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Aspects, Phases, and Key Planetary Pairs

Started by Rad, Mar 17, 2012, 10:19 AM

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Thank you, Wendy!  Helps to see it that way......



If it's helpful to anyone, the phase diagrams Wendy referred to are on this message board at,209.0.html



Hi Wendy,

Gosh, sure nice to see you back here.

God Bless, Rad



Tonight we will cover the aspect patterns.

It is not uncommon to find in birth charts various aspect patterns and they are fairly easy to observe, but the challenge is to interpret how it is manifested.


This is very common for counseling astrologers to see. First of all, determine the phases of the aspects in the T-Square. Full or gibbous phase opposition, First or Last quarter, crescent or disseminating squares. Sometimes one side will be a crescent and the other side is a last quarter with a gibbous opposition, each of those are archetypes.

T-Square equals creative stress relative to behavioral development and that stress is specifically linked to the very nature of the phases that they take place within. The ability of the person to handle the creative stress in a T-Square and respond to it is determined by the mode - fixed, mutable or cardinal. A mutable T-Square is going to have an inherent ability and/or desire to grow as necessary and a natural facility to adapt to such changes. Clearly, a fixed T-Square is going to be inherently resistant. Any time you deal with fixed energy, as a general principle, it has to get used to something before it acts. This process of getting used to it equals internal compression in the fixed T-Square. The analogy is squeezing an orange to get juice. The getting used to it is usually related to external and/or internal confrontations to the point where they, in the end, have no choice. The cardinal T-Square is extremely adept at becoming enthused at the idea of change, but once they make it, freaking out, and then trying to recover the very thing that they have just ditched and, thus, one step forward, two steps back.

First, use the signs to determine the mode, then you qualify it by the House. For example, if I have a mutable T-square taking place in natural cardinal houses, this is where the art of the astrologer comes in, to synthesize the apparently competitive nature of two archetypes.

The cardinal T-Square has the enthusiasm to initiate change, the essence of cardinal, but the change can then be too much of a change, then they become emotionally insecure because their linkage with the familiar reality of the past has been severed. Then they become insecure and thus attempt to recover the very thing they have just changed. This become the basis of extremely complex and extremely changeable emotions that are not predictable, which not only confuses that person, but anyone else that they happen to be interfacing with. Imagine an individual with a cardinal T-Square with the focus being Mars in Cancer in the Seventh House. On one side of the square, you have a first quarter square to Venus and on the other side you have a first quarter square to Saturn and thus, Saturn and Venus are in opposition.

Audience: Would it be something about crisis in initiating relationships and restriction needing to be exercised in initiating them?

Jeffrey: Yes. That is certainly in place, sort of a push-pull.

Audience: The cardinal problem could be somebody who probably changed the relationship and then freaked out and wanted the relationship back.

Jeffrey: And that can drive the potential lover just batty, can't it? We have competing desires here. On the one hand, the thing is focused on Mars emphasizing the need for independence and freedom and yet it is in the Seventh House - the instinct to complete oneself is through relationships. Right away you have a paradox.

That inherent paradox sets in motion the competing and revolving and utterly unpredictable emotional states, which of themselves determine behavior. It is not the behavior itself, i.e. how they are expressing themselves to their partner, but rather themselves that become utterly changeable. At one moment, they are totally there, totally Cancer (for those who have been the recipient of Cancer energy...... ) but then, the Mars kicks in and now they are withholding the emotions because in the first cycle they had given too much away, Seventh House/Venus in Libra, and had depleted themselves emotionally and thus became uncentered or lost their sense of equilibrium within themselves. So this sets in motion the next cycle, the need to retain. It is going to be an ongoing crisis in action as to how to even be in relationships. Are they going to respond to Tenth House Libra Venus trips, i.e. society providing the clues? Saturn in Aries is reinforcing this, and it is focused on Mars, and they are both first quarter squares, crisis in action.

What kind of sexual issues might you expect here? Beth knows. Would you like to share?

Beth: I just have this theory I'm working on.

Jeffrey: Would you mind sharing that theory?

Beth: I would mind sharing that theory. But it is really true.

Jeffrey: Are you going to do your little Scorpio thing here, or are you just going to come on out?

Beth: I'm going to save it for the next"¦.ask about it then.

Jeffrey: Who wants to get on her case? Who would like to expound on this question?

Audience: They would internalize their sexual energy or make love with themselves.

Jeffrey: No. Would not a focus of Mars in the Seventh House create an emotional sense of needing to have their sexual need completed through an external partner?

Audience: I was looking at the Cancer as being more withdrawn.

Jeffrey: That is true. But until that is realized, is not Cancer learning how to do it within self-care, but the delusion of Cancer, almost in all cases, is to seek that security outside. So they are going to feel that the fulfillment of their sexual need is dependent upon a partner. And, yet, because you have this dynamic cardinal square focused on that Mars, this creates the potential of....

Audience: Violence.

Jeffrey: It is not necessarily linked with violence, it could be...

Audience: It could be if the cardinal goes too far and then back and is real sorry about that.

Jeffrey: Yes. That would be a factor relative to the confusion of the partner, i.e. partners who felt that they were being jacked around.

Audience: And then a tremendous feeling of guilt and trying to make it OK.

Jeffrey: With respect to the T-Square, this person is going to have a natural propensity for lots of experience, a source of self-knowledge, Mars, action/reaction. They can get tired of any given mate as a general dynamic and now specific to a sexual dynamic.

This is with respect to the crisis in action. Now whom do I be with? Now whom do I seek? So this can create problems in the existing relationship when the person finds they are sexually attracted to another Seventh House because the cardinal T-square is going to create the impulse to initiate the experience. But the Saturn in the T-square is going to attempt to suppress that attraction while the Venus in Libra says go for it. Venus and Saturn are in opposition. This will distinctly manifest relative to gender.

Audience: Wouldn't one being in a relationship for other reasons such as career or power come into it too?

Jeffrey: Of course.

Audience: If you moved these into the fixed houses, would the experience be more intense? There would be a lot of resistance to the pulls in each direction, but the urge to act would be another issue altogether with respect to repressing the urge to act or resisting the urge to act.

Jeffrey: Yes, it would tend to emphasize the whole paradox because a person in that scenario would tend to resist the impulse to manifest. They would internalize. In the cardinal T-square, there is going to be more of a tendency to act as the impulse occurs.

Audience: What about mutable, and where they are adaptable?

Jeffrey: The mutable would go with the experience as an on-going experience, whereas cardinal would want the experience and then freak out and try to recover what it lost.

Audience: I get it. You are a success.

Jeffrey: Hey, minor victories.

Audience: So, how would you go about counseling someone in this situation?

Jeffrey: Well, first of all you would want to discuss with them why they set up circumstances that they then go about undermining or unraveling and how that effect itself creates insecurity. Knowing why they are doing that is a piece of self-knowledge, and until they have that kind of knowledge, the pattern will be sustained. In the area of relationships, you want to talk to them about what all of their essential needs are so you eliminate the emotional paradox. This will invariably attract mates who only embody some of the needs, but not all of them (the passing attraction.) How can the passing attraction possibly represent all of their essential needs? Once they make a desire, Mars, to have a total relationship, which is another whole issue, they could, at a personality level, say, "Yeah, I want that relationship." But at a Soul or subconscious level, it could be the reverse truth, which is the source of the self-undermining. So first they have to come to grips with what they want. Do they want a revolving door kind of situation in their life? Or do they want to make that fundamental commitment? If, so, here is what you need.

Audience: When people come to you, do they often feel that they are trapped in their patterns, and that there is no way out?

Jeffrey: Yes, unfortunately, that's generally what I attract.

Audience: So you don't tell them they are doomed, do you? Yes, you are trapped.

Jeffrey: There is no way out.

Audience: Is that why you were complaining about the fact that your clients don't always do what you say, hardly ever do what you tell them to do? Is it a difficult thing to do because you attract people who...

Jeffrey: I tend to attract very compulsive people.

Audience: Gee, here we are everybody! Compulsive support group!

Jeffrey: Pluto aspects everything in my chart, so, surprise, surprise. And I'm delivering them inconjunct messages, Pluto inconjunct Uranus. I'm asking them, in most cases, to make fundamental changes and to have faith. Now, the ones who tend to follow the suggestions and do change their reality are very happy later, when they see it all works.

The polarity point will generate a lot of conflicts and collisions of will over authority issues. Who is going to define who, and who is going to play what role, and who is going to wear the pants and all those things. Even down to basic habits and rhythm patterns on a daily basis, Cancer. This one will generate the kind of conflict such as who puts the cap on the toothpaste and who doesn't, and then make it a big issue.

Audience: So the First House is what is lacking in that person. What is missing?

Jeffrey: It is not so much described as lacking as it becomes a relief point to create integration of the T-square. People without fail, I don't care who it is, gravitate to that place.

Audience: So the qualities and the sign of the First House have to be stressed in order to find a way out of this dilemma?

Jeffrey: It is instinctively developed. It doesn't even take thought. It just happens.
Audience: But if a person were to consciously develop that as the answer to the integration?

Jeffrey: Right, because until it is consciously developed, it creates another kind of conflict back and forth.

Audience: I looked at a chart with a T-square and then the polarity point of the focus point of the T-square had a Yod. The behavior that I could figure out was that they were going from one part of the Yod to the other part of the Yod and being very angry with one and then the other.

Jeffrey: So then the question becomes why did they decide to be born with that pattern. What is the evolutionary intent?

Audience: Do people understand these things when you ask them?

Jeffrey: The people who ask the questions in that way will. But there are a lot of ways to find the same point that they can take in.

Audience: Is the T-square the most common pattern because the person is in enough turmoil to seek out some feedback, or is it because it is the most typical aspect?

Jeffrey: It is because they get weary of the struggle, and in this culture one of the conditioning patterns is to not seek out alternative counseling in terms of the status quo, so you tend to get these folks at the end of their rope. You are sort of the court of last resort, so to speak. By that time, they are ready to hear it.

                                                  GRAND TRINE

This will come your way, but not so commonly. The neat thing is that there is not a lot of developmental stress. The Grand Trines tend to promote an intrinsic ability to integrate the various planetary function/parts of that Grand Trine in such a way that it become the foundation of their life because it is so easy to integrate and understand. Evolutionarily speaking, there is a reason for that Grand Trine.

Determine what mode, air, fire, etc., it is and then they will manifest it relative to that archetype. If you have an air grand trine, that person is going to manifest an ongoing curiosity about life itself, as a boredom factor; yet, because of the grand trine, they have an inherent understanding of what to do because of that boredom and thus not making rash or impulsive decisions that the T-square could make and then be sorry for.

With the earth and/or water grand trines, these are the folks who tend to want to get to a certain level of growth or understanding and then try to maintain it, let it become their operative status quo. It works. And because there is no creative stress, it is easy to maintain, easy to resist any additional growth and to maintain that bottom line. In other words, there can be an inherent inertia in the earth and water grand trines. But, then, evolutionarily speaking, there is going to be a reason for that.

                                                   GRAND CROSS

This is, in our view, the most problematic configuration. Two T-squares make a Grand Cross. And the most problematic one within that is the fixed one. This is what I call the walking time bomb because all these planets are involved in a tremendous level of creative stress relative to behavioral development. They are perpetually experiencing cycles of stagnation leading to metamorphosis, leading to complacency, leading to more cycles of growth which are resisted. The impulses for growth are resisted in the fixed Grand Cross. This creates the walking time bomb, because they cannot be forever resisted. The Grand Cross will make it happen. When the bomb goes off we have an explosion, and there is no choice but to change.

A case in point would be an individual who had energy in the Twelfth and Sixth and Tenth and Fourth. Part of it is taking place in a cardinal archetype and part in a mutable one, but with fixed planets. So the initial response is to resist. That resistance will invariably lead to more of a catatonic reaction and a total disengagement from their reality which then promotes relative to internal compression and to disengagement, the seeds of what must change the thoughts, the awareness which then translates into plotting strategies, at least inwardly and silently - not expressed to anyone, of how to make that change which is gestating in the greenhouse within. This finally manifests, if not acted upon at the right time, as an explosion. This destroys things in order to make new things. On the other hand, if the person implements thoughts and awareness as necessary, the explosion can be blunted and it can be a controlled explosion.

Audience: When the fixed Grand Cross is also in fixed houses?

Jeffrey: Ah!

Audience: I have heard that a person with this configuration can become very famous because of the pressures involved. In cardinal signs, they might have to ability to get out there and do something and the stress behind it would be helpful.

Jeffrey: That would only be true if the issue of change is part of their evolutionary necessity. Part of their Soul program. It is not an absolute.

Contrast this with the mutable Grand Cross. This is going to be an individual quite contrary to the fixed. This is a person who wants no limits, no corrals, and no saddles. One who is always pointed and aware of the next horizon, the lure and its promise, and wants the freedom to move into it. One who has chosen, as a Soul, to effect maximum possible growth that is humanly possible. The Soul knows that. It has made that program and thus it can become incredibly resistant to the Grand Cross, to any restrictions. Let's imagine we are dealing with an inherently alienated Soul, from birth, alienated from culture. Can you see how this can become self-defeating, i.e. somehow creating the delusion that if I integrate into the system, I lose myself. So, as in all things, it depends upon how it is responded to. There are no absolute manifestations of this. The archetype is the same, of course.

Audience: What is the ideal response for the fixed cross?

Jeffrey: That change is necessary - to have cycles of stability leading to cycles of metamorphosis leading to cycles of stability, and to leave the resistance out of that. That is fairly impossible, however, because fixed is fixed.

The thing that we explained about the cardinal mode is doubly emphasized in a grand cross in a cardinal mode. The only time you can really mitigate the cardinal mode is when most of that energy is being focused through the natural fixed houses. That would tend to create forethought prior to the impulsive action. Cardinal can suddenly get so far a field and then suddenly become aware and freak out. The mutable there would tend to create the ability to understand the nature of the experience even if they did go too far a field. The emotional damage would not be that severe. Keep in mind, also, that the mutable emphasized the intuitive, so they would tend to have an intuitive awareness of what to implement or initiate and what not to.


This is another very problematic pattern, the double inconjunct linked with the sextile. This was originally called a "Finger of God". This implies a feeling of destiny; a trusting of the intuition so that when you come to the "y" in the road you would know which way to go. The deeper issue is that commonly people with this pattern experience tremendous frustration. The yod promotes a knowing, a vision, an awareness from on high that is not necessarily consciously defined. It is like a telephone line inconjunct to God and receiving message that somehow seen utterly unrelated to your current circumstances or reality which then sets in motion this tremendous level of analysis in which you are now focusing on all the imperfections and lacks of your reality contrasted now with this vision from on high. So life always seems somehow less than right. It either leads to perpetual or transitory bitchiness, complaints, something's always wrong, or making crises where none need to exist. It can lead into negative self-concepts because, in their own evaluation, they cannot actualize the vision from on high. The inconiuncts focus on the issue of humility, personal and social limitations. The person is now analyzing themselves mercilessly and now comparing themselves, full phase/gibbous phase, to the authority on high. Of course they are going to seem less than adequate. So they never feel quite ready to implement or actualize the vision from on high. It is always held in the head.

Audience: Since the yod contains stress, what is the relief?

Jeffrey: It creates a really highly tuned electrical system because it is so tight. The midpoint in the sextile/opposition point of the focus of the yod is called the boomerang point.

Audience: What does that do? Does it bring in more information from on high or does it....... ?

Jeffrey: The boomerang point, of itself, is never activated unless there is a planet at that midpoint, thus creating an opposition. If there is, then there is a natural coming and going, coming and going.

Audience: What if that is a person? Venus? As sort of the symbol of whom you choose to be with?

Jeffrey: Well, you can draw a partner who keeps throwing your shit back at you. Or they mirror your shit. At the same time, they can mirror your potential, and yet you are experiencing the frustration of not being able to achieve it.

Audience: It seems that the planet on the ends of those two inconjuncts is doubly stressed.

Jeffrey: Yes, but where that planet is manifesting by House and Sign is exactly the area where this vision on high is meant to be expressed. That is the point. Through that function or area. So, the solution of the yod is to realize that the path to perfection simply occurs through action, one step at a time. Clearly, this kind of pattern is emphasizing the evolutionary necessity for humility from an egocentric point of view.

Audience: So you are listening to God instead of yourself.

Jeffrey: Yes. What you are actually trying to do, from another point of view, is to shift the very center of gravity in your consciousness and that means in this kind of culture from the left brain to the right brain, from deductive logic to inductive logic, from empirical to intuitive.

Audience: If you have a septile instead of a sextile, is it still a yod?

Jeffrey: Technically, no. But, in the way I do astrology, yes. Technically, the answer is no, in reality, the answer is yes. The origin of boredom is God.

Audience: He wants you to be dissatisfied.

Jeffrey: God is not a he.
Audience: She wants you to be dissatisfied.

Jeffrey: God is not a she.

                                                MYSTIC RECTANGLE

Two oppositions, two trines, and two sextiles. God knows why it is called the mystical rectangle. With respect to the oppositions, we have a lot of creative stress, but with the trines and sextiles, you thus have the ability to understand the nature of such creative stress and the ability to integrate it relative to making the efforts necessary to accomplish the growth required of the opposing forces.

Audience: It seems like someone who could do a lot of some particular activity relative to the oppositions and sextiles and then they could absolutely change their reality - from ditch digger to architect and make a creative difference.

Jeffrey: That's true. In fact, my brother is a case of this. At one point he is a Zen priest for five years, then he becomes a drug dealer, and then a craftsperson on Maui making bamboo crafts and becoming president of the craft guild.

Audience: You have the sextiles that can make the transition between the two and then you have the trines that can synthesize a bunch of talents and the oppositions bringing in the creative stress.

Jeffrey: That is actually why it is probably called the mystic rectangle because this person has some sort of mystical ability to integrate and understand the massive chaos and stress.

The point of this yod example is Uranus in the Sixth House in Pisces, one inconjunct is Neptune in Leo in the Eleventh House and the other is Jupiter/Moon in Libra in the First House. This person is in their sixties. Newly individuated evolutionary station, male, white, middle class values.

(How many are aware that all the building blocks for organic life were discovered on one of Saturn's moons, Titan, by the Voyager - just too cold to ignite - like earth before it had an atmosphere?)

Is this not clearly a case in which one of the deepest lessons that this particular person has chosen for himself is to rebel, Uranus, against all conditioning patterns. Yet, in rebelling against these conditioning patterns, are they not going to generate a Sixth House crisis relative to perceived obligations and duties, Sixth House? They are going to be the receiver or receptor of voices, or knowledge or information or thoughts from on high that simply manifest in their consciousness of their own volition, not a product of Sixth House analysis. We not only have the Piscean thing implicated, the Sixth House, Uranus, and the yod, but we also have Neptune as part of the equation, Jupiter linked with the Moon. The whole lessons is too transfer into the intuition and thus learn how to trust, Moon, the messages, communications and such that come to them. It means to open up their relationship dynamics to now experience on equal terms a relationship. This is part of the deconditioning pattern itself, deconditioning from generational norms of how to be in relationships. The man is 60 and speaks for itself. It also suggests that the gentleman is trying to integrate his own anima/animus as a form of deconditioning from cultural norms of how to be a male. This can potentially create confusion.

Audience: Did you say that this man was born out of generation?

Jeffrey: Of course. He would be someone who wouldn't fit with the status quo, Sixth House Uranus, and might feel alienated from his environment, deep within himself. They wouldn't be able to understand him and he wouldn't understand why they don't understand him. However, he will know how to project himself through Libra - so most people aren't going to understand the deep inner turmoil that is going on.

Audience: Do you ever see in a chart where relationships are not to be as equals?

Jeffrey: Of course. Keep in mind that astrology reflects life and if everybody had an absolute need to be in relationships as equals, we would certainly have a different planet, wouldn't we? Despite your playboys and playgirls, people are still doing traditional trips in relationships. That is reality. On the other hand, there is an increase in the gay population.

Audience: Vis a vis the lessons of humility around the Sixth House, is it possible that the Neptune is trying to dissolve some of that Leo egocentricity?

Jeffrey: Yes, relative to mental equations. This is an individual who has felt absolutely intellectually superior for many lifetimes. He could out-argue the best arguer. But what has happened in this life is that all the famous arguments are collapsing into absolute meaningless confusion. One of the liberation points of the Sixth House Uranus is to be liberated from false intellectual arguments or superiorities and the egocentricity associated with the mental process. It is not that the person is not adept intellectually; it is the association with the intellect that is suspect. A "look at me" attitude.

Audience: With Uranus in Pisces, do you think that underneath all that confusion and need to change is the need to spiritualize?

Jeffrey: Sure. But, at this point in time, it is associated with moving into the individuated state through a progressive rebellion against status quo answers. It is a progressive rebellion against the status quo and moving the person in an accelerated fashion into the individuated state, where they begin to rebel progressively and that is his form of spiritualizing at this point relative to the reported evolutionary condition. We are not going to be advocating a full-blown spiritual path. We would be much more recommending strategies of reading, i.e. "Tao of Physics" or "The Optimum Project", stuff that his mind can deal or grapple with, or Krishnamurti material because Krishnamurti will out-argue this man. You need to promote his need to interface with more powerful intellects than himself. That induces the humility.

Audience: This it an actual human being here?

Jeffrey: Judith apparently knows the fellow.

Audience: My question is with Uranus in the Sixth House, what does he do?

Jeffrey: Right now, he is a stock-broker and involved in putting together financial deals which involve a number of different companies and individuals - real complex financial deals. But he is an engineer by education. He is a lover of the arts, Libra stuff.

Audience: Would the Sixth House Pisces represent kind of a synthesis thing? Brings together lots of people. Does this person belong to any kind of organizations that are spiritually related or religiously related?

Jeffrey: No. Just me.

Audience: Is there such a thing as a grand sextile?

Jeffrey: Yes. But only people in their 42s and 61s, 62s. But be sure to pay attention to the phases when you synthesize all those sextiles.

Thank you, Jeff.



Hi All,

This next posting is about planetary aspects that has been condensed by Adina Mather from the old message board.

                                         ASPECTS BETWEEN PLANETS AND ANGLES

                                       Sun Conjunct Ascendant

(Q): I have a question about charts in which the Sun is in exact conjunction to the Ascendant. Evolutionary conditions notwithstanding, what is the intent for an individual who is born literally at sunrise with the Sun split at the horizon? Also, in a composite chart, what does it mean when one of the individuals involved in the composite chart has a natal Sun that lies on the Ascendant of that composite chart?

(A): It depends on whether the Sun is in the first or the 12th house. In the first house, it is emphasizing the evolutionary necessity of a current life purpose defined by a brand new cycle in evolutionary development, which is described through the evolutionary paradigm itself, as well as through the sign that the Ascendant and Sun are in and the house cusp that the sign Leo is on. If it is in the 12th house, it is emphasizing the evolutionary necessity of culminating an entire evolutionary cycle that has come before defined by the evolutionary paradigm itself, the sign on the 12th house cusp and the location of its planetary ruler with aspects. Relative to a composite, the individual who has the Sun on the composite Ascendant will be the individual within the relationship that is focusing on the above archetypes within that relationship.

                                               Uranus and the Moon

(Q): I am very curious on your interpretation of a Moon/Uranus conjunction. What is exactly happening there? It is absolutely amazing to watch this type of person. It is like unconscious "babble" or weird streaming of communication that comes out of these folk. They hold a conversation and while you are trying to understand them, you can't and you wonder if they even understand themselves. What is the evolutionary intent of such souls?

(A): Well, once again, it depends on the actual person. For some, it does correlate to either being highly traumatized in this life, or in other other lives in which the trauma was not resolved and thus recycled into the current life. When this is the case, the best way to really know is thru what are called "blunted" responses to life, not the ongoing babble. A blunted response is one in which the person who is asked very direct questions responds with very few words that are typically mumbled instead of spoken clearly. Those with such trauma either are typically very quiet, or they talk compulsively, as in babble. For others, it's as if their subconscious structure is so attuned to other planes of existence that this itself can produce such an effect.

                                                   Mars square Mercury

(Q) Does Mars in Scorpio in the 8th house square Mercury in Aquarius in 12th indicate prior psychological abuse?

(A): It can, but not always. It can also mean the person himself has been such an abuser thru his own displaced emotions that he then projected on another.

                                               Jupiter and Saturn Aspects

(Q): I'm having trouble with understanding how to interpret a Saturn/Jupiter conjunction, square or opposition in charts. With Saturn defining reality and structure and Jupiter being about intuition, how do these two planets interact with each other? I know that this can apply to Saturn in Sagittarius or the ninth house and Jupiter in Capricorn or the 10th. I also understand that there are many factors and variables, but I am asking just in general. 

(A): Saturn does correlate to the structural nature of one's consciousness, which is defined by Saturn's house and sign placement plus the aspects to it from other planets, the sign on the 10th house cusp and the location of its planetary ruler with aspects and the house cusp that Capricorn is on. Jupiter correlates to the nature of the 'beliefs' or 'knowledge' that we have created or learned for ourselves which then contribute to the structural nature of consciousness.

The opposition between Saturn and Jupiter would correlate evolutionarily to the need of such a soul to 'throw off' or oppose any beliefs that no longer foster the ongoing evolutionary development of the soul. The square means a cyclic conflict with the existing nature of beliefs that creates a progressive refinement or 'fine tuning' of what is true and not true. The new phase conjunction correlates to a brand new cycle about what to know or believe, and the balsamic conjunction correlates to a culmination of preexisting beliefs or knowledge built up over many recent lifetimes.

                                               Ascendant /Mars Aspects

(Q): I am curious to understand how an aspect to the Ascendant differs from an aspect to Mars (or the Descendent to Venus, etc.).

As an example: my Sun is in a gibbous opposition to Mars and in a disseminating square to my Ascendant (therefore in crescent square to my Descendant). Obviously, Mars and the Ascendant are in different signs, etc. Can you explain how to differentiate the archetypal themes of these two chart features and how to synthesize them?

(A): There is no difference, archetypically, between aspects involving the Ascendant, Mars or Aries, and, similarly, to aspects involving the Descendant, Venus or Libra.

(Q): O.K.That still leaves me with the question of how to interpret aspect configurations involving both points. Until this time I have focused my attention much more on Mars aspects than on Ascendant aspects, as this seemed more fruitful. Still, I want to understand if there would be any valuable information in, say, Mars in a first quarter square to the Ascendant. Would this correlate to a crisis in action within the subjective desire structure of the individual, and emphasize the fear of failure, etc.? How would you interpret any Mars/Ascendant aspect?

(A):  Yes. It correlates to a soul that desires to totally break free from whatever is binding the person to his past and who, therefore, initiates a variety of circumstances/directions in order to discover just what will create that effect--the actualization of the desire itself--thru a process of elimination. The intent is to discover exactly what the most effective way is to accomplish that desire.

                                                 Saturn Squares

(Q):  I'm working on a chart that is one of the most unusual I've ever seen and could use some help. She was born in Los Angeles. She is third stage individuated/first stage spiritual. She has her own counseling practice focused on substance abuse (she's been sober for over fifteen years) and sexual abuse clients. She is also a quietly practicing shaman. She's quite unusual and unique--definitely outside consensus rules--kind and compassionate with a great sense of humor.

She has this huge stellium in Leo in the 11th house: Venus at 11 degrees, Jupiter at 12 and the Sun at 17. Mars, Mercury and Pluto are at 19, 22 and 29 degrees of Virgo, respectively. She has an 18 degree Virgo Ascendant. Saturn is at 14 Scorpio in the 2nd house squaring the planets in Leo, and the Moon is at 11 Taurus in the 8th house opposite the Saturn. The North Node is at 25 Saqittarius in the 4th house. Are some of the dynamics illustrated in these symbols actualizing right work, self-knowledge and finding truth, inner faith deep within? What is the purpose of all those squares and conjunctions, with the one opposition? There are no trines and only one sextile from Neptune in the 2nd to the Mercury/Pluto. I know she's had a lot to overcome, but how would that play out in past life issues brought forward? There are no skipped steps. 

(A): In her case, these squares and the opposition are operating as a continuation of her soul efforts to resist anyone coming into her life, intimately speaking, who is so psychologically and emotionally needy that it has the effect of consuming so much of her time (South Node in the 10th -- time) that it utterly undermines her ongoing need for absolute self-actualization (Leo) because that has happened many times in other lives. Her need this life is to only allow someone in intimately who is already healed (12th house) and self-reliant (Taurus Moon, Saturn in the 2nd) and who simply wants to be with her and is a natural giver like she is. She needs an individual who understands who she naturally is and gives her appropriate feedback to this effect.

In addition, it correlates to ongoing lessons of when to give and when not, whom to give to and whom not, and ongoing lessons in 'listening' in such a way as to objectively identify the reality of another as it exists for them and to then give accordingly. Within all this, the need is to continue her inner integration of the animus/anima into an equal inner whole, and, of course, the ongoing need to 'objectify' the nature of her own traumas: i.e., asking why she needed to create this or that or whatever. This is to finally purge the residual of victimization and thus to own her own inner dynamics that have been responsible for this trauma or that.

                                      Planets Conjunct the Equator

(Q): When a soul has a planet conjunct the equator, that is an emphasized archetype in their consciousness. In cases where there is more than one planet conjunct the equator, would the 'emphasis' lose its effect because there is more than one?

(A):  No. It is increased relative to how many planets there are.

(Q): Or do you blend the archetypes of those planets?

(A): The blending occurs in and of itself because whatever planets are there are all operating equally and simultaneously.

(Q): In the case of more than one planet conjunct the equator, would a personal planet play a bigger role?

(A): No. The roles are equal.    

                                       Planets Aspecting Stelliums

(Q): When there is a huge stellium of planets in a chart all conjunct within a 10-degree orb and another planet aspects that stellium, there can exist more than one type of aspect, i.e., quintile and square. What is the rule governing this? Does one incorporate both aspects within their analysis?

(A): Yes.

(Q): When a planet aspects this sort of stellium, does the planet's aspected dynamic in equal measure affect all the planetary dynamics held within the stellium, by virtue of the conjunction, regardless of the degree of orb?

(A): Yes.
                                                 Scorpio Stellium

(Q): For a short while I was acquainted with someone who had a very heavy Scorpio and 12th house emphasis in his chart. In addition to the Sun and Mars conjunct in Scorpio in the 12th and Uranus in Scorpio in the 11th, the North Node was also in Scorpio in the 11th. Why would the North Node be in Scorpio if there is already so much energy posited in Scorpio?

(A): The intent in that pattern is for that soul to generate a tremendous amount of confrontation with others so that the actual motivations, agendas, psychology, and essentially where the person is 'coming from' can be exposed. Essentially, this is an extremely narcissistic soul who has expected everyone to serve itself, much like the planets orbit the sun. It correlates to delusions of grandeur fueled by a deep hate of others whom it has felt 'victimized' by. The delusion of feeling persecuted by others thus becomes the inner motivation to 'get back' at the 'persecutors,' and causes the deep narcissism and delusions of egocentric grandeur.

(Q): In terms of objective observation, the person was very controlled and controlling, and was very deceptive and given to manipulation of others. Would the North Node in Scorpio, in such a case as this one, necessarily correlate to a soul who has been on the side of evil for awhile? Am I being overly judgmental to consider a deceptive, controlling, manipulative consciousness one that is also somehow involved with evil?

(A):  I can not answer your question about the evil. I would need more information and/or direct observation of the person in question.

                                     Gemini Stellium in the 12th house

(Q): I remember someone asking you about the meaning of having a collection of planets in Capricorn in the 12th house, and you answered that the native has to accept responsibility for her life and actions and to release feelings of being victimized by life.

I am having trouble seeing how a stellium of planets would function in Gemini in the 12th. In particular, this individual has Sun and Venus in Gemini in the 12th and Mercury in the 12th. Gemini is on the Ascendant and Mercury and Venus are co-dispositors of the chart. Pluto is in Libra in the fourth house, and the South Node is in Taurus in the 11th. Would this person also suffer from a feeling of being victimized by life, and if so, how would this person be meant to free herself from this, given that Gemini is in the 12th? I am having trouble synthesizing the meaning and function of Gemini in this schema.

(A): Astrology operates relative to actual context. It's possible that the individual has that orientation to victimization, but it is not an absolute. It depends on the actual person herself. If you know the person, then you can make the observation necessary. If she is always asking, "Why did this happen to me," that speaks for itself.

    TO BE CONTINUED...........




                                               Aspects to Nodal Axis

(Q): To what extreme can we take the aspect to Nodal Axis rules without involving Pluto? In other words, can we look at a planet square the Nodal Axis along with another planet conjunct the South Node and use the same principles of interpretation even though Pluto is not involved in any aspect to the Nodes?
(A): The answer is yes.
                                        Planet Squaring Nodes and Influence of Mother

(Q): Noel Tyl in his 7 planetary keys stated that, "....with any planet squaring or conjunct the nodes within a tight orb of two degrees, the influence of the mother is overwhelming in terms of the point configured or the planet configured." Could you please give your assessment of this statement and why it singles out the mother (though it would not be hard to fathom). 

(A): The reason he states this is because of the underlying correlation of the Moon, Cancer, 4th house to our emotional imprinting from birth, and for most of us the mother is the primary agent of such imprinting when we are young. In essence, his statement is very accurate, but from the evolutionary detective point of view we must ask why in each case that a given person has such a signature.

                                                       Retrograde Conjunctions

(Q): I'm looking at a chart of a baby that was born this morning. Uranus and Pallas are conjunct in the 8th house, however, both are retrograde and Pallas has previously passed Uranus and retrograded back over it. Does this change or affect the balsamic conjunction? It would seem that it would give it new phase energy in some way, or is she simply repeating the balsamic conjunction?

(A): It is a balsamic conjunction; that is the imprint of her birth moment.

(Q): Also, since Venus is in the last degree of Leo opposing this conjunction (waning), did she have some illumination in her last life regarding this dynamic, which will be brought to completion this life?

(A): Yes.
                                            Aspects and Intercepted Signs

Q): When you are figuring aspects and there is an intercepted house, do you count that intercepted sign or not?

(A): Yes.

(Q): For example:  Saturn is at 25 Taurus in the 7th house, aspecting Pluto at 25 Virgo in the 10th with Leo intercepted in the 9th. Is that a square or a trine?

(A): It is a trine.

(Q): And does your answer apply to Progressions and Solar Arcs also?

(A): Yes.
                                                Aspects and Primary Lives

(Q): When planets are in a stellium, should it be considered that only those planets having a ten degree orb between them are in conjunction? Or if planet A is conjunct planet B, which is conjunct planet C, but the orb between plant A and planet C exceeds ten degrees, would planet A be conjunct planet C? How does this apply in determining that a primary life is underway?

For example, Pluto is conjunct the Moon and Mercury, while Mercury and the Moon are conjunct Mars. If the orb between Pluto and Mars is 11 degrees, would this be a primary life?

(A): Yes. When there are conjunctions like that they can bridge to the other planets that are part of that super conjunction, making a defacto aspect even when the planets are not technically within orb. Because of the bridge effect, this Pluto/Mars conjunction indicates a primary life.

(Q): If planet A is opposed to planet B, which is conjunct planet C, and if the orb between planet A and planet C exceeds the ten degrees, would they be considered to be in opposition because of the aspects each of them make to the third body, i.e., planet B?

(A): Yes, again because of the bridge effect.

(Q): Can these types of questions be answered by application of precise rules or should they be answered by using intuition based on observation and correlation, and by these means determine whether or not two given planets are in aspect, i.e., at an intense stage of their phasal relation?

(A): Yes. You can use your intuition relative to observation to also know.

                                                        Phases and Aspects

(Q): What are the sizes of the orbs for the various Pluto aspects within the phases? I know in the natal chart you are using 10 degrees for the major aspects. What about in determining planetary pair phases?

(A): The phase between planets is not dependent on orbs because of specific degrees for the phases: for example, Venus being in a forty five degree aspect would always equal a crescent phase.

(Q) Some of these are only 4 to 6 degrees apart - the orbs must be quite small. I assume there can only be one aspect per planetary pair - am I correct? That is, two planets can't be both inconjunct and triseptile at the same time.

(A): Yes. That is correct.

(Q): Within the phases, let's say two planets are 345 degrees apart. Does this mean they are not in one of the aspects within the phase and are just influenced by the overall qualities of the phase?

(A): Yes, and this is the value of understanding the archetypal foundation of the phase, remembering the specific aspect within the phase then manifests relative to that foundation.

(Q):Does this make the influence less significant than if they are directly aspecting within the phase?

(A): No.

(Q): I assume that the 360 degree (balsamic phase) conjunction is represented by the aspect being between 350 and 360 degrees, and the 0 degree (new phase) conjunction with aspects between 0 and 10 degrees. Is that correct?

(A): Yes.

(Q):  In your books you've done a thorough interpretation of Pluto and Uranus aspects. Is there any information available you'd recommend about aspects between other planets, especially Saturn, and the other important planetary pairs you point out in the videos?

(A): Liz Green's book called 'Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil' is the best source for Saturn information. To be honest, I am just not up on the astrology  literature as I simply don't read astrology books.

(Q): Could you say something about the archetypal meaning of Saturn at 29 degrees Leo in the 9th and a 2nd house with Capricorn on the cusp and Jupiter at 2 degrees Aquarius?

(A): It means to make the inner relationship you have within yourself--one of deep cosmological ponderings relative to the desire to understand the nature of 'truth', and all the knowledge and wisdom that the soul has manifested in other centuries--a vehicle to make a living and to find a specific vehicle like astrology, etc., to do that thru, i.e., a 'system' that can 'organize' all that is floating around in the intuitive head, so to speak.

                                                     Hard aspects

(Q): I have been getting many clients lately who have strong oppositions and squares to Saturn or the Moon and claim that their relationship with Mom or Dad was 'just fine'. When this occurs and there are no 'easy' aspects to the Moon or Saturn, is it possible that the relationship was just fine, or are they covering up the painful truth? Is it possible to have a harmonious relationship when there are only squares and oppositions to these planets?

(A): Yes, it is possible. It all depends on the evolutionary conditions of the parents relative to the child's own evolutionary condition and what the prior life dynamics/stories and background have been.

It is also possible for a person to be in denial (Saturn) of the actual reality of what the early life conditions were. For example, I have Mars and Uranus in opposition, both square the Moon. Yet, the Moon also forms trines to Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter. Until I was 44 I had the same claim about my childhood, the typical Beaver Cleaver response. All was fine. In reality, I was severely sexually abused and then put into an orphanage at the age of six; then returned back to my parents. Until I was 44 'all was fine.' Then thru certain circumstances that cover story came off.

                                                 Lack Of Hard Aspects

(Q): I know the answer to this question is largely dependent upon evolutionary condition and other personal, individual factors, but is there anything general that can be said for those who incarnate with very few hard aspects? For example, I've seen a chart with one square and two oppositions. Why would a soul choose to incarnate into a relatively unchallenged life if the purpose is to grow and evolve? Would it then be through transits and progressions that the evolution would have to occur?

(A): Generally, it means that such a soul is simply taking a relative 'time out' from the necessity of evolution in an accelerated sense. All souls do this from time to time; we all need a break sometimes.

(Q): I still wonder a bit about souls "taking a break," which manifests in a lack of hard aspects in the natal chart. I have always wondered if the soul could just "stay home" for awhile (meaning, not incarnate in human form for a span of time) if it needed rest or repair? Is that ever an option for the soul?

(A): Yes, of course.

(Q): If not, what drives the soul forward to incarnate in human form?

(A): It is an option, but the necessity of being in a time/space reality such as Earth correlates to and creates specific kinds of experiences within the consciousness of the soul that can only occur in such a time/space reality.

                                 Hard and Soft Aspects Between Natal Planets

(Q): I was wondering what you think of the idea that the soft aspects between natal planets really show the same thing as the hard aspects. For example, does Venus sextile Pluto energy work the same as Venus square Pluto?

(A): No, they don't. The archetype, intent, of Pluto aspecting anything is the same: to metamorphose the existing limitations or evolution of the planet being aspected by Pluto. Yet the specific nature of the aspect and the phase it takes place within determines the manifestation and inner orientation and how the intent is carried out. Both volumes of Pluto contain a discussion of aspects. The second volume of Pluto contains a discussion on phases. The video course itself goes into both extensively. Study these.

                                           Influence of an Unaspected Planet

(Q): Do you hold with the idea that unaspected planets in the natal chart tend to have much more influence than if tempered by relationships with other Planets? 

(A): An unaspected planet operates in a Uranian way. The intent of this is to emphasize 'liberation' from existing conditions as symbolized in the house and sign of the unaspected planet. It functions like a 'wild card,' in that it always operates within the consciousness of the person in order to cyclically or continually 'liberate' the person from pre-existing conditioning. Yet, because it is unaspected, it can be hard to 'integrate' what the liberation impulses are that emanate from the nature of the unaspected planet. It is like always hearing a voice in the head that is creating thoughts of this, that or the other, all of which have the intent of freeing up the person from the conditions of her life. It is a background voice in the middle of normal life circumstances.

For many, these impulses are left in the head as possibilities that are never acted upon because there is no way to ground them relative to the perception of existing reality. Others continually act upon them, yet never integrate anything. They just move on from one experience to the next without connecting those experiences. Still others act upon the impulses one at a time; i.e., they act on the ones that begin to repeat over and over, integrate them and then move on. As in all things, it depends on the specific nature of each person.

(Q): Would it follow that transits to the planet would intensify it, moderate it, or both?

(A): Transits magnify the whole thing.

                                         Meaning of Unaspected Planets

(Q): Many books describe the unaspected planet as the spoiled child who acts like a brat. However, I feel that is only one possible expression of it. My feeling is that an unaspected Sun (for example) symbolizes a soul who has gained freedom (by evolutionary intent) from the pull of other parts of the psyche, hence giving it strength. So an unaspected Sun for instance (with no major aspects, that is) symbolizes a very self actualized/realized and self-confident individual whose self-expression and creativity isn't flavored by any other part of his/her psychology and so manifests as more purity of expression. Does this ring true for you at all?

(A): Unaspected planets, including the Sun, operate in a Uranian type of way relative to the archetype of liberation. Since an unaspected planet is unbound by any other aspects or conditions other than the house/sign that it is in, it is 'free' to actualize in a Uranian kind of way. This can be very positive for some and not so wonderful for others because of the lack of aspects to it. Thus the planet that is unaspected can feel 'unbound' or 'ungrounded' from earth; some can seem very unintegrated relative to the planet that is not aspected.

(Q): From an Evolutionary Astrology point of view, would this not signify a soul who has gained a 'strength of spirit' from prior lives that enables them to not be influenced by outside patriarchal conditioning concerning the planet involved?

(A): No, not necessarily. The situation is unique to each individual and his or her context.

(Q): Do you consider a planet with only minor aspects to be unaspected?

(A):  No, I don't.

                                                         Unaspected Sun

(Q): Can you explain what the evolutionary intent would be for a natal Sun that makes absolutely no aspects to other planets in the chart?

(A): The archetype for any planet, including the Sun, when there are no aspects, is a Uranian archetype. This means, via the Sun, or any other planet, that the evolutionary intent is to liberate from all prior conditionings, these conditionings being at a subconscious level, i.e., prior life memories that of themselves can condition one's orientation to the current life, as well as conditionings relative to the current society and parents of birth. The intent of such liberation is to arrive back at one's natural self, one's natural laws and who one intrinsically is.

                                                               Planets Alone

(Q): Pluto aspecting nothing indicates that a soul is essentially taking a break from major evolution. Would that be true for other planets sitting alone aspecting nothing? For example: Saturn in Taurus in the 8th sitting all alone in a chart where Pluto is aspecting almost everything else. Is that planet that is alone somehow not fully being a participant in the rest of the chart?

(A): No, not at all. A planet that is unaspected like in your example operates like a 'void of course' planet. Without the burden of aspects, the archetype of that planet is free to operate in a Uranian kind of way, meaning it becomes a potential archetype of 'liberation', especially when that planet is Saturn: to liberate from all previous conditioning of an external and internal nature and thus to be free, relative to natural law or one's own true nature.

                                                       Trines - Easy or Hard

(Q):  I'm a little baffled by trines in a specific chart and would like some feed back on the dynamics being played out. I'm looking at a 42-year-old male, single, musician/artist. He has Pluto in Virgo in the 12th house and Uranus in Leo in the 12th. Pluto trines Venus in Capricorn in the 4th. Neptune in Scorpio in the 3rd house trines the Moon in Pisces in the 7th, which is conjunct the South Node. Saturn and Mars are conjunct in Capricorn in the 5th house.

What I'm observing is this man has a tendency to fall into relationships where he believes he can help women come to a higher awareness about themselves via sex, but then he ends up being drained by them and all the "nurturing" he gives them is not returned so he ends up feeling used. To me it seems that the trines in his chart are creating a crises within himself regarding relationships. So how does this reflect in his North Node in Virgo in the 1st house? I am amazed at the way this man tends to unconsciously fall into these types of relationships. With his Pluto in the 12th, I held the opinion that this soul was more evolved than others who do not have their Pluto in the 12th. Apparently I'm not clear on the 12th house Pluto.

(A): To me, the man is in a full state of personal delusion about himself concerning his personal belief/motive of wanting to help women achieve a higher state of awareness thru sex. Because of this personal delusion, he experiences being exhausted by the types of women he attracts. This delusion is masking his real motives and agendas, and the 'disillusionment' that occurs is an actual psychological symbol that is trying to get him to see the nature of his own delusions about himself. Unfortunately, the trines allow an 'ease' in maintaining the delusion.

                                               T-square and Life Hardships

(Q1): As far as T-squares go, does the native with this configuration have to fill the empty house to be satisfied in the life? If one is aware of the imbalance and tries in this life to change things, but outer circumstances keep creating blockages, does this relate to their karma? Are there some lives meant to be lived almost as if in a "purgatory phase?" Is this possible? The chart I am looking at contains the following T-square: Saturn in Gemini in the 10th house; the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto all in Virgo in the 1st house; the Moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 4th house.

Would it be correct to interpret the empty 7th house as a need for the person to focus on humanitarian issues or focus releasing their energy through Piscean type occupations (music, film, etc.), making sure to include others in their interaction? (This person has explained she is very dreamy and visionary, but somewhat "out there.") Perhaps this is too simplistic of an analysis, but this person cannot seem to make any headway in her life (Sun square Moon, 1st quarter phase). She seems to be at a permanent block with transiting Pluto currently not assisting her. Anything you can point out to help me in this light would be of great value in assisting her, especially in aspect to the current life's afflictions and work needing to be done.

(A): Briefly, the solution is within the symbols themselves: the T-square. The idea of the 'empty house' or polarity for the planet at the apex of the T-square is, in my opinion, bogus. In this particular case the external blocking circumstances are caused by the person him or herself. It is not just life somehow 'happening' to him or her. The inner cause of the circumstantial blockage is deep guilt and a need to atone for that guilt, which effectively produces the pathology of masochism.

(Q2): From an evolutionary perspective, what advice, what direction, generally, would you give to an individual or the parents of a child with such a difficult aspect such as a T-square? Is the T-square more or less difficult than the yod? 

(A): Talk about the nature of the dynamics that are involved with the T-square, why those dynamics and what can be done about them. It depends on the inner orientation of any given person relative to how a T-square or yod is experienced. There is not one answer.

                                                   The Cross of August 1999

(Q): On August 17 and 18, 1999, there will be a fixed cross involving all the planets, except Pluto, and the nodal axis. 1999 has already had a dramatic overtone due to the numerology of the year. With Mars retrograde in Scorpio opposing Saturn during the spring as well, it seems many changes are on the way individually and collectively. It seems that this rare and dramatic cross in the sky will be a peak state in regard to the intensity. Do you anticipate any particular kind of occurrences and events for this summer?

(A) Yes. It will serve as an 'imprint' to set in motion, progressively, increasingly intense earth, economic, political, and disease events that will ultimately shatter the very 'foundations' upon which the consensus world bases its security.

                                      Taurus Planetary Lineup (March 2000)

(Q): I'm sure you have much to say about the upcoming planetary lineup in Taurus, and I hesitate stating my novice opinion in astrological terms, but after all my previous message inferred about the Taurus/Venus archetype and one's inner resources, I cannot help but deeply feel a correlation for the pertinence of that developed archetype in light of the upcoming lineup and its imprint, restating the need to develop our individual self-mastery, to facilitate the conscious integration of our beingness with earth's, to honor not only her consciousness but that part of her that exists dynamically as us, our bodies and the inherent holistic wisdom and knowing that lies within each of us.

I noticed a disseminating square exists between the Sun (within 6 conjuncting planets, which I see symbolically as every creative consciousness on this planet flanked by its resources) with both Uranus and Neptune: the signature of the classic crisis in consciousness. After having personally experienced this extraordinary phenomenon very recently myself, I cannot help but sense the intensity and incredible potential that lies ahead. If humankind can dissolve/decondition from the past and its related present reflective crisis for liberation of the new seed consciousness of holistic integration with planetary consciousness and its rhythms, then what an incredible awakening will begin.

(A): Yes, your statement is right on. The problem is that we are all still living in very 'dense' times in terms of the relative consciousness on the earth now. In the end, these Taurus symbols all refer to the survival of the planet and each person on it. Relative to the imprint of the last Saturn/Uranus conjunction at 28 Sagittarius in 1988, this conjunction of all the Taurus planets will begin to accelerate the mutation now under way within nature and its natural laws due to human activity. It is this fact that is the real 'warning' in this symbolism. The resources of earth and the earth itself must become rebalanced (Venus/Taurus) relative to these natural laws. If not? Hm.




continuing with the subject of aspects that will include a variety of topics within it such as Pluto conjunct the N.Node, planets is aspect to the Nodes, and so on .....                                             

                                                             Orbs of Different Aspects

(Q): On the Pluto school tapes you stated that you did not want to get into orbs, thus leaving them to each individual astrologer. That sounds fair and logical, but I lack the background now to make an informed determination of the orb for each of the differing aspects. Could I borrow upon your knowledge until I get a few charts under my belt?

(A): In general, the degrees for orbs are as follows: conjunction: 10 degrees; opposition: 10; square: 10; trine: 10; sextile: 4; semi-sextile: 3; novile: 2; quincunx: 5; sesquiquadrate: 5; semi-square: 3; septile: 2; quintile: 3; biseptile: 2.     

(Q): This will also help me with my son's chart: Pluto at 26 Scorpio in the 6th house, North Node at 15 Scorpio in the 5th house conjunct Venus (ruler of the South Node) at 16 Scorpio in the 5th and Jupiter at 19 Scorpio in the 6th. Is the Pluto-North Node conjunction close enough to disregard the polarity point in this case?

(A): Pluto aspects involving a conjunction have an orb of 10 degrees, so in your son's case it means there have already been some recent prior lifetimes working on the Pluto/North Node conjunction and this is the last life in which that will occur for some time.

                                                                  Asteroid Orbs

(Q): Do you use the same orbs for aspects to asteroids as you do with planets?

(A). This is something I am still observing and correlating. I have only been dealing with the asteroids myself for maybe four or five years, so I have not really come to firm conclusions as to the orbs. At this point, I am seeing that maybe five to six degrees relative to major aspects seems to apply.

                                                              Bi-quadrant Point Orb

(Q): Please share the orb for conjunctions to the bi-quadrant point.

(A): I use five degrees.   

                                                  "Off" Oppositions

(Q): Do "off" oppositions have any relevance other than that of a "normal" opposition? By "off" I mean something like, 2nd - 9th house planets being in opposition, rather than in 2nd-8th.

(A):  Yes, the additional archetype to include is the inconjunct because of the opposition occurring thru a naturally inconjunct house relationship.
                                                  Orbs and Evolution

(Q1):  A friend of mine suggested that the more evolved a person is, the greater the orb of influence between two planets in the natal chart, because of greater awareness/sensitivity/consciousness of the person, i.e., an orb of ten degrees between two planets in the natal chart of someone in the spiritual stage is felt more strongly than an orbs of ten degrees between the same two planets if the person was in the consensus stage. If so, would that same difference in sensitivity apply to the orb between a natal planet and a transiting one?

(A): No, this is not true at all. The orbs simply correlate to how long a person has been working on any given issue; i.e., ten degrees relative to a square would mean that this would be the first lifetime for a person to work on whatever the two planets/archetypes/dynamics are. Conversely, for example, those same two planets could be in a six degree orb relative to the square. This suggests in evolutionary terms that the person has already been working on those evolutionary issues prior to the current life for at least several lifetimes. As such, it is not 'new' to the person; there would be previous experience and so the orientation and behavior would be different from the person who had the ten degree orb.

(Q2): In relation to your answer to the question above, does this apply to South Node? Would a wide orb conjunction between Jupiter/South Node be someone who has worked on these issues in the past but at a beginning level with a lot more integration needed in future and current lives?

(A): Yes.
                                                    Biseptile Orb

(Q): Could a biseptile aspect work at 5 degrees?

(A): I have seen it work about those degrees, but, as a rule of thumb, in general, two degrees.

(Q): I have the North Node in a close to biseptile aspect to Pluto and Jupiter, with Pluto 109 degrees from the North Node and Jupiter at 106 degrees. With Jupiter it is within orb, but with Pluto it is a bit out of orb.

(A): But Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct, so both will be affected.

(Q): Since the nodes move more slowly than the planets up thru Jupiter, and more quickly than the planets from Saturn on out, is Jupiter in a disseminating phase and Pluto in a first quarter phase?

(A): The motion fluctuates: i.e., the nodes can move anywhere from zero to about 9 minutes a day. Pluto is fairly constant at two minutes per day and Jupiter is around an average of 7 to 8 minutes per day. The phases are reversed from what you said: Pluto is the disseminating phase to the North Node; Jupiter is in the first quarter phase.

                                                Biseptile Sun/Moon

(Q): A 4th house Moon at 9 Capricorn 16 is 100 degrees 15 minutes from a 12th house Sun at 29 Virgo 01 and falls within the 2.5 degree orb for the biseptile, yet is only 15 minutes away from the orb of the first quarter square. Will this person experience the influence of both aspects? Will the bi-septile help process the lessons learned from the square?

(A): Yes. One leads to the other.

(Q) With an 11th Mars at 17 Leo 34 being 141 degrees and 42 minutes from the Moon, does this person escape the sesquiquadrate phase, or is he still dealing with the dynamics of this aspect, especially with a 12th house Virgo stellium?

(A): Yes.

(Q): Does the biquintile resolve any sesquiquadrate influence on the Mars/Moon? Or is it like being pregnant, you either are sesquiquadrate or not?

(A): Yes, and such symbolism is about right.

                                                 PLANETS CONJUNCT THE SOUTH NODE

                                     Mars and Neptune Conjunct South Node

(Q): What would be the significance of both Neptune and Mars retrograde conjuncting the South Node (direct) in Libra?, Neptune is in the 6th house and the South Node and Mars are in the 5th. Does this signify skipped steps or the reliving of a principle?

(A): This is a relive situation, not skipped steps, although to the person with those symbols it could certainly seem that way.

                                     Planets Conjunct South Node and Saturn Return Release

(Q): You have said that one exception to the "Pluto rules" was: if Pluto is conjunct the South Node (with no other planet conjunct the North Node), the past-life conditions cannot be released until the second Saturn return. Is this valid for all planets conjunct the South Node? Ulrich gave me an interpretation of my natal chart in 1997 (My Saturn is conjunct the South Node in Gemini in the 8th house, and I have no planets conjunct the North Node in Sagittarius in the 2nd. My Aries Sun in the 5th squares the nodal axis. Pluto is in Libra in the 11th). He told me that my past-life conditions will be released with the first Saturn return. On the other hand, he told me that his own past-life conditions cannot be released until the second Saturn return (Mercury conjunct the South Node and no planets conjunct the North Node).

Does the release of past-life conditions at the second Saturn return apply only when Pluto is conjunct the South Node, or does this rule also apply to any other planet that is conjunct the South Node? If it is also valid for every planet, does it mean that the second Saturn return only refers to this planet (in sign and house), so other things can be released with the first Saturn return?

(A): Yes. When a planet--any planet, including Pluto--is conjunct the South Node without a planet being conjunct the North Node, then the release point is the second Saturn return for those specific conditions. The first Saturn return, in general, defines a time in which most folks become aware that they have not prepared for the current life purposes, which is why it is so difficult for so many. For those who have prepared, the first Saturn return can be a very important and positive time because it correlates to a time in which that preparation is given actual form or reality. For example, I received my first professional astrological opportunity when Saturn returned to itself--to the very day!

                                        South Node Conjunctions and Relive Conditions

(Q): Since planets conjunct the South Node denote a state of reliving past-life conditions with regard to the planet(s) conjunct the node, along with the sign and house they all occupy, is there any kind of proactive response or mindset that one can take during the relive condition so as to relieve, and evolve beyond ensuing frustrations? Can one actively work to evolve within the "relive" condition, or is evolution in some way "postponed" until the relive condition is complete upon the second Saturn return?

If proactive work can be done, how does the astrologer identify it? Would it be in the polarity of the planets on the South Node, or the polarity of the planet that rules the South Node and its conjoining planets, or the North Node itself and its ruler?

(A): Relative to relive conditions, the 'evolution' occurs by the Soul recreating circumstances in this life that 'trigger' old patterns, dynamics, and responses; thus the solution is within the symbols themselves, which means to make 'new' choices in the context of old dynamics, patterns, etc. that are being triggered. Remember that any sign, planet or house is a whole archetype that has a spectrum of possibilities within it, so the solution lies within the symbols themselves.

(Q): Am I correct in presuming that any planet that conjuncts the South Node denotes an area in which the soul has resisted evolution in prior lifetimes? 

(A): Yes, a planet on the South Node can mean a total resistance to the evolutionary intent, but that is just one possibility. It can also indicate the state of consciousness that the individual 'died' with in the very last life; for example, Mars on the South Node can mean dying in a state of total anger or rage, which is unresolved. The soul then comes into the next life with that rage, anger, intrinsic to the individual's consciousness. So in this life, the Soul creates circumstances that will trigger that anger and rage and and the evolutionary need to 'work that out' via the choices that the Soul makes.

                                               Planets Conjunct South Node and Evolution

(Q): When a planet(s) besides Pluto is conjunct the South Node in a chart, does that mean that the person is blocked from experiencing the lessons of the North Node until the second Saturn return, or is it only the case when Pluto is conjunct the South Node? (I am keeping in mind that the second Saturn return rule is not in effect if there are planets aspecting the North Node).

(A): Remember when a planet(s) conjuncts the South Node, not just Pluto, that one of three possible karmic/evolutionary conditions exist:

1. A total reliving of the prior life conditions in this life.

2. A karmic/evolutionary condition of 'fruition', which means that the dynamics symbolized by the house/sign/planet(s) in that condition have been thoroughly developed relative to a right motivation and that those dynamics are now in a state of total fruition and/or maturity and are meant to be given or shared in some way in the context of the person's life. This still creates a 'defacto' sense of being stuck or living in the past for the person because they have been 'doing that' for a long time and want to be doing something else. Yet, thru karmic cause or evolutionary necessity they are being asked to share the fruits of what they themselves had learned with others.

3. A combination of both of the first two conditions. This third situation is by far the most common; the first two relatively extreme.

                                          Planets Conjunct North and South Nodes

(Q1): I just got a client with numerous personal planets conjunct the South Node in the 10th and am confused. The South Node is at 17 Aquarius forming a stellium with the MC at 18 Aquarius, Mercury at 19 Aquarius, Jupiter at 25 and Mars at 26 Aquarius. The Sun, Chiron and Venus are conjunct in Pisces in the 10th also. These are all opposite the North Node at 17 Leo, conjunct the IC,and Uranus at 27 Leo in the 4th (just past the ten degree orb) and Pluto at 8 Virgo in the 4th. Neptune is at 13 Scorpio in the 6th squaring the nodes. The Ascendant is 8 Gemini and the Moon is in Aries in 11th. The polarity point of Pluto is the tenth house, but it would appear that this woman is being asked to go deeply within. Any clarity would be very welcome!

(A): This signature is one of a soul who has been highly traumatized in numerous ways, mainly thru intense persecution and false judgments by society, parents, and intimate others, for being that which she naturally is. These traumas have been suppressed previous to this life and the core intention is to access those unresolved traumas, which is the reason that her soul needed to create them and thus accept the responsibility for her own actions. In this way she can open up the emotional body and access emotion as emotion. Personal growth and liberation then occurs. As this unfolds, she needs to choose work that allows her to help others who have be traumatized in the very ways that she has, which then allows for additional healing thru vicarious association.

(Q2): I'm very curious as to the nature of this arrangement because of the fact that I also have the Sun conjunct the South Node in the 10th opposite Pluto conjunct the North Node in the 4th, with no polarity. I have felt that it is a continual reinforcement of self-reliance at the deepest level (Pluto 4th) so as to purge the ego of any desire to associate with societal standards (10th) of value systems, fame, etc. To self-realize (Sun) in this way would be going against the urge of the soul to evolve from natural law unfolding from within. I'm not sure this is a definite, but it seems like a signature of fame in the past at the expense of the self so that now the soul is desiring meaning from self-transformative experience germinating from the core level of the soul (Pluto in the 4th) as a vehicle towards self-actualization into the future (North Node).

(A): Yes, you are correct. But it also means to allow yourself to be open to others who seem to just manifest into your personal reality, others who are seeking out guidance of the very nature of your own reality, which is to liberate from all that that is unnatural, and to help such others to find their own inner power to rebel just as you have. This then honors the Sun on your South Node.

                                               Multiple Planets Conjunct South Node

(Q): You have stated in your Pluto book that when the planet Pluto is conjunct the South Node, three possible evolutionary conditions exist: one of fruition, one of reliving the lessons of the South Node or a combination of both reliving and fruition. My question is when there are multiple planets conjunct the South Node--say Venus and Mars in addition to Pluto--does that make the evolutionary condition of the individual more intense? If in a fruition condition, does that make the individual's destiny even more special or important because of the additional planets? If in a reliving condition, does it make the reliving process that much more intense or prominent in the individual's life? 

(A):Yes to all of your statements.

(Q): Also, would all three planets have different evolutionary conditions themselves in relation to the house and sign of the South Node, or would they all be the same? For example, could Mars be in a fruition state while Venus is in a reliving state and Pluto with both?

(A): Yes, it can be that way.

                                           Condition of Planets Conjunct the South Node

(Q): Is there a way to tell from just the chart what state planets conjunct the South Node are in--relive, fruition, or combination?

(A): No.

(Q): If a planet is in a fruition stage, is that something that is evident to the person all of their life or something that develops?

(A): As the child begins to mature they become progressively aware of this.   

                                                        Uranus on South Node

(Q): When a soul has Uranus on the South Node, they are born with unresolved trauma. If the phase between Uranus and the South Node is a new phase, and the soul has skipped steps involved, would that indicate that the trauma took place in the most recent prior lives? And does this indicate a desire in the soul to regenerate that trauma, relative to the house and sign of Uranus and the South Node, early in the life as a means of enforcing the recovery of those skipped steps?

(A): Yes to it all.

                                   Transiting Pluto Conjunct the South Node

(Q): What happens in general when transiting Pluto conjuncts the South Node?

(A): When Pluto transits the South Node for any person it signals a time of great evolutionary transition wherein the totality of the past comes to a head by way of the soul creating circumstances that progressively trigger all the existing dynamics within the individual. As this occurs, the new evolutionary intent is to make new choices in the face of old circumstances versus making the old choices. If the person is successful in doing that,  the new evolutionary cycle can begin and bring forth circumstances that allow the person to not only heal and fully understand the past that has come to a point of culmination, but also circumstances that allow the person to really grow in a very accelerated fashion.

to be continued .............


continuing ..........

                                                  PLANETS CONJUNCT THE NORTH NODE

                                         Conjunctions to Pluto Conjunct the North Node

(Q): If Pluto is conjunct the North Node and is also conjunct another planet (e.g., Jupiter), does Jupiter's polarity point still apply?

(A): No.

                                        Pluto Conjunct the North Node and Pluto's Polarity Point

(Q): Does the polarity point of Pluto apply when Pluto is conjunct the North Node?

(A): When Pluto is conjunct the North Node in any chart it means that the soul has already been working towards that area of evolution prior to the current life and, as a result, the soul is meant to continue in that area. The polarity point of Pluto does not apply in these cases. The whole chart, including the South Node and its planetary ruler, come thru that North Node/Pluto conjunction. It's the bottom line thru which the entire chart/person is integrated.

                                 North Node/Pluto Conjunct in Scorpio in the 12th

(Q): You stated that when the North Node is conjunct Pluto "the whole chart including the South Node and its planetary ruler come thru that North Node/Pluto conjunction. It's the bottom line thru which the entire chart/person is integrated." If the North Node is conjunct Pluto in Scorpio in the first house, are we looking at extreme dissolution and transformation--a major wrap-n-pack lifetime and real possibility of ascension for this one?

(A): Yes, that's possible, but there is no "ascension." There is a progressive expansion and union with the totality of the creation: God/dess.

                                      Pluto and North Node of Moon

(Q): I'm using the following chart as practice for the correspondence school homework: June 12, 1944; 12:32pm EWT; Kalamazoo, MI. I'm puzzled and would appreciate any remarks. Pluto is at 7 degrees of Leo in the 11th house and the North Node is at 29.5 degrees of Cancer in the 11th. Do you consider this to be a conjunction?

(A): Yes, that is a Pluto/North Node conjunction. Thus, the whole chart comes thru it, including the South Node and its ruler.

(Q): The polarity point of Pluto is 7 degrees of Aquarius in the 5th house. Should I pay attention to this polarity? It seems to have meaning since the ruler of Pluto in Leo is the Sun at 21 Gemini and the ruler of the North Node is the Moon in Pisces in the 6th. The South Node ruler (Saturn) is at 29 degrees of Gemini in the 10th along with Venus and Uranus. Mars is in Leo in the 12th with Jupiter. There seems to be a lot of shadow for this soul to uncover: that is 'reverse polarity" with Pluto in Leo in the 11th and the Sun in Gemini with 3 other planets, and both buried anger (Mars in 12th) and buried victimization (Jupiter in 12th).

(A):  Given the information you presented, it correlates to a soul that has experienced recent life traumas that have caused the person to feel victimized and through the consciousness of victimization to feel persecuted: "No one understands me, no one pays attention to me." This has caused great internal anger and rage that manifests thru the victimized consciousness and wanting to lash out at others. The lesson is defined by changing the existing question in consciousness from 'why is this happening to me' to 'why have i needed to create this for myself'?

                                                   Pluto/North Node on Cusp

(Q): When Pluto is conjunct the North Node, it reflects a soul who has been working on that area of development and is meant to continue in that area in this life--no polarity point. But if the conjunction falls on a house cusp, where Pluto is in one house and the North Node in the other, does that mean that the soul has been working on the intent of the house where Pluto is located via the North Node activities of the adjoining house? And is the soul meant to continue working on Pluto house activities via the adjoining North Node house dynamics? Which house is more emphasized?

(A): Pluto is the bottom line, the core, so the baseline is the house that Pluto is in. And this baseline then is actualized thru the evolving ego via the house of the North Node. In essence one leads to the other: Pluto to the North Node.

                                                   Planets Near the North Node

(Q): Regarding the nodes of the moon in a chart: as a planet that occupies the same house as the South Node, but does not conjunct it, is said to have been conjunct that node in a prior life, can it be said that a planet that is in the same house as the North node, but not conjunct it, was in a prior life conjunct the North Node?

(A): It depends on whether the node has already passed that planet or not; e.g., the North Node at 15 Gemini in the 10th house with a planet at 3 degrees in the 10th in Gemini would correlate to that node and planet being previously conjuncted in the most recent of prior lives. If the planet were at 26 degrees, then, no, that conjunction did not occur in a prior life but will in the very next life.

                                      Pluto Just Out of Orb to North Node

(Q): I have a client with Pluto at 14 Libra in the 6th house and the North Node at 1 Libra in the 6th. Since this is not a conjunction, how do you interpret this dynamic?

(A): The North Node is just past the conjunction to Pluto in the 6th by 13 degrees. Even though this is not a 'technical' conjunction, if we use the standard of ten degrees, it still means that that person is meant to totally focus his evolutionary intentions thru that sixth house with Pluto and the North Node. To flesh it out, locate Venus in the chart and the aspects to that Venus; this will then become the 'bottom' line of that soul's orientation to this life.

                                 North Node Conjunct Mars Retrograde in Aquarius

(Q1): Is it possible for a North Node in Aquarius (nodes are direct) to indicate being born with unresolved trauma if there is a retrograde planet in tight conjunction to that North Node?

(A): Yes.

(Q1): Would the house ruled by that planet and the aspects it's making indicate the type/source of the trauma?

(A): Yes.

(Q1): In the particular client I have, the North Node is also in the 11th house. By observation, it would seem that this is a possibility for this soul.

(A): You might want to try to question the client about this. One of the 'traumas' could be a thing wherein in recent prior times that any time the client desired to do anything for just herself, to try to creatively actualize, that the client keep receiving the message from the environment, typically starting with one or both parents, that the client was being 'selfish', too self-centered, and all that. This would have had the affect of negating the individual's own inner impulses to creatively actualize in the way that she naturally would. The point here is that when the client tried to break free from this expectation to conform, to actualize according to the environmental message, typically from the parents, this would then cause very heavy duty messages of guilt. Sometimes such a client would have also 'rebelled' in some previous time against these kinds of controlling messages and expectations and when the rebellion occurred, the breaking free from such influences, this could also have caused even more severe 'messages' from the environment or the individuals the client was rebelling against wherein the nature of such messages themselves caused trauma.

(Q1): This is indeed the case with this client, who has Mercury retrograde in Virgo in the 6th

(Q2): My question piggybacks this question about the North Node in Aquarius. Would it be safe to say that those born with the Sun and other planets in Aquarius, or those born with a preponderance of asteroids in Aquarius and/or the 11th house, have incarnated to work on past-life trauma regarding being stymied when trying to creatively actualize? If so, how does one begin to creatively actualize without guilt or fear in the current life? Is it a "just do it" kind of circumstance?

(A): Yes, but you need to understand the causes of the fear or guilt and then realize that those things occurred in another time and that they will not occur in this time. Then you apply your will to whatever it is that you feel leads you to creatively actualize.

Rulers of Nodal Axis
                                 Rulers of South and North Nodes Conjunct

(Q): You indicated in the Pluto school tapes that when the planetary rulers of both the South and North Nodes are conjunct, that the future is carried out employing the same venue as in the past but in a new way, indicated by the signature of the conjunction's natal house. However, if Pluto is involved, say as the ruler of the North Node in this conjunction, would that indicate that the "new way" would occur through Pluto's polarity point instead of the natal house?

(A): Yes. It would occur thru the polarity point.

(Q):  If Pluto's polarity point applies, would the conjuncting planet(s) be pulled along with Pluto to manifest there instead of their natal point?

(A): Yes. The polarity point is the key in your question because in this condition the soul will recreate the unresolved dynamics from the past in this life by the very nature of the circumstances it creates. Thus, the 'test' is whether the person makes 'old' choices or 'new' choices relative to the relive. Obviously, the old choices keep the person exactly where they are: no evolution versus the new choices that allow the person to move ahead. The polarity point of Pluto and the planets that are conjunct it correlate to what the new choices must be.

(Q): If the above conjunction crosses over two houses, does Pluto's polarity point reign supreme, or does one treat the natal point of the other conjuncting planet(s) separately, or is it a combination of the two?

(A): Pluto's polarity point is the key. If two houses are implied via the conjuncting planets to it, relative to the baseline of Pluto's polarity point, it means that the other house is a dimension that is 'added' onto the polarity point of Pluto in order to accomplish the evolutionary goal of making new choices. Always remember that when we are dealing with polarity points, this does not mean that the natal point is left behind. It does mean that by developing the polarity point, the natal point becomes metamorphosed and begins operating and evolving into a new level of expression and actualization.

(Q): You also stated that when the ruler of the North Node is conjunct the ruler of the South Node it is an indication that the person appears to be from a different time: the past is the future and the future is the past. The example you used was that of a composer who had been doing this work in the past and now composes in a new way. Would this be the signature of someone who has a special destiny to fulfill in this lifetime, relative to the sign and house the conjunction falls in?

(A): Yes.
                                    Rulers of Nodal Axis in Opposition

(Q): What is the effect if the ruler of your North Node and the ruler of your South Node are in exact opposition to each other? What does that do to your destiny?

(A): A lot depends on the nature of the planets themselves and the houses that they are in, as well as other aspects to these two planets. In general, it correlates to a tremendous inner conflict manifesting as two equally strong emotional and psychological forces that are linked to the specific nature of the planets that are opposing each other. This in turn creates an inner tension of fully embracing the total reality or full dimensions within the archetypes involved of those opposing forces manifesting in the houses and archetypes involved; i.e., the South and North Nodes and their houses and signs and the actual houses of the opposing planets. These four points are orientated to in a way that is much like pulling the lever on a pinball machine--bouncing from one to the other, or like a moth getting to close to a flame. These inner oppositions can, of course, manifest or be 'out-pictured' via the nature of the circumstances that the soul creates for itself in order to deal with and ultimately resolve the nature of these conflicts and what can appear or be experienced as 'undercurrents' that try to defeat or undermine the very nature of the resolutions themselves. This occurs in order to determine the strength of the will to persevere at all costs relative to the intent to resolve.

                                              North Node Ruler Conjunct the South Node

(Q): I am working on a chart that has Pluto in Virgo conjunct the North Node in the 8th. The ruler of North Node (Mercury) is conjunct the South Node and Chiron in Pisces in the 2nd. The ruler of the South Node (Neptune) is in Scorpio in the 10th and trines the South Node and the conjunct planets. Past healing work I have done with her has been thematic around coming out of her shell, which has had to be done carefully and slowly as there are many layers of trauma. Her self-containment (she is an Aries Sun, but only by 4 degrees which is on the 3rd house side of cusp by only 1 degree and also a Capricorn ascendant.) seems to be thematic in the chart, but the intention seems to be containment that is not the kind caused by trauma (reclusiveness) but a more inclusive kind that comes from self-security (2nd house), that then allows deeper intimacy and connection. The Mercury comments on both her North Node and Sun and 6th house cusp (Gemini is there). Is that an indication of a relive, or is it energy she can easily draw on in this life and apply in a Virgo/8th house, direct experience kind of way?

(A): Both.

(Q): With Pluto conjunct the North Node and the 2nd house polarity point not applying, what are the South Node conjunction intentions?

(A): To relive unresolved past life conditions in this life.

(Q): She seems to struggle a lot with the Virgo/Pisces axis and is sometimes unable to bring any clarity to the Piscean fog. She also struggles with direction and commitment, especially in the areas of work and her service in the outer world. She makes commitments (8th) to training and then just about at conclusion she doesn't finish or runs into external confrontation, which makes her question her abilities and throws her back into a diffused Piscean state. Is this also thematic of 2nd/8th and Virgo/Pisces?

(A): Yes, and an underlying issue of even wanting to live.

(Q): Also, transiting Pluto was square that axis and itself and is just about out of orb now. Is part of what I described the intention and manifestation of the 8th house Pluto and Pisces/Virgo axis, as well as the struggle between security and growth and the discernment of what to hold onto and what to let go of, and what to commit to and not also a part of the process of integration?

(A): Yes.

(Q): If so, how does the Mercury relate to this process?

(A): See above.

                                 Ruler of South Node Square Ruler of North Node

(Q) If the ruler of the South Node is conjunct the North Node and square the North Node's ruler, and the Sun is also conjunct the North Node, am I correct in thinking that this is a "relive" condition because of prior life skipped steps? (Example: North Node in Pisces in the 3rd house conjunct the Sun and Mercury, all of which square Neptune in the 12th house).

(A): Excellent question. No, it is not a 'relive' situation in the sense of skipped steps. It is more a situation where, in this life, the soul is picking up from exactly where it left off. The house/sign, and the aspects to the planetary ruler of the North Node relative to the house/sign/planets on the North Node, reveal exactly where the soul left off in the last life and where it will pick up again in this life. The person is meant to continue in the progressive evolutionary development therein.


                                    Planetary Node as Part of Yod

(Q): Since you can use the South Node of the Moon as part of a yod, can you also use the South Node of a planet?

(A): Yes.

(Q): Would a person feel pressured if a transiting planetary South Node formed a challenging aspect or configuration to the natal chart such as a yod, or T-square even if there isn't an actual planet there?

(A): It is important to consider the transiting South Node of a planet when it is making an aspect to a natal point, be it a planet, an angle or a cusp of a house.

(Q): I am also wondering if the progressed planetary nodes have a measurable impact?

(A): Yes, when they are aspecting natal points.

                                           Yods and Potential

(Q): I've heard and/or read different things about the yod. One thing I've read is that this formation contains a very special gift or highly developed aspect that can be freely expressed if the inconjuncts are resolved, but if they are not, then all that has been developed relative to the apex planet is lost. Is there any truth to that, or would this be more dependent on the planets involved and an individual's past development? If Pluto is part of the yod formation either at apex or finger, would the loss of a certain level of development or special talent be more likely?

(A): No, it is not lost. It remains as 'latent' potential. The evolutionary level of development, of course, is critical to how the inconjuncts are manifested. The higher the evolution, the easier it is because the soul is progressively identifying with the Source. It is the issue of the Source, which is behind whatever the special something is and which must be consciously aligned with for the inconjuncts to express themselves in the ways archetypically intended. Essentially, the inconjunct is meant to induce an egocentric humiliation of deflation in the sense of the ego being only identified with itself. If that is the case, then the inconjunct either creates circumstantial blocks that do not allow for an external manifestation of that special something, and/or the person feels 'not ready or good enough' to actualize it.

                                              Interpretation of Yod Aspect

(Q): What is your interpretation of the yod, and how many degrees would you consider as allowed proximity for the planet that is opposing the middle point of the sextile formed by two other planets? Also, if there are other planets in between the sextile, does the yod aspect still apply or not?

(A): It is essentially an archetype of purification relative to two dynamics within the Soul, one of which is egocentric identification with power--ego power--versus the power of God manifesting thru the ego. The other is purification of an ego that does not feel itself ready to do what the Soul, via the inner direction of God, is asking it to do. A planet in opposition to the planet that is at the apex of the yod is an archetype that serves to create experiences of an oppositional nature relative to the house/sign of the apex planet relative to the above two intentions. Thus, it serves as an alignment function.

                                   Question Concerning The Double Yod Aspect

(Q): Recently, my attention has been intensely focused upon the double yod aspects within my own natal chart as well as several other charts that I have seen. My question concerns the nature of how the two planets within the sextile will relate to each other when the apex planets in each Yod are simultaneously part of the sextile engine of the other. For example, in my own case, there is a sextile between Uranus at 7 degrees Libra in the 11th house and Neptune at 0 degrees Sagittarius in the 1st. This forms a Yod focused on Saturn at 4 degrees Taurus in the 7th house. While Saturn becomes the apex planet of this Yod, it is simultaneously part of yet another sextile engine involving the Sun at 7 degrees Pisces in the 4th house. This forms the second Yod which is then focused back upon Uranus in the 11th house.

So, the apex planet Saturn is simultaneously part of the sextile engine focused on Uranus, and Uranus is simultaneously part of the sextile engine focused on Saturn. After giving this a great deal of thought, I have come up with my own intuition about how this particular structure might operate and would like to either validate this idea by those more experienced or have it corrected. I will try to make this as brief as possible.

According to Steven Forrest's lecture on Yods at the first Evolutionary Astrology Conference, the two planets in the sextile aspect of the Yod must first be ignited and each must go through a very specific process before the "high destiny" or "accomplishment" qualities of the Yod can emerge from the lower manifestations of "OCD" (Obsessive-Complsive Disorder). So here is what I have come up with in trying to figure this out.

Whenever there are two or more Yods within a birth chart that demonstrate this sort of "feedback loop" involving these overlapping apex planets, then in order for the higher manifestations to be actualized, there must first be a sequential order in which the sextile engines themselves become ignited through the development of the innermost to outermost apex planets.

For example, before the outermost apex planet (Uranus) can be fully realized, the Yod involving the innermost apex planet (Saturn) must first be developed. This seems to make perfect sense because of the fact that Saturn, being the apex planet of one Yod, is simultaneously part of the sextile engine driving the other Yod. The Yod involving the planet Saturn at its apex would have to be developed before the Yod involving the planet Uranus at its apex. Uranus is beyond the boundaries of Saturn and if we were to actually travel there, we would first have to pass by Saturn on our way. (That is if they were in alignment of course).

This is all very hard for me to articulate, and I hope that what I'm saying here is clear. I would very much like to know if what I am saying is actually true from an experienced point of view or if there is really no particular significance to the order in which these configurations develop and evolve.

(A): First, all the planets/aspects/patterns/dynamics operate simultaneously, so it is not a matter of what must come first in order for some other dynamic or aspect to be able to operate. With all operating simultaneously, the real issue first is a person's level of evolution and second, relative to that degree of evolution, what the inner orientation is relative to the whole chart, not to mention specific aspects or patterns within it. One's inner orientation is the determinant of how any given life, chart, is experienced and understood. The archetypal intent of the chart, or specific dynamics and/or aspects within it, will operate or occur no matter what the degree of evolution, understanding/orientation is.

Bradley J

Hi Rad,

Question came up - how do we determine aspect phase of planet to ascendant.

Example - say Neptune is 9th at 15 Sag; AC is 15 pisces - first or last quarter?

Any difference for Sun to AC phase determination?

Thanks, wasn't able to find this sifting through.

God Bless


Quote from: Bradley J on Mar 29, 2012, 03:09 PM
Hi Rad,

Question came up - how do we determine aspect phase of planet to ascendant.

Example - say Neptune is 9th at 15 Sag; AC is 15 pisces - first or last quarter?

Any difference for Sun to AC phase determination?

Thanks, wasn't able to find this sifting through.

God Bless

Hi Bradley,

The rule of whatever is moving the slowest is always the point of reference. So the daily motion of Neptune averages about two minutes per day. The Ascendant is much faster than this. So in your example that would  be a first quarter square. Relative to the Sun the Sun is always the point of reference.

God Bless, Rad


                                             ASPECTS SPECIFIC TO PLUTO
                                                          Pluto Aspects

(Q): How does Pluto contacting a planet or another point in the birth chart subjectively feel? I would imagine it feels like a compulsion that the individual acts out in order to lessen the resulting fear if they don't give in to the compulsion. Please let me know if this is a true statement in your experience. If it is true, I would imagine the way to evolve through the Pluto contact is to first realize that you are acting in a compulsive way. The compulsion feels so bad that a decision is made to consciously face uncharted terrain by changing an ingrained way of behaving as described by whatever the contact is to Pluto.

If this is true, can you comment on Scorpio? Do people with many Scorpio planets in the birth chart act compulsively more than other signs and have more need to make the basis of the compulsion conscious so they can stop the behavior?

(A): Yes, it can feel like a compulsion. The deeper issue, of course, is what the cause of the compulsion itself is. To penetrate the nature of the compulsion can be very intense and is typically met with resistance by the person. To penetrate the nature of the compulsion is to have very deep and, at times, very uncomfortable self-knowledge.

It can also correlate to a variety of 'fears' and the causes for those fears. Again, to penetrate the nature and cause of the fear is tough, yet self-knowledge results and evolution can proceed. It can correlate to a 'feeling' of something being very deep within one's soul/psyche that is hard to get at or penetrate: some piece of knowledge or information that if seen could either set the person free in some way or devastate the person. There are many different psychological dynamics that can correlate to Pluto's aspects to other planets.

                                                         Pluto Aspecting the Angles

(Q): What does it mean when Pluto is in aspect to all the angles in the chart? Both Pluto and the angles are in mutable signs.

(A): When Pluto is in aspect to all the angles, it correlates to a soul that desires to make major shifts in its orientation to itself and the world that it finds itself in. It signifies maximum growth, especially when the angles and Pluto are in mutable archetypes.

                                                    Direct Aspects to Pluto

(Q): I understand that Pluto describes both the generational vibration a person comes in with as well as specific individualized patterns from the evolutionary past. Direct aspects to Pluto (plus house and sign), as I understand it, show these patterns. If there is a direct aspect to Pluto (for example, Sun in Leo in the 8th house square Pluto at 18 Scorpio) linked to another planet that is not in direct aspect to Pluto (i.e., Venus at 3 Leo, which conjuncts the Sun but is too far to square Pluto), is the Sun only analyzed for the past life pattern, or is Venus connected due to its linkage to the Sun?

(A): Yes, the Venus would be included thru extension via the Sun.

(Q): Also, what do aspects to Pluto's polarity point (if applicable in the chart) represent? Are these aspects actualized when the North Node and its aspects are actualized? 

(A): When planets are making aspects to the North Node, those planets are also making aspects to the South Node, so the planets aspecting the South Node are the specific planets/archetypes that the Soul intends to metamorphose or evolve via the North Node by house and sign and the aspects to that North Node, plus the location of its planetary ruler by house, sign and aspect.
                       Pluto as Ruler of the North Node

(Q): If the planetary ruler of the North Node is Pluto, does the principle governing Pluto's polarity point not apply?

(A): The polarity point still applies unless Pluto is conjunct the North Node.

(Q): If a planet squares Pluto and also independently conjuncts the North Node, would one apply the rules for Pluto squaring the nodal axis? In addition, if the conditions of question one apply in this scenario (i.e., the ruler of North Node is Pluto), is the polarity point applicable?

(A): Yes. One would apply the rules of Pluto squaring the nodes, and yet with that planet on the North Node it means that the soul has already been working on that evolution prior to the current life and is still working on, continuing in, that evolutionary intent. Yes, the polarity point still applies.

                                            Pluto Conjunct the Ascendant

(Q): When Pluto is on the Ascendant, does it reflect the archetype of both houses, i.e., the 12th and the 1st?

(A): When Pluto is conjuncting any house cusp, first determine which house Pluto is actually in. If Pluto is in the first house conjunct the ascendant, in evolutionary terms it means that the archetype of the 12th house has just culminated relative to the last few lifetimes, and a new evolutionary cycle is now beginning. Yet, because the new cycle is just that--new--the tendency of the soul is to look backwards to where it has just been because that correlates to the existing dynamics that create a sense of security for the individual.

Conversely, if Pluto is conjunct the ascendant but in the 12th, in evolutionary terms this means the soul is in the final processes of culminating that archetype and feeling  frustrated because of that. The 'pull' of the new cycle, i.e., the first house, creates all kinds of temptations for the Soul not to culminate that which must be culminated. So, there is typically a back and forth behavioral manifestation between the 12th and 1st.

                                         Pluto Square Saturn

(Q): Is this aspect indicative of abuse by the father: Pluto in Scorpio in the 12th square Saturn Rx in Pisces in the 3rd?

(A): It can be.
                                            Pluto (Leo) sextile Neptune (Libra)

(Q1): In the example of homework chart two, it is stated that Pluto (Leo) sextile Neptune (Libra) means enslavement. (Chart Data: Dec. 23, 1951;  5:42 am; Hollywood, CA.)  I have reviewed the sections on sextiles and the section on Pluto in aspect to Neptune in the first volume of Pluto. Since you state that 75% of the people on the planet today have this sextile, I would appreciate knowing just how this aspect reflects enslavement. 

(A): Of itself, it does not, but in the context of that chart, it does. The key is the overall context of a whole chart, the evolutionary history of a soul.

(Q2): Wow, this really surprised me. I never heard of this possible interpretation of this aspect, yet I recalled past life experiences through rebirthing, and one of the major experiences that shaped my consciousness happened in the Roman age when I was a slave. And yet I didn't realize I was a slave until I was killed. I have a sextile between Pluto (Leo) and Neptune (0'02" Scorpio). Could that correlate to this past life experience in any way?

(A): Yes.
                                                           Pluto and Neptune

(A): To All: Both Pluto and Neptune can correlate to the dynamic and experience of slavery. Pluto has a direct correlation to 'entrapment', being entrapped, contained, overpowered, stalked, raped, sex as power, etc.; and Neptune has a direct correlation to enslavement, being a slave, being imprisoned, held against one's own will and so on. In general, the sextile aspect between these two, of itself, does not correlate to these dynamics and archetypes manifesting in this way. In the context of the chart interpretation mentioned above it does have this manifestation because of the overall context of that chart: i.e., South Node in Virgo in the 8th, with its planetary ruler being Mercury in Capricorn in the 12th. Pluto is in the 8th and does sextile Neptune, but that Neptune is part of a T-square from the 12th and Sixth houses. Thus, the context.

                                                      Pluto Aspecting Venus

(Q): If there is a Pluto-Venus contact in a chart, does it indicate that the person is likely to partner with someone who is a soul mate?

(A): First, it depends on how you define a 'soul mate.' There are many definitions of a soul mate described in lots of different literature. My own definition is the same as Jesus' definition of a soul mate: two souls who have independently desired to 'know' God/dess and have that desire as the core desire for their whole life. Soul mates are then two souls who have this same core desire and who then desire to be in relationship to one another wherein the nature of the relationship, the core desire within it, is to continue that individual spiritual development because of and thru the vehicle of relationship.

                                         Natal Saturn Opposite Pluto

(Q): People born with Saturn opposed Pluto have been working with this aspect dynamic throughout their present life. These generations are currently in their early 70's and mid 30's . Is it too general to say a positive role for them during this transit would be to help guide others through this time if they have positively integrated the lessons that Saturn opposite Pluto present?

(A): This is way too general. Everyone has their own individual context, evolutionary conditions, karmic dynamics, culture and country, so there can be no general  yes or no to your question.

(Q): If they have not integrated these lessons, may these people be struggling more than those without natal Saturn opposite Pluto right now, and can they use this time as an opportunity to integrate those lessons?

(A): Yes.
                                          Transiting Saturn/Pluto Opposition

(Q): Now that we are thru the exact Saturn/Pluto oppositions, in February of 2003, Saturn will retrograde to 22 Gemini while Pluto is at 19 Sagittarius. Will this be experienced in any way like the opposition? If not, is it significant at all?

(A): It is a continuation of what is already underway. Within the time of now until then, and afterwards, relative to phases, this will correlate to the original conjunction of the Pluto and Saturn. Very horrific terrorist events are extremely likely to occur in the U.S., the nature of which can fundamentally alter how life is lived in the U.S. The economic consequences of some of these events can possibly bring the U.S. to its knees and radically alter how life itself is conducted.

                                                     Pluto Unaspected in Synastry

(Q): What is the meaning of the following aspects in synastry? A's Pluto is totally unaspected by any other planet in B's chart, yet B's Pluto is conjunct A's south node. Is the unaspected Pluto operating as pure? Or, is this a new evolutionary theme and, if so, why does B's Pluto conjunct A's south node? Also A's Jupiter, which is A's chart ruler, trines B's North Node and A's Saturn/Mars sextiles B's North Node. B's Saturn conjuncts  A's Merucy, which is conjunct A's North Node.

(A): The various planets aspecting one another's nodes, and one's Pluto on the other one's South Node definitely correlate to the fact that you have been in relationship to one another in prior times. The pure expression of Pluto, relative to being in relationship, is to unconditionally motivate one another to actualize one another's total capacity and evolutionary intentions for the current life--no other agenda. Only you can determine that thru the reality of the relationship.


(Q): What aspects need to be looked at regarding pathological types of obsession, i.e., a woman who constantly thinks about a man/person whom she had met many years ago? How can she defocus herself to get this dude out of her head? What's really going with obsessions like that? The woman is innocent; that's a known! The obsessor is constantly on the obsessee's mind to the point that it's driving the obsessee mad!

(A): Pluto is always involved in stressful aspects in the natal chart when obsession is observed/experienced.

        Scorpio Ascendant vs. Pluto Square Taurus Ascendant from 4th House

(Q): You explained in detail the way a Scorpio rising person may walk into a room (head down, seeming not to notice, walking straight ahead, and all the while acutely sensing the room), and for what reasons (past life memories of emotional betrayal.) When Pluto is squaring a Taurus Ascendant from the 4th house and the way in which one walks into a room is similar, is it much like the dynamics of the Scorpio Ascendant?

(A): Yes, it would be very much the same, but even more intense.

(Q): Would the difference be that Scorpio is more instinctual and not as conscious of it, whereas Pluto squaring a Taurus Ascendant is more psychological and likely more consciously acting this out?

(A): Yes, it is a conscious acting out.

(Q): Are both the Scorpio Ascendant and the Pluto squaring the Ascendant persons reacting to memories of betrayal?

(A): Scorpio rising is ever on the alert for the 'potential' for betrayal to occur; the 4th house Pluto more or less assumes it.

(Q): What are the basic differences from one to the other with just this information?

(A):  You can read the difference in the first volume of Pluto. Read first house Pluto, then fourth house Pluto.

(Q): Does Pluto squaring any Ascendant make it more Scorpio-like, or would that be more true of Taurus, the polarity?

(A): Yes. Pluto squaring the Ascendant makes it more Scorpio-like.

(Q): Would it be more so from the 4th house than the 10th?

(A): The difference between the 10th house Pluto and the 4th house Pluto is that the 10th house Pluto is looking around itself via the overall environment, particularly that which is linked with its standing in the world, its career, like Nixon, versus the 4th house Pluto, which is much more personal and immediate to the person's intimate life in some way: parents, lovers, kids, even friends.


Hi Rad,

I hope you had a nice few days off...

Generally an opposition represents assembling and collecting one's energies and functioning - described by the planets in opposition - to a focus, in readiness to enter the social environment as an equal (Gibbous opp). And then going through all the necessary involvements with others that are required to integrate those various aspects of oneself with the wider social environment in a way that is is productive (Full opp). This is done so the individual meaning one has given to the original evolutionary intention can now be be given a social meaning. Also, in this process the exact nature of the separating desires involved are clarified, and the contrast between these desires and the desire to return to the source becomes highlighted. (Please correct me if this understanding of the opposition is not right in any way).

The questions I have about oppositions concerns the "throwing off" that is often attributed to the them.

- What is it that is to be "thrown off" regarding an opposition? Where can this be seen in the signature as it relates to the chart?

- Does an opposition always imply that something must be thrown off, or only in some situations?

- I'd imagine there would be significant differences in the throwing off of anything between a person in (say) the Consensus stage compared to someone in the Spiritual stage. As separating desires becomes less does this mean that such "throwing off" necessities of the opposition become less or start to not apply at all?

Thanks for your help Rad,

blessings Upasika


Hi Upasika,

Quote from: Upasika on Apr 01, 2012, 05:24 PM
Hi Rad,

I hope you had a nice few days off...

Generally an opposition represents assembling and collecting one's energies and functioning - described by the planets in opposition - to a focus, in readiness to enter the social environment as an equal (Gibbous opp). And then going through all the necessary involvements with others that are required to integrate those various aspects of oneself with the wider social environment in a way that is is productive (Full opp). This is done so the individual meaning one has given to the original evolutionary intention can now be be given a social meaning. Also, in this process the exact nature of the separating desires involved are clarified, and the contrast between these desires and the desire to return to the source becomes highlighted. (Please correct me if this understanding of the opposition is not right in any way).


This is all correct except this: " Also, in this process the exact nature of the separating desires involved are clarified, and the contrast between these desires and the desire to return to the source becomes highlighted."

Any desire that is not a specific desire to return to the Source is a separating desire. The nature of the opposition, one of it's archetypes, is to make the Soul aware of separating desires that are no longer needed by the Soul so that other desires can then be acted upon. The desires that are no longer needed by the Soul are then 'thrown off': to be cast aside. This awareness occurs within the Soul by the Soul inwardly opposing itself relative to the separating desires that it no longer needs: the Soul confronts itself from within. This internal opposition of course can be reflected in the external environment by way of confrontations with others who oppose the Soul from acting out those desires that it no longer needs.  


The questions I have about oppositions concerns the "throwing off" that is often attributed to the them.

- What is it that is to be "thrown off" regarding an opposition? Where can this be seen in the signature as it relates to the chart?


See above. The signature is the specific opposition aspect between two or more planets, and the houses that those planets are within: the combined archetypes.


- Does an opposition always imply that something must be thrown off, or only in some situations?


In all situations.


- I'd imagine there would be significant differences in the throwing off of anything between a person in (say) the Consensus stage compared to someone in the Spiritual stage. As separating desires becomes less does this mean that such "throwing off" necessities of the opposition become less or start to not apply at all?


They also apply at the most advanced stages of evolution. For example Jesus dying on the Cross when he cries in pain that "God has forsaken me". This is is reflected in his Pluto/Mars conjunction in Virgo in his 9th in opposition to all his Pisces planets in the 3rd. What he is 'throwing off' at that moment is his own DOUBT about God's love for him where that doubt manifested in the most severe of circumstances: the absolute crisis leading to his physical death.

Another example would be the great Yogananda who had a 10th House Pluto in Gemini in opposition to his Venus in Sagittarius in his 4th. He had been in other lives as well as the current life of being Yogananda extremely attached to his earthy mothers because of his own need for emotional security. To be free of this his Soul then created the life of Yoganada wherein his earthly mother died when he was around five years of age. In 'throwing off' this need, Venus, he then went into the attic of his house and sat there demanding that the Cosmic Mother reveal herself to him from within. And that did indeed happen because of his own determination, 10th House Pluto in opposition to his Venus in the 4th, in such a way that his 'mother' then became the Cosmic Mother. In so doing his Soul then continued to evolve even further.


God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

This question came up for me with regard to Upasika's question about the "throwing off" quality to the opposition.  But I think it is a question that in my mind applies to all aspects.  The question is: in trying to determine just what is being thrown off, do you focus on the faster moving planet to determine what that most likely will be?  And so, in terms of the other aspects, is the leading planet the "clue" to what is going on?
