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Life after death

Started by Stacie, Oct 14, 2018, 08:59 AM

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Hi Rad.

In Yukteswar's Holy Science, he reveals that most souls are unconscious after death in the astral plane.  Then there's this idea that is widely circulated and talked about, how loved ones who have passed will always be present with you in consciousness/spirit.  There's a dichotomy here. How, if you've passed from physical mortality, can you be present with someone who is incarnated on earth in spirit if you're in an unconscious state?  



Hi Stacie,

The degree of consciousness after the Soul exits from the physical form is relative to the degree of it's evolution from life to life. Since the majority of Souls during this current epoch, the Ages, are in a consensus state, 70%, that degree of consciousness correlates to what Yukteswar is talking about. It's not being totally unconscious however: it is a relative degree of being in a state of subliminal awareness. Like being in a stupor. Before the consensus state is evolved into it is true a state of almost total unconsciousness exists for the Soul. As the Soul evolves through the consensus state the degree of that evolution is reflected in how conscious the Soul is during it's transition into the astral realm.  As the Soul continues to evolve through the individuated state, then the spiritual state, that degree of conscious awareness expands to reflect that degree of evolution.

The astral realm is not just one space/ time continuum. There are many, many dimensions within it that each reflect the specific degree of the evolution of the Soul. It's kinda like a slice of Swiss cheese that has all kinds of holes in it. Each hole correlating to the degree of evolutionary consciousness of the Soul.

Souls do meet up with other Soul's in the astral realm when the degree of personal evolution allows for that: other Souls who have yet to incarnate back to Earth type realities. It is also possible of course for Soul's who have not yet reincarnated to commune/ communicate with Soul's who have. This is done through what is called hyper-space: the interfacing of the astral with the physical realm. This of course is dependent on, yet again, the degree of evolution for any given Soul.

God Bless, Rad


Thank you for that. A lot to digest and I'm grateful. Does bring up one dilemma for me personally however, which is that I have bonded with certain animals that I desperately want to see and interact with in the afterlife.  There is a toucan in particular that I have replayed imagery over and over in my brain who might greet me when the day comes I move back into spirit. Is that kind of stuff fairy tales? 


Hi Stacie,

All depends on the nature of the Soul within that bird. It's not impossible.

God Bless, Rad


The point being, that if animals forms evolve faster than humans, but they wont have much or any degree to be conscious in the afterlife, how is it possible to ever meet up in human to animal form? (I posted my reply before I saw yours, so I get the answer that some things are not impossible.


The point within this, is that this seems to be almost a cursed situation for daemon souls. Other soul types get to recommune with those they've bonded with, but daemon's dont because they were created to predominately bond with life forms below the human consensus level??

Thank you


Hi Stacie and Rad,

Rad I have been thinking about this same question as Stacie because I have seen you say that the less evolved Souls stay in a kind of stupor but it made me think what about the animals, because I have seen some in the astral realm and even felt my cat with me after she passed over.

How can some less evolved human Souls be in a stupor yet some animal Souls are not? What would allow them to be different?

Thank you

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Hi Stacie and Skywalker,

It is the very nature of the Soul that is the underlying issue in the questions you are asking about animals. Although it is generally true that consciousness in the form of Souls, all of which are individualized, evolves/ expands through the various life forms, animals to human for example, that does not mean that evolved Souls with an expanded consciousness do not incarnate into various animals forms such as cats, birds, dogs, wolves, etc, etc, etc. This does happen. It is NOT UNCOMMON. The reasons or purposes that such Souls have in so doing are of course unique to each Soul that does so.

Daemon Souls can meet up with each other in all kinds of ways though time.

God Bless, Rad


Thank you Rad, but I have to ask a follow up. What regeneration is there for a daemon soul after the pain of so many animal losses if there are not conscious reconnections with those they lost?  I appreciate that there are exceptions where an animal you communed with was really a consciousness that could have incarnated in human form if it wanted to, and that you'd have the opportunity to reconnect with that kind of soul, but let's face it that is a very small percentage.  As a daemon I want to be with animals when the time comes to rest and regroup out of the body.  There is no rest without animal forms for me.  The religion I was brought up in taught that there are 3 kingdoms in heaven and animals would only exist in the lowest kingdom, and I always said fuck exhaltation then, I can't exist or ever be happy without the animals.  When I initially asked the question I thought I was asking about people and now I'm realizing the gravity in what I was asking about, which is that there are no animals in the astral. That is a big pill to swallow and it seems very unfair to daemons. I'm just expressing and hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful.  It's just that the answer is a fairly small crisis for me and I haven't yet wrapped my head around it. Thank you for answering though. As Wolf always used to say "I don't make the rules"...

Blessings and gratitude



Extending this beyond animals and daemons, what about the people who have had loved ones in a dimly evolved state? If I had a child or sibling or friend with Down's Syndrome I would want to reconnect as soon as possible.  I feel like there has to be a caveat here.


Hi Stacie,

There are all kinds of animals, the Soul's within them, in the astral realm. Soul's in human form and animal form interconnect and have relationships just like on Earth. The conscious re-connection the dimly evolved Souls from other lives takes place on places like Earth.

God Bless, Rad


Thank you for the answer. It's just very difficult to accept the idea that specific individuals you've bonded with will not be accessible to you, even in the afterlife. I'm relieved there will be others, but sometimes you just want the specific individual you knew. I suppose these feelings are due to my own young evolution where I am too emotionally attached to certain things. I will spend a lot of time contempating this and thank you for helping me figure it out.

❤️ Stacie


Thanks Stacie for this conversation .....

It is thing I'm wondering is if all souls, after human death, are capable of remembering via 'Uranian' function all of their previous lives...I would think matter the spiritual state, that it is natural...

But i also wonder if there is a level of relativity, of forgetting or taking for granted which ever astral level they find themselves in.....each soul will naturally be where it is, be content enough (until it isn't) and fulfilled...relative to human like earth experiences......

I am figuring that evolved souls could indeed 'visit' the other astral realms...however, if those souls are not conscious of that level, then the experience could be very limited...just as it can happen here on earth....????

Also, have to say the idea or 'torpor'...well relative to someone like Yuketswar, lol - I mean....yeah....that soul is pretty advanced :)   he is very much utterly enlightened..though I know he has great love for all creation (so much Capricorn/10th if i recall in his chart)...still, I imagine I'm rather wormlike to him ;)
btw: really saying that with levity and humor...thing is when I think of those in consensus in some astral 'torpor' I visualize a coma!  Probably not what he means....

& understand how you feel, Daemon soul, animals.....I know a certain fur being will be with me, is with far as conscious communion - don't know where, don't know how - but it will happen. the desire is there....

& thanks Rad for clarifying that it is indeed not uncommon for animals/birds etc to be evolved souls....always my gut feeling there....
& my thoughts are just those....this conversation has got me thinking about all this......if I'm way off base....apologies...


Hi Nerissa,

"It is thing I'm wondering is if all souls, after human death, are capable of remembering via 'Uranian' function all of their previous lives...I would think matter the spiritual state, that it is natural..."


No, this is a function of evolution of the Soul. Not all Souls can remember their past lives upon physical death.


But i also wonder if there is a level of relativity, of forgetting or taking for granted which ever astral level they find themselves in.....each soul will naturally be where it is, be content enough (until it isn't) and fulfilled...relative to human like earth experiences......

I am figuring that evolved souls could indeed 'visit' the other astral realms...however, if those souls are not conscious of that level, then the experience could be very limited...just as it can happen here on earth....Huh?


The more evolved a Soul is correlates to visiting other astral realms. When this happens are conscious of doing just that.

God Bless, Rad


Dear Stacie,

I am no expert but have had many readings with mediums and have studied much on the afterlife. During my first reading I had many childhood animals come through in the reading to say thank you to me for loving them and seeing their souls (not just seeing an animal). The medium asked me if I used to rescue animals? I did not, I just brought them home and loved them so much, my parents did not let me keep most. She laughed as frogs appeared and asked where these frogs came from? I used to catch them and play with them as a child. I had several dogs appear and my parakeet I had for 13 years. I have also felt a visit from one of my Golden retrievers in a dream.

I realize this is not afterlife but was brought though a medium. It does however give me hope and belief that we do meet our loved ones again, including animals on the other side. I believe the bonds of love are forever.

No disrespect to anything else presented here. Just offering hope and light from my own experience.

Peace & Light,
