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Asteroid Goddesses - the undistorted Natural/Divine Feminine

Started by Linda, Sep 06, 2010, 05:48 PM

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Hi Kristin,

Yes everything you said makes sense.  Especially the factor of having a score to settle. I love the way her soul is executing this.  Power just emanates through her physical container.  She is fearlessly taking on the man and his helpers who are rubbing shoulders with murderous cohorts such as Putin and the Saudi crowned prince. And she's doing it as a simple, impassioned girl from the Bronx.  If she had a stare contest with Trump, I'd put a thousand bucks on Trump blinking first. 

She indeed has a score to settle, and I hope this time she is successful without having to surrender her life or get stuck in immobilizing red tape. The time seems to be ripe, but you never know..


Hi All,

Kristin, i will follow this weekend with next segment if it is ok but just wish to comment on AOC and leave this video bellow, really an example of her strength in speaking the Truth, exposing the Lies, the music to our ears as you mention, with Lilith, NN Lilith, Venus in Sag. in the 12th. And her natural simplicity, intelligence, and authority - pallas/moon in the 3rd ruled by mars in Libra in the 10th, but also the natural teacher she is as well as her playful energy. Even when the subject is serious she shows a playful approach, not at all influenced by fear but by courage and laughter, so yeah i agree she has been through a lot.
I don't remember who said that when we don't have a sense of humour we lack a sense of perspective, sometimes difficult but AOC surely knows that ;-)

Stacie, really loved your example with the baby birds on the distortions of natural lilith in cancer.

All the Best,


Hi Kristin, All,

Once again it took me a bit longer to be able to post.
Thank you for your patience,



In the light of our current pace, i was thinking to go back to the time the thread was first restarted a few months ago, try to approach the distorted expressions of Lilith in Cancer under the current transits and hope it will all make sense, specially now Lilith turned retrograde squaring the nodal axis.

I will post bellow the chart for Lilith turning retrograde just a few days ago and the chart for thread restart with Lilith back in November, leaving it open to more thoughts if anyone wants to jump in. It seems important to get a perspective based on the evolution of our studies and what the asteroid Goddesses and communicating to us.
Just some things i would like to focus:
- Lilith/Pallas have been in tight conjunction, Pallas, the Messenger, will also go retrograde at 29 Libra;
- Both charts have Uranus at 29 Aries, squaring the nodal axis; Venus/Ceres and then Lilith/Pallas on the other side of the square, creating a grand cross;
- Lilith is retrograde on the exact same degree Venus went direct last November, Venus has been current Lilith's ruler.

With this thread we've been noticing how Lilith herself, the root, now in Libra conjunct Pallas is always in company of other Deities. With Juno in Gemini trine to Pluto/SN in Capricorn maybe She is suggesting we open our minds and observe what's going on. To listen/share our different views on what we considerer equality in relationships without compromising our truth, as well as healing, recovering and keeping alive an ancient flame from the past - Vesta, the sacred inner fire of the feminine root - Juno opposing Ceres in Sag., Ceres trine Chiron at 29 Pisces, square Vesta/Mercury/Neptune in Pisces, Mercury is the ruler of Juno in Gemini, Jupiter Sag. ruler of Ceres trines Mars/Uranus in Aries. We might have time to approach Vesta more closely later in the thread (curiously Vesta was conjunct Pluto at the time we re-started with Lilith), but in these days the t-square of Vesta with Ceres and Juno can refer to need to keep inner fire alive no matter how difficult the fight for equality gets or how hard it is to let go of past grief.

Demetra George also mentions Vesta's ancient close relationship to the moon, "The women priestesses of this time fostered the fertilizing power of the moon through caring for the water supply and tending a sacred flame which could never be allowed to die. Aside from representing the light of the moon, the sacred flame symbolized the kundalini fires of Indian yogic practice and the secret powers of sexual transmutation. The women who tended the perpetual fires were known as virgins, not because they were sexually chaste, but because they remained unmarried and belonged to no man."*

In the light of current transits i tend to see Goddesses appeal for women to dare to be free and dare to love from place of freedom, whatever that means for each soul, now with the opportunity to heal and leave old hurts behind, as chiron crosses the last Pisces degree. Leaving behind old beliefs, Neptune in square to Jupiter, structured on man made and not natural laws, most the times relative to religious and spiritual distortions and conditioning. This meaning that we are invited to let go what still surrounds us constricting and distorting the expression of the feminine, making room for our vulnerabilities as true source of strength, accepting them, moon's NN in Cancer, SN Lilith in Cancer, keeping in mind and heart that responsibility in self-care and self-love is maturing and tending the inner fire.
Since the square correlates to skipped steps in the making, or their resolution, we are living very exciting times with good opportunity for big leaps forward in our Spiritual Journeys. But as we learn in EA, is mostly our choice wether we leap forward or step back, or manage to do both when cardinal energy presses strongly.
My point in this segment will be that the Goddesses are calling us and They will back every single soul who will make the effort to give it a try.

From a personal perspective, it was very important what Kristin taught since we started, relative to asteroid Lilith and how we can view all the aspects of Her Story in a single asteroid, putting a light in a very confuse approach of many Lilith's and their meanings. I do agree with Kristin that the asteroid having its own nodes, would naturally correlate to a journey from past to present to future by itself, simply understood as part of the same story, other then looking primarily at fragmented parts of Women's souls as their whole story.

The feminine has always been full of mystery, there are always things unseen, to discover, find out, it will not end because its essence is creative and always giving birth to new life and new meaning. Nonetheless, patriarchal need for control seemed to pick up on this natural characteristic and turn it into the major flaw, something utterly wrong, to be condemned and boxed in, with a tape in the background playing endlessly. From the demon, to the bad girl and good girl, to the wife, to the saint, every woman was very easy to understand (read judge) if put in the box.
It is also possible, that astrology absorbed this distortions in some way coming out as a confusing theme with many roads to follow. In my case, until Kristin opened it this way, i tended to stay away from the subject because in my mind it was very confusing, and at some point even shameful (not that this was a conscious though). In essence, with this thread we've been discovering through the application of natural astrology, that women desiring to live from the depths of their roots will know there is no caged place they could ever fit in, the more they tap into who they really are the more others artificial confinements will tend to fall down, even when they take a larger scope in our lives as within a social or political context.
With asteroid Lilith there is a natural integration of all women's aspects and stories around the absolute need for recovery of the same root, and it seems to make sense when we observe it in our lives and feel it in the depths of our souls.
We've all also been agreeing on how difficult it is to actually know what the Original form of the archetypes refer to, as there are very few souls alive today living a true natural existence, in harmony with themselves and everything/everyone around them, making it much easier to know the distortions and unnatural expressions in comparison to the way for resolution. So our only possible exercise has been so much a desire to know, discover and recover, finding a way to solve a conflict whose resolution has origins much yet unknown but definitely alive. It is a creative act indeed!


With Lilith/Pallas conjunction, we've been graced by Pallas Athena wisdom to move our lives forward recovering true understanding of women's needs. This would be particular to each women but in general SN Lilith in Cancer meeting NN of the Moon is the return to Matriarchal teachings and ways of living. With the square, we are kind of being asked, do you really know what you need?
One of the aspects of the Libra archetype correlates to projected needs, what we see in the other as lacking in ourselves and the desire to form relationship based on this perception. Resolution node in Cancer opposing Saturn, Pluto, and we can easily confuse our ability to give ourselves what we need with lacking the capacity to do so, hence insecurity. Relationship not as a way to share ourselves and evolve in the process but as a way to guarantee our needs would be met externally, or that others are dependent on us if we continuously meet their needs. The over-protecting mother as one example.
We can say security and structure, Pluto, Moon, Saturn, also come closely linked. Whenever we can build a structure that can sustain our lives we tend to feel emotionally, psychologically and physically secure, it's only natural. The question becomes when one of the main aspects supporting distortions with women with SN Lilith in Cancer is that these women were made to believe in a false sense of structure, again physical, emotional and psychological structure, from where to build their lives.This can take countless forms, but mostly will involve issues of codependency, lack of self-esteem or the need to be needed to feel secure. Meaning, that the structure they have known from Matriarchal times, in which giving, sharing and including sustained the lives of their communities assuring mutual trust and fulfilment of everyone's needs, have been replaced by a tape that says take as much as you can, keep it to yourself and be better than anyone, so you can feel safe. This inner conflict, to intuitively follow inner truth or maintain security and stability following the rules, exposes a distortion in which women give away their own sovereignty and knowledge for the love of their families, partners, friends and community stability. They have sacrificed their beliefs, authority and truth to keep going, Cancer trine to Pisces, also an expression of women's unconditional love and hope in the future of humanity.

Going back to the question Lilith is asking all of us, square to Pluto nodes, it's probably important we don't stress too much with the answer and trust more in the mysteries of the Moon and the answers she brings. In a sense that distorted SN Lilith in Cancer can be just that doubt. As well as depression, which can severely affect women with this south node in their origins. Depression can correlate to the natural need to stop and evaluate what's happening, how we feel, what we need, what needs change, the same way winter comes every year to restore balance and restart spring. The right time to tune in and withdraw, astrologically the sextile from Scorpio to Capricorn. But in its severe expression, can seriously compromise the ability to function in the world, a world by itself in a very unhealthy state, a never ending cycle. Could be significant for these women not to recover in isolation but find a community of other women in similar situations, who can mutually help each other rebuilt their balance and emotional trust within themselves, others and the world around them, and also remember how they were able to heal according to their Origin and more natural times.

Lack of trust will also be a very unnatural state for this Lilith. Originally, with the trine to Scorpio, this is a powerful woman who knows and trusts herself even if that means to trust her insecurity, so others instinctively trust and feel safe around her.  She could be the mother, the matriarch of the family, the one everyone respects for her example and greatness of Spirit.
Taking this away with unhealthy and abusive relationships, either from family of origin, intimate partners, friendships or toxic workplace, the soul can weaken its light. The place where she could natural go to ground herself turns blocked and heavy, an emotional landscape she won't even wish to get close to. Fears of all kinds can take over the soul and be projected onto others, including the fear of real intimacy, and the world around them may be seen as a very hostile place.
With the grand water trine they could be naive and trust others without the necessary discrimination of who to trust and who not to, letting in their lives abusive people. Although there is one thing these women should never be ashamed of and that is their natural sensitivity and empathy. Astrologers, phychologists, therapists or close friends usually in the best of their intentions would say to these women that they need to set up boundaries. But would also be crucial that these women are not made to believe that they need to do something impossible to their natural selves which is to block the channels from which they experience the world. That setting up boundaries would be to know who they really are and what they really want so they can make clear choices and break free, stay away, from any external source of conflict undermining their happiness and the free flowing of energy and empathy. This would take great significance in the choice of intimate partners, be conscious of the reality of sexual karma, and clearly see abuse for what it is - not trying to rescue the other, but rescue themselves.

*Demetra George & Douglas Bloch, Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Phsychology and Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine


Hi Helena,

A keen thought to show the 2 charts from when we started to where we are now and the correlations. Not a coincidence that tr Lilith is Rx in Libra and squaring the Nodes. We have been hearing some strong female voices in the past 3 months, voices who are demanding more equality, not just between gender but between races and economic class, and these female voices are only growing.

It is fascinating too with this being in cardinal, because it is common for Souls to come out of the gates courageous and then to have those moments of pause, reflection and fear.

As you put it..

~the need to keep inner fire alive no matter how difficult the fight for equality gets or how hard it is to let go of past grief.

Think about how this cardinal energy manifests as a desire to claim who you are, the naval chakra ruled by Mars and Pluto is on fire. The energy initiates at the root as a desire emanating from the Soul and it  shoots up to the naval chakra. In time, in typical Cardinal fashion, there is a pause and the Soul says, "What the  f*ck  did I just do? and the energy drops back down to the root again to find security with these actions because of the insecurity it generates. Two steps forward, one step back. The courage will crawl back into the shell but it will in time re-emerge once the Soul feels safe or something in their world is threatened.

It is a great teaching how you weaved in the other Goddess Asteroids..Lilith always in company of other Deities

women desiring to live from the depths of their roots will know there is no caged place they could ever fit in, the more they tap into who they really are the more others artificial confinements will tend to fall down, even when they take a larger scope in our lives as within a social or political context.

YES. When a woman has the courage to be in the world as she was naturally designed, it will give other women the courage to do the same.

With Lilith/Pallas conjunction, we've been graced by Pallas Athena wisdom to move our lives forward recovering true understanding of women's needs. This would be particular to each women but in general SN Lilith in Cancer meeting NN of the Moon is the return to Matriarchal teachings and ways of living. With the square, we are kind of being asked, do you really know what you need?

Taking it one step further would be, do you have the courage to ask for what you need or to demand, claim and own what is needed, seen with Sn Cancer square tr Lilith? This tr NN in Cancer is also square Aries and opposing VS.

Is your desire to be whole greater than your fear of the past?

SN of Lilith in Cancer which can be felt now with Transiting NN of the Moon in Cancer squaring Lilith in Libra Rx, is requiring an emotional maturing process and an integration of the feminine principle, in women and in men, as well as in country. This symbol represents women going to battle now for what is fair and just. In some cases, it may be a women battling her own inner demons and fears of the past where her nature was demeaned and bemoaned, where she was kept in a box or at home to tend to the family and not allowed a full expression of her feminine self.

A South Node of Lilith in Cancer can also be a symbol for the little girl who never really grew up, tied to the apron strings of a parent. As well this can represent a Soul who has been born into family or tribes where they were forced to fend for themselves at a young age, or perhaps the Soul had an earlier exit than was typical for the time. If a Soul was living during a time where there was war between cultures and tribes, this can represent an emotional body was not fully developed, either from not living into their full adult life, or because the nature of the times did not support full expression of emotion so the Soul was forever forced to shoulder and stomach the full brunt of what they were emotionally experiencing on their own.

When a South Node of Lilith in Cancer is distorted, this Soul will carry a great deal of anger seen with the square to Aries, as a result of lifetimes living in a patriarchal world of repression, control and dominance ~VS. Along with a women's nature being snuffed out and the grave imbalance between gender, square to Libra.  The South Node of Lilith in Cancer alone can reflect recent lives where there was a focus on defending the homeland as in the native Americans trying to protect their land and their tribes. Home is everything to Souls with this signature and when that is threatened, the Aries comes out full blast and with both barrels. The Mamma Bear Roars!

Lack of trust will also be a very unnatural state for this Lilith. Originally, with the trine to Scorpio, this is a powerful woman who knows and trusts herself even if that means to trust her insecurity, so others instinctively trust and feel safe around her.  She could be the mother, the matriarch of the family, the one everyone respects for her example and greatness of Spirit.
Taking this away with unhealthy and abusive relationships, either from family of origin, intimate partners, friendships or toxic workplace, the soul can weaken its light. The place where she could natural go to ground herself turns blocked and heavy, an emotional landscape she won't even wish to get close to. Fears of all kinds can take over the soul and be projected onto others, including the fear of real intimacy, and the world around them may be seen as a very hostile place.

Yes Helena, this can create a total emotional shutdown.

Although there is one thing these women should never be ashamed of and that is their natural sensitivity and empathy.

I agree, the South Node of Lilith in Cancer is PURE Emotion, which is their GREATEST strength. Being sensitive and empathic is a gift to embody and to share, it is about the need for this Soul to find balance with it. You mentioned boundaries which is necessary. It will be essential for the woman be able to access her center of gravity, VS, while also feeling and expressing this emotion, without reacting to the world or to events in an Aries way.

Thank you Helena for bringing your Spirit to these teachings. These are tremendously valuable insights that you shared.

It truly is a time for discovery and recovery.

Goddess Bless,


Hi All,

Here's some additional thoughts about the distorted expression of South Node of Lilith in Cancer/4th house.

The distorted expression of South Node of Lilith in Cancer/4th house may manifest as a permeating insecurity and emotional immaturity. In essence, the Soul is seeking security from the external in such a way as to block, or thwart, the natural emotional maturation process. This may be expressed as being dominated by ones emotions and/or emotionally dominating others in overt/covert ways. For example, projecting hurt through an icy silence or withdrawing emotionally are forms of emotional manipulation. At worst, this may be expressed as overt emotional abuse because of a lack of emotional control.

Conversely, as Stacie mentioned, the individual may have attracted others in early life, most typically the key female figure, who never allowed him/her to truly mature, or "grow up." The mother or key female figure may have projected negative feelings or moods when the individual made any effort to mature outside their sphere of influence. As a result, emotional suffocation takes place within relationships. The key within this is that, in both cases, emotional security is linked with this type of external dependency. Displaced emotions are then carried over into adult life and within relationships. This has the effect of sustaining and recreating the emotional wounds of the past.

Thank you again for continuing this thread. I am very grateful and inspired by what is shared here!




Hi Deva,

Thank you for offering some key content on the distortions of South Node of Lilith in Cancer and how this distorted expression manifests in one's inner reality and in the reality of those around them, especially with respect to displaced emotion.

In a woman or a man, this can emotionally translate into a girl in a woman's body or a boy in a man's body.



Hi Kristin and Deva,

Thank you too for your words. Kristin, about your comment, i really laughed when after writing Lilith always in company of other Deities realising that yeah Lilith is now in Libra :-)

I was reflecting on what you've both said and have a question, that if you see in your experience, distorted SN Lilith in Cancer coming out more frequently as the woman having to grow up too fast, with much responsibility at young age so the inner child is not allowed to play so to speak? Or maybe this is just on the outside? I ask because i don't have many examples that i know more closely of, but the ones i know and also we can see it as far as what's public about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and how she had to work double to help her family, do fall in this category. So my question is more in a sense that when we have a SN, a past and something already dealt with, in case of a distortion of the archetype and considering Lilith relates to the inner strength, if these women will tend more to roll up their sleeves and get to work, Lilith energy incorporating Capricorn in a distorted, i would say forced manner, so to function in a man's world in a man's way, so on the outside this would be what appears to be in place, and the reality of the inner life something completely different like the emotional situations you refer?

Also Kristin and Deva i want to thank you too for your last talk at Guiding Stars on Jupiter/Mercury , really inspiring! It might sound unrelated but something you said about how sound and music balances the soul reminded me of a recent event and how specifically drums and drumming correlates to the root chakra and centering the soul, would you agree?
I will share my experience when i was having a very stressful week earlier this month. After living in the city all my adult life i recently moved back to the country and whenever i am in the city do do something all sorts of problems suddenly show up like a big "go away!" :-) and here i was in the car trying to solve things and a music that i really like with strong drumming starts playing in the radio and i suddenly felt me back into myself again, if that makes sense, all stresses away. Reminded me of something i read a long time ago about a way we honour Capricorn energy is by staying with the pace, entering the rhythm of life and ultimately drums and drumming, from ancient shamanic cultures to now remind the soul to keep grounded. I don't know if this makes sense to the fact Lilith correlates to the root chakra? Now that we're experiencing all this Capricorn energy by transit if we don't have it ourselves in our charts (i know do!), it's a good reminder to stay in place :-)

All the best,


Hi Helena,

I was reflecting on what you've both said and have a question, that if you see in your experience, distorted SN Lilith in Cancer coming out more frequently as the woman having to grow up too fast, with much responsibility at young age so the inner child is not allowed to play so to speak?


Since the child is essentially thrown back upon themselves to cultivate inner security, they can be forced to grow up fast and are not allowed the 'Leave it to Beaver' childhood. This can include parents that are never home because they are working and the child is left to fend for itself. Or yes, in AOC's case, to become more responsible sooner than is ideal so there is no time to play.

This reality for a Soul can occur in the Cancer archetype whether it is distorted or not because the Soul is learning to lean on itself from the inside out. It becomes distorted because we live in a world where conditioning is in place for a majority of society.

Remember too that AOC chose this reality. We now see this was in large part to prepare for the role she would play in this country, and the Capricorn government/men she would be forced to take on.

She does have her Sun and Mars in Libra IN THE 10th reflecting her need to help out with the family. If she was working two jobs while she was young to help her family, she would not have been making her inner reality a priority, so as I shared in an earlier post this can equal emotional arrestment in her intimate relationships or a fear of being vulnerable. Most likely she would choose partners she could help with her 7th house Pluto or those who need her more than she needs them, so she does not have to step into spaces that require vulnerability. She would choose relationships where she would be in control.


Regarding music.


Music connects to Taurus/Venus... and it really is a universal experience for music to be an emotional state changer. Venus can serve as a tuning fork for our emotions and it has a way of bringing some levity and light to all that feels so Capricorn heavy. It can help you relax or it can help you pick up the pace. The drumming in particular is so powerful in its ability to bring you back into your root and ground you, yet it can also help keep you in step with your own heart beat, the heart is ruled by Venus.

Goddess Bless


Hi Helena,

Yes, in my experience the 4th house can manifest as being thrown back on yourself at an early age, either through emotionally absent parents or emotionally volatile circumstances in early life. In essence, emotional security is uprooted in such a way that the Soul is forced to mature very quickly.

Yes, personally I feel that music is a powerful way to unlock the root chakra as it accesses pure emotion. It is  a wonderful way to still my mental energy and tune back into emotional reality. Also, I have found music to be a very safe way to access and process emotions, finding strength in vulnerability (4th house/10th axis).  




Hi Kristin and Deva,

that was very clarifying  :)

Thank you!

P.S. One more thing i remembered is how the water trines can function as compensation, with distorted expressions manifesting in a variety of addictions, including addiction to specific feelings and emotional states, unhealthy in nature and keeping the soul from maturing and accessing its natural emotional strength.


Hi All,

Here is an example of the distorted Cancer archetype of Lilith and how this manifests in Ivanka Trump.
(I do not have a birth time so we will use a Noon chart.)

Notice that her Pluto in Libra squares the Nodes, her North Node is in Cancer and she is about to have a Nodal Return.

Jupiter, the ruler of her Moon, is forming a balsalmic conjunction to Pluto. The Moon is the ruler of her South Node of Lilith in Cancer and her North Node.

Ivanka'a South Node of Lilith is 16 degrees of Cancer and it opposes her Original Lilith in Capricorn at nearly 12 degrees. Together they form a T square to her Saturn in Libra, the ruler of her South Node in Capricorn. Saturn is also forming a waxing square to the Nodes.

The ongoing relationship with the past with respect to family speaks for itself.

We will overlap her chart with her father in a bit but for now please comment on what you see in her natal chart in terms of the distorted dynamics in the past leading to now.

Goddess Bless,

South Node Lilith  Cancer 16.27

Original Lilith        Capricorn  11.31
North Node Lilith   Sagittarius  10.42


Hi Kristin, All,

the fact that her natal Lilith is conjunct SN Saturn, SN Pluto, and square natal Saturn can show she has been keeping this family dynamics for many lifetimes. I wonder about the reason for Pluto to transit first all these planets before arriving then at a conjunction with her natal SN and square Pluto. Would this say she would by default tend not to take the opportunity to step away, distance herself, preferring to keep appearances and follow the rules, Saturn, when she saw things getting quite weird with her father's presidency and husband involved? In a sense she will only be in a position to see the truth about herself, Pluto/Jupiter, when she has no way out, if at all in this lifetime?

This could be also seen in her SN Lilith, i take 16 Cancer? Would put SN Lilith conjunct NN moon, with the moon in Sagittarius as you mention Kristin, correlating with dynamics of the past, Lilith, when she was overly dependent upon this family/fathers/husband, with beliefs structured on following the rules relative to what is expected of a woman, that is, being pretty and nice, all the Libra planets, even if that means subservience, the moon square the mars in virgo, in her case. Maybe with her natal sun in Scorpio and Lilith in Capricorn, this is the life in which, in all distorted senses, she is getting some power to herself as a result of this psychological and emotional dynamics, so from her point of view so far did pay off... And with this the soul is then creating a more difficult path to raise awareness about what exactly means personal power and sense of authority in the social context, from within herself and as woman, as originally symbolised by the natural expression of natal Lilith Cap.



Hi Helena,

Thanks for posting.

I will answer you more fully in a day or two.

One thing I can share for now to confirm her reality seen in these prominent signatures, is that when Ivanka's Mother and Father divorced, she was only 10 years old, her only concern was whether she could keep the Trump FAMILY NAME, because of the power, status, and wealth that came with it.

Goddess Bless,


Hi Helena & All,


You wrote

I wonder about the reason for Pluto to transit first all these planets before arriving then at a conjunction with her natal SN and square Pluto. Would this say she would by default tend not to take the opportunity to step away, distance herself, preferring to keep appearances and follow the rules, Saturn, when she saw things getting quite weird with her father's presidency and husband involved? In a sense she will only be in a position to see the truth about herself, Pluto/Jupiter, when she has no way out, if at all in this lifetime?

Well while she is the Queen of Appearances and appears to follow the rules, there is an entirely other world of deception going on, she is her father's daughter after all.

In fact, the View's Republican Meghan McCain scorches Ivanka's shallow insincerity.

"It's the first crack in her veneer, though," McCain said. "Being caught lying on air is a different thing."
"For her and the image that she is so protective and vociferously, intensely shielded from - one of the reasons I don't like her, is I don't know what she's saying," McCain added. "To me, there never seems like there's a real person in there.

She will do anything to bend or break the rules if she can financially benefit from it, especially lie, lie lie. She learned that from Daddy.

You wrote
In a sense she will only be in a position to see the truth about herself, Pluto/Jupiter, when she has no way out, if at all in this lifetime?

She will see the truth when she and her family finally get busted..and they will. Pluto is approaching her South Node in Capricorn and squaring her Natal Pluto and Jupiter. Pluto is also opposing Trump's Venus, Saturn and Lucifer in Cancer.

Yes, the themes you point out do connect to an over-dependency on family for wealth and power. She also knew being 'beautiful' (although just a manikin in reality ) would add to her power.

Not only is she a Queen of Appearances, she is a Queen of Deception. Venus, the ruler of that Libran stellium, conjuncts Neptune in in Sagittarius, which reflects her GETTING DRUNK ON WORLD FAME.

Her Venus and Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius exactly square Lucifer at 25 degrees of Virgo.

She flies all over the world with or without Daddy to be at that table with anyone who has power, meanwhile she has young children at home who never see their Mother.


The term PARASITE connects to Pluto, her Pluto in Libra squares her Nodes and forms a T-square with her South Node of Lilith in Cancer and her Original Lilith in Capricorn. Parasites attach to others who are powerful because they themselves are addicted to power and cannot manifest it on their own. This has occurred through the families she has been born into as well as Soul's she has been married to.

She clearly has been married to Trump more than once.

Here are their charts overlapped ~ (I overlapped her chart to his because we know his birth time and not hers)


1. For starters, look where all of her Libra planets Trump's SECOND HOUSE..$$$

2. South Node of Lilith in Cancer lands on Trumps Mercury in Cancer, the ruler of his Gemini Sun, North Node of the Moon and Uranus.

3. Ivanka's North Node is EXACTLY conjunct Trump's Venus in Cancer, as well as his Saturn and Lucifer in Cancer.

4. Her Venus and Neptune land on Trump Moon and South Node in Sagittarius in his 4th house.
Her Moon is also in Sagittarius in his 4th house with her North Node of Lilith.

5. Ivanka's Lucifer at 25 Virgo squares Trump's Moon and the Nodes.


1. Composite Venus at 9 degrees of Libra squaring the Nodes in Cancer and Capricorn.  (Note: we do not have her birth time so we do not know for sure what houses the planets land in)

2. Ivanka's Original Lilith in Capricorn conjuncts their composite South Node of the Moon in Capricorn.

3. Ivanka's South Node of Lilith conjuncts their composite North Node of the Moon in Cancer.

Round and Round it goes....Soul contracts to one another indeed, but it's not about love, it's about MONEY and all the power that comes with it.

Ivanka's Liliths

South Node Lilith  Cancer 16.27
Original Lilith        Capricorn  11.31
North Node Lilith   Sagittarius  10.42

Please add further insights if you wish for those reading this thread.

Goddess Bless,


Hi Kristin,

From what you wrote i see many repeating themes around the conjunctions between SN, NN, current Lilith and natal placements/composite. If i understand correctly, when this happens the dynamics of past, present and FUTURE overlap in the current life. Would this be a reflection of mirroring a connection to Evil, in a way that he is never going to be out of the deal, so will she due to the parasitic nature of her soul?  It would make sense with the fact that her soul seems to be empty, gone, nothing there, or worst, occupied. The way you put it, parasite, says it all. Evil energy distorts everything, could we say it has taken all this woman's essence? Is there an honest possibility for her to leave that coming and going?

By original design, SN Lilith Cancer manifest her power from the Heart, by no way she could ever be a Manikin, she is full of life. She is the heartbeat!
Capricorn, her original Lilith, in the positive expression of the archetype correlates with determination, integrity, resilience and mastery of one's life in every possible adversity. In the best possible way, this could be an example chart of someone who facing evil stands up to defeat it every time until its gone, every time stronger... Which makes me think again of this case as an excellent example of the importance to understand the correct application of boundaries we talked previously relative to SN Lilith in Cancer, and how that can never be about emotional repression leading women believing their feelings and emotions are signs of weakness, but to know who they are and what they want from within.

SN Lilith in Cancer is the empath, the one Lilith who's origins relate to the water trine and emotional body.
Empaths take in everything from their environment, with special sensitivity to other's emotional states. We can imagine what feels like for this type of soul to grow up in evil surroundings. These are probably the first women to take in projected guilt, shame, not being good enough and the belief of having to work hard to be what others expect them to be, the dark side of Capricorn archetype. More so when that comes from the ones close to them, family and authority figures the soul sees as role models while growing up.
Most the time this would be unconsciously taken in, as water in Cancer simply is about feeling the feelings and emotions, creating insecurity within the soul, an insecurity based on lies, projections and distortion of their natural essences. This is also an excellent example to notice how hard it is to integrate an inconjunct, in this case Cancer being naturally inconjunct sagittarius and aquarius and the trauma that results from believing a lie and from expecting validation from the outside.

About this and how frequently plays out in women's lives, remembers me of dr. Christiane Northrup (a remarkable woman who's career has been focused on the empowerment of other women) and her strong advise. In her latest book she mentions empaths and sensitive souls tend to create strong bonds with vampires, read pathological narcissists, that initially tell them a bunch of lies, making them feel special, and use their light and life energy to feed from the light and life they don't have (of course each soul would be in this situation because of their own evolutionary and karmic reasons). She tells these women to pay close attention because in this cases they were not chosen they were targeted. And this is such a universal truth for all emphatic souls but certainly for women with their original natures coming from the Cancer sign because they naturally emanate light and love, something so absent in the patriarchal state of awareness.

Considering soul contracts you mention, maybe this is the case when the empath becomes the vampire and so on...
It would be really interesting to have a birth time though. I keep being confused about whether this is a soul conscious or unconscious about her real motives and desires. She has jupiter balsamic to pluto, moon (ruler of SN lilith) in Sagittarius conjunct NN Lilith, original Lilith is ruled by Saturn in Libra, then ruled by venus in Sagittarius conjunct Neptune. Does she consciously know to be deceiving or just leaving in a fantasy world? In a sense that would it be possible for this soul to be in any way conscious of natural law?

Thank you Kristin,