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Astrology article on current and future transits

Started by Skywalker, Jun 08, 2018, 05:43 AM

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Remember it´s all good in the end and that every time we are able to stay strong and avoid falling into despair that we are contributing to the collective good!

Stay strong but be soft too :)

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Hi Skywalker,

Just listened to your EA Zoom talk and thought it was great. It's well worth listening to, even for those who have read your article.

I especially appreciate you highlighting the brainwashing by media aspect, and the fact that only a handful of giant corporate entities own and control all media outlets. It's clear to me that their aim is not just to distort the truth but to emotionally manipulate people by the way they deliver the news.

They want to rile people up and divide them. It serves their purpose.

I am 100% convinced that without the media's constant focus on our imbecile-in-chief, their obvious (at least to me) slant towards him, and their intentional tactic of wanting to rile people up and divide them, Trump would never have gotten elected.

I think more of us need to be aware of this attempt at brainwashing and emotional manipulation by the mainstream media. It requires developing a healthy detachment from the way news is presented and the ability to discern what is true without getting sucked into manipulated emotional triggers.

I hope your talk and article get a lot of circulation. It's important stuff.

All the best,


Skywalker asteroids, crystal info and more

Skywalker asteroids, crystal info and more


At the behest of solleil, I watched it just now. Good conversation indeed.

I think you'd be interested in this interview with Elon Musk.

The town in Mexico you were speaking of.


Thank you Turmeric for the links and for contributing, i will watch the video of Elon Musk.  The one of Mexico shows we can take our destinies in our own hands when we are determined and united.

I added a link to the second Zoom meeting.

I really appreciate everyone's interest and support!

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more

Skywalker asteroids, crystal info and more