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Help for our friend Stacie Pazura

Started by ari moshe, Jan 01, 2018, 05:57 PM

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Kristin, first, it is just a gale force breeze to reconnect. I've been in the trenches but mark my words I've been learning while in there. And I'll tell you what. That book is is coming, and all of those seeds that were planted in me will come to fruition. I've been taking my time and dealing with myself before I do it because EA is too sacred to me. I want to be ready. I'm on the path. Being purified. I really appreciate your insight because I am very nervous about my first round of court. I am totally innocent of course, but I am realizing how blind and slow the world is to truth right now, so there might be a fight. But it will be the good fight, and I appreciate your reassurance that if things don't go right in the first round they eventually will. I know this too in my heart. Thank you for touching base my fellow wolf.


Thank you for sharing your Neptune experiences deeper.
I think Kristin is on to something with this moving you deeper into your destiny.
The excerpt Ari shared that you wrote about Neptune blew my mind! It was an exact description of my own 'Neptune Apocalypse'!
You are a true inspiration!
May the light you reflect of Source penetrate these people's minds. They have a chance to come clean.
Even if they choose not to - they will have their lesson. Justice IS with you.


I took a peek at the charts - it's pretty graphic isn't it!!
The nodal axis hitting that mars/mercury conjunction, while Jupiter is conjunct, much less the fact Neptune has been hanging out with your Jupiter while squaring all those planets!
Issues with truth versus lies just the tip of this iceberg with these people you are dealing with.
Also Pluto in the 7th - in horary termed the house of 'open enemies'

As Kristin said, Uranus will move over your MC then oppose your natal Uranus. Couple this with your Pluto PP, 10th, Aries, ruler right over there conjunct mercury - the heart of the situation.
Clearly this is bringing up all sorts of PL dynamics and traumas to be brought out to the light of day....Chiron sits up there, too - the intention within all of this could very well be a confrontation, 'back to go forward', necessary 'exposure' so you can heal, and ultimately liberate from these dynamics.
To be vindicated very publicly - help you move into the future of your soul!
I'm hoping Uranus will show something unexpected that will be positive for you - I am hoping these people will choose to come clean with the situation.

Judges have pretty good B.S.-ometers! These twits you're dealing with will prove who they are, chasing their tails covering their lies.
You're a wolf!! They're little scurrying rats.....
The truth is simple. And the truth is with you.

I hope you are doing okay with any residual trauma from being attacked - and you have support there as you need or seek it out as you need.
Take care...keep strong....


Hi Nerissa,

Just wanted to clarify so as not to confuse readers in this thread, you wrote

"As Kristin said, Uranus will move over your MC then oppose your natal Uranus"

I never mentioned this aspect as Uranus is crossing into her 11th not over her MC. However this re-states the repeated Uranian phenomenon in Stacie's reality. We always look to repeat signatures to confirm an evolutionary theme.

It is true that she will have a Uranus opposition which reflects as you shared, "traumas being brought out into the light of day", essentially out on the stage of court, but what I was leaning on in her favor in particular, was Uranus' liberating lift as a result of the rare sextile to her Pisces Moon. I am oh so keen on that. It will help her emotionally outwit her female opponent, in a way that woman didn't see coming.

With her North Node in Sagittarius with Neptune and Venus, this is about going the extra mile, doing whatever it takes, recruiting the Gods and the masses, and ultimately empowering herself with the truth, so that justice can take place. Within that, fighting like a warrior who will not lay down her sword, staying determined in the face of adversity no matter what (Pluto PP in Aries in the 10th).

The more support for Stacie the better thank you for contributing. :)



Sorry to misquote you! Must have been seeing things - for myself I misinterpreted a house cusp as the MC...
Oddly, that little intuitive niggle we can all get, that I ignored, happened when I did write that particular sentence!!

And yes to her soul being empowered!

I have this image of a daemon type warrior, merged with animals and nature, reemerging from the wilds to take up the battle....

Thanks Kristin!!





I hope you watch the video Rad shared and make sure you have tissues...

You are in my thoughts...



Hi all, just want to say I'm too overwhelmed with love to respond in depth right now...I'm just so touched by your love and support and brilliance and care. I will be back as soon as I can reasonably contain myself. I am grateful for you, my pack. I can hear the howls and it's beautiful.


Hi Stacie,

I want to echo what Kristin said about strengthening yourself emotionally and would like to point out a transit which to me is of huge importance: Saturn in transit in your Seventh House in Capricorn stationing making an almost exact square to your natal Pluto in the Fourth House in Libra.

With this transit and what we know about your situation one can almost certainly expect emotional situations which are challenging. This transit may represent a test to your inner strength and personal security in various forms. The other person involved might do everything possible to effect you so it´s a good idea to be protected and shielded in every way: Psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, legally and physically protect yourself during this timeframe as this transit shows what you are up against is not going to play nice.

The truth is on your side from a psychological perspective and legal one but on the physical side of things please take care to be safe, even if that means moving to a safer location if you feel you are in danger, getting a weapon for your self defense or another form of personal protection.

And know that it´s not your fault that lost Souls act in these ways and that their actions are theirs and only theirs... as is their karma!

Stay safe

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Thank you for your message, Patrick. It's timely because I have had recent contact with this person via video messaging, and my intuition keeps firing out the question: what is she looking to get out of this?  I think I've allowed the contact because of the dilemma of having 4 planets in scorpio and a courage of steel (sometimes). I resonate with that part of Sri Yukteswar's nature which gave him the gumption to approach things in this way: If you see a ghost, follow it to it's den, look it in it's face, and understand it.. I'm afraid this kind of impulse in me sometimes gets the better of my sensible interests though, and that's why I say your reminder is timely, and something to keep my attention on, so thank you for that.

Kristin, again, I'm just really blown away with your analysis. I can work archetypes inside and out, but I have never felt confident in analyzing transits. You are so in your element with those, and I just want to say that this skill you've built through your own efforts, has really materialized into something that so many people search and grasp for, while it now naturally flows in you.

Rad:  That documentary was deeply moving. WOW. You know, the one thing I don't get, and this is obviously a lesson I haven't quite figured out in my soul, but WHY does god/dress see it necessary to have an Omega? I know the general answer is the principle of polarity relative to evolution, and maybe that's just the real answer, like it or not.  


Also Patrick, thanks for the reminder to not feel guilty about lost souls. You just want to help them when you find them, you know? There was a time when I was lost and someone invested in me, so there is this pregnant desire to pay it forward.  It's hard to walk away when you can see exactly how they can get out of their trap. It feels like giving up on someone. However, when will and power start to be used in sinister ways, you have to cut bait.


Hi Stacie,

In response to your questions and comments:

"It's timely because I have had recent contact with this person via video messaging, and my intuition keeps firing out the question: what is she looking to get out of this?"

To me, and I might be wrong, she doesn´t want to let go. Might be the type that prefers to destroy you rather than lose you.

"Also Patrick, thanks for the reminder to not feel guilty about lost souls. You just want to help them when you find them, you know?"

This to me is a reflection of your Pluto in the Fourth in Libra with Venus conjunct Neptune/NorthNode in the Sixth House in Sagittarius and the Ninth House Pisces Moon conjunct Jupiter, which correlates with Soul deep co-dependency dynamics coupled with a natural orientation towards giving to others, being of service to them, because of your deep emotional sensitivity and innate understanding of the underlying unity between living beings. This also correlates with the ability to see the potential for good in someone and to then use the famous rose colored glasses to look at that person and dismiss their flaws.

The deep desire for unity and harmony with others leads to wanting to help them but sacrificing ourselves is not helping them. They will move on to the next person and the same will follow. Remember we are all one on a deeper level but we are playing our roles and within that role free will reigns. We cannot save others and the desire to save them many times stems from our own co-dependency dynamics if we are honest with ourselves. We can help and support those who want to help themselves and yet saying NO to those that don´t want to evolve is a form of love in itself. Love towards ourselves and the other because it changes the pattern and creates an opportunity for the other to change. These are all Pluto in Libra dynamics and ongoing lessons and metamorphosis of the balancing dance between ourselves and others, learning when to give and when not to give.

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Yes this is all accurate and so expertly articulated.  Thank you for the reinforcement my friend :)


Hi Stacie,

" You know, the one thing I don't get, and this is obviously a lesson I haven't quite figured out in my soul, but WHY does god/dress see it necessary to have an Omega? I know the general answer is the principle of polarity relative to evolution, and maybe that's just the real answer, like it or not."


Yes, like it or not that is the answer. The way the manifest Creation has been set in motion it's ongoing evolution has as one of it's natural laws, or principles, dominance and submission, strong consuming the weak, and so forth. Thus, in a wolf pack there is a 'natural' hierarchy of the Alpha male/ female as well as the Omega wolf that serves an an anchor that allows for the various roles/ dominance within the overall pack to exist. In essence, the Omega is a kinda 'scapegoat' that allows for all the member wolves within the pack, that are not the Omega wolf, to feel that dominance/ submission within themselves relative to their position within the pack. Thus, the Omega wolf is a naturally stabilizing wolf/ role that allows the pack to evolve and remain stable within itself.

God Bless, Rad