psychological dynamics of their selves and others comes into the full light of day. This is where you will also see all the imbalances and distortions of Libra and the confrontations and power plays that will ensue due to the imbalances and distortions not based in Natural Laws. This could all play out through the Soul having these desires but ultimately ending up in relations with others that are mired in their own delusive beliefs and understanding and this happens through the misapplication of trust. The Soul is going to desire to grow to expand past these limitations based on delusive beliefs with in themselves and with others and naturally is going to desire the growth of others that it has relations with but what if others do not have this same orientation to life. This will be the ultimate challenge here for the Soul deep lessons around Understanding how they can relate with others in equal and balanced ways coming from a place of self honesty  through Natural Laws when others are not balanced or are not coming  from a place of personal honesty or alignment with Natural Laws themselves. This is not to say that the Soul here has achieved this things fully themselves but it is their orientation towards life to purge delusive beliefs and come to a place of personal honesty with in themselves and with others if they are actually desiring to get real and from my own understanding and life experience I find most people don't want to get real they don't really want to get into their own deep inner dynamics and they certainly don't appreciate when others try to push them in that direction of acknowledgment of their own stuff. What happens when the Souls whole orientation to life and what it values is the complete opposite of most others it finds itself in relations with? I honestly don't have a lot of answers to this but you can see that the Soul is deeply learning lessons around respecting others personal boundaries of autonomy and this is an issue with Venus being in the 8th and in Sag, the Soul does not desire that sort of limitation with others.  This is where the Soul could come face to face with the reality that they have a complete and total lack of understanding of personal boundaries of truth with others. Hence the deep internal and external confrontations with others, imbalances in relationships with others, issues around inferiority and superiority, domination submission, sado masochism. Then  through the Virgo archetype the Soul through these types of relationships will be learning lessons of True Humility, Discrimination, Self Improvement, Purging Victimization, Personal Boundaries...

The key here is that not only will the Soul desire Soul growth for themselves they will desire this growth
for others as well. Lessons here being learned around the beliefs or systems of understanding the Soul is attaching to  understand itself, the need to convince and convert others because of the security and attachment to those beliefs or systems of understanding as well as deep lessons around others need for Autonomy within the Souls search for Truth.  The Soul is learning to Value others points of views truths and Understanding.

I have been having a hard time lately isolating or independently analyzing any archetype independent of its counter polarity point and came to the understanding through deeply thinking of this that there really is no way to actually do that. That through the natural  laws of duality or cause and effect that the understanding of one archetype is lost with out its opposite. So within this I really started to think about  the Relive and blocking action of Pluto conjunct the South Node in the 6th and what I came to understand was that even though there is a blockage of some sort from the North Node intentions  in the 12th house that you can't really leave out the Pisces, 12th house, Neptune archetype of why the Soul is in a relive and blocked for a determined amount of time.  Even though the Soul is blocked from the North Node intentions for this determined amount of time the Archetype of Pisces still manifests as a relive in some way due to not being independent from the 6th House Virgo Archetype and I feel the relive is  more than just  Understanding Delusion but what is the 12th House relive or lesson? I feel this deeply has to do with what I mentioned above about "Personal Boundaries". Within the whisper or desire to evolve or go forward to the North Node in the 12th the Soul has  to learn lessons first around the fact that in the past it has manifested an emphasized  need to dissolve personal boundaries with others, that the Soul doesn't actually truly understand Boundaries or possibly even desire Boundaries with others. The Soul desired to merge with others to dissolve these boundaries or limitations but all sorts wounding happened through misapplied trust. Wounding to the self wounding to others through not seeing the self and others clearly. The Soul will be learning who to trust who to confide in, learning to build healthy boundaries, learning discrimination of who to relate to, learning what it can tell others about itself, what it can tell others about themselves and what their place is in all this.

Thank You,


Will write the evolutionary stages soon.....


Hi All,

Firstly thank you to everyone who has contributed to the thread so far.  It has been really valuable to read your posts, and has even encouraged me to make my first attempt here, so here goes:

Pluto 6th house Libra, conjunct SN, SN ruler Venus 8th house Sagittarius

A Soul with this astrological signature desires to perfect its role/function within any given relationship it initiates.  The soul has refined various social and interpersonal skills, such as the ability to objectively listen to, discern and evaluate another's reality.  This ability has allowed the soul to gain an acute awareness of the essential needs and subsequent projected expectations of other individuals within relationships, as well as their own.

Another aspect of the soul's desire nature regards the need to readjust and purify the application of their personal will within relationships.  The soul will confront this lesson through learning proper discrimination of when to give or not to give, thereby developing a discernment of the underlying motivating factors behind their relationship dynamics and choices, leading to greater self-knowledge.

Depending on the soul's level of evolution and self-awareness, the (self-)knowledge acquired may be used positively to resolve potential conflicts of will within relationships, thereby empowering itself and another.  Negatively, the soul may try to maintain its compulsive desire nature, consequently disempowering another or allowing others to disempower itself - inwardly aware that this choice can also act as a source of power.

These choices will attract the soul to repeatedly reconnect with other souls with whom profound karmic history is shared, and the soul will attempt to assume the role/function as the "perfect ideal partner", emerging as a source of deep unconscious emotional security.  Consequently, the soul has compulsively strived to actualise this desire via meeting the projected needs and expectations of others, to the extent that past-life egocentric structures/identities were defined by this soul's orientation.

The soul will have actualised its desires within relationships by penetrating to the bottom-line of any belief system from which these projected expectations originate, developing a psychological understanding of what precisely these expectations constitute or dictate about their role/function within a relationship according to that belief system.  The soul will analyse the measure of power of any belief system it encounters via its relationships, and will therefore encounter any pre-existing limitations associated with its role/function within relationships.

The attraction to these relationships serves the soul's unconscious emotional security linked with its desire to cultivate its role/function as the "perfect ideal partner", whilst the repulsion is linked to the insecurity provoked by the realisation that perfection of its ideal will never be met.

Accordingly, the soul's source of security is also the source of its insecurity, and over many lifetimes the soul has potentially proceeded to perpetually actualise its desires to the extent that a whole range of dysfunctions manifest within its relationships.  Thus, the proverbial Virgo/6th house crisis.  The crises confronted within its relationships will force the soul to inwardly question the dynamics of its relationships to determine the motivating factors behind any "why?" of a relationship.  The soul is learning the value of perfecting rather than perfection.

Deva, I have begun to write the Evolutionary stages, but would like some feedback before I go ahead just so I know if I am on the right track or not.

All the best,




Thank you for the contribution to this thread! What you have written so far accurately reflects the core evolutionary intentions of Pluto conjunct the South Node in Libra in the 6th house, and Venus in Sagittarius. Yes, self-knowledge in a positive way to re-empower oneself or others, or in a negative way to dis-empower others. Move onto the evolutionary states.

